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2011 Conservation and Native Landscaping Award Application


Submission deadline: Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Conservation and Native Landscaping Awards Program is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Chicago Wilderness.   The goals of the awards program are to provide recognition for site and projects within the Chicago Wilderness region which are exemplary in terms of use of native landscaping; demonstrating the principles and best practices of conservation-style development; restoring ecosystems. 

For the 2011 Program we will recognize three categories: Natural Landscaping, Ecological Restoration, and Conservation Developments.  

NOTE:  We will not be recognizing mitigation projects required by law.  Stormwater basins must be connected to larger ecological areas or have other outstanding attributes.

The on-line form, below, should be used to nominate a site or project.  You may submit materials to supplement your application (e.g., site photos or drawings) via mail or e-mail.  Addresses are provided at the bottom of the page.

Contact Information
Please provide the following information for the person - or persons - that the Award Program should contact regarding the success of this site.

Site Owner Information:
1. First Name:
2. Last Name:
3. Organization:
4. Address:
5. City:
6. State:
7. Zip:
8. Phone:
9. E-mail:
Nominator Information (if different from above):
10. First Name:
11. Last Name:
12. Organization:
13. Address:
14. City:
15. Zip:
16. Phone:
17. E-mail:

Project Category

18. Is the site owner/steward: Local Government  
For Profit Corporation
Not-for-profit Corporation

Natural Landscaping (Answer questions 1-39)

Ecological Restoration (Answer questions 1-39)

Conservation Development and Sustainable Development  (Answer questions 1-47)

Project Description
19. Please give a brief description (one or two paragraphs) of your native landscaping, ecological restoration project, or conservation development:
20. Project name (this name will be used on program materials should your site be selected as an award recipient):
21. Location (please give exact address):
22. Project Size (acres, etc.):
23. Date started:
24. Please give a brief description of the site before you initiated this project:
25. What management activities occur here? (Examples: removal of invasive species, prescribed fire, census of nesting or migratory birds, etc.)
26. Please discuss how your maintenance activities at the site have changed (e.g. cost, person-hours, amount of pesticides/herbicides used, mowing, water use.)
27.  Where did you purchase the seeds and/or plants?
28. What proportion (%) of your landscape is native vegetation?
29. Does your project improve  stormwater management in the area?   Explain

30.  Is your project a stormwater detention basin?  If yes, please provide data (e.g amount of retention and nutrients trapped), connection to larger ecological areas or other outstanding attributes.
31. Do you have an ecological management plan for this site? YES NO
32. How does the management of this site support the goals of the Chicago Wilderness Biodiversity Recovery Plan
Exit EPA Disclaimer.
33.  How does the project or site support the goals of the Chicago Wilderness Green Infrastructure Vision.Exit EPA Disclaimer
34.  For ecological restoration sites, please describe the types of habitats being restored.  
35.  Is this restoration required under a mitigation program?
36. For ecological restoration sites, please describe your reference ecosystem.
37.  Are there any threatened or endangered species effected by this project?  If so, please describe.
38. Does your site connect to larger areas of significant habitat? YES NO
38 a.  If yes, describe.
39. Additional Information (example: How is this site used as an educational tool, what are the future plans for the site, etc.):

For Conservation Development projects, please answer questions 40 – 47.  Please discuss how your site meets the "Sustainable Development Principles for Protecting Nature in the Chicago Wilderness Region."  https://www.epa.gov/greenacres/awards/DESIGNPRINCIPLES1.pdf

40. How does the project promote infill development and redevelopment where transportation facilities and utilities already exist?  Is the development compact and/or contiguous to existing community infrastructure?
41. In what ways does the development protect natural resources and habitat, and/or provide buffers to help protect sensitive natural areas?
42. As part of the project did you/will you enhance or restore a stream(s), wetlands or lake.  Please explain.

43. Does the development provide for the permanent preservation of open space?  Please explain.

44. How does the project recognize the value of water as a resource and manage it to protect downstream water bodies, reduce flooding, preserve groundwater resources, and/or maintain natural hydrology?

45. As part of the project did you/will you minimize changes to natural topography, soils, and/or vegetation?  Where sites have been previously altered, did you/will you seek to restore natural conditions to the extent possible?  Please explain.

46. What procedures have been put in place to assure maintenance of Best Management Practices and ongoing management of natural areas? 
47. What features of the development contribute to other aspects of sustainability, including the social and economic dimensions of sustainability?
In order to keep a copy of your application, you need to print this page before submitting.

Pictures (especially digital), slides or videos are encouraged. Unless specifically requested, they will not be returned.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! Submit on-line application by Thursday, July 7, 2011.  If you have supplemental materials you would like to provide, please send the materials to: Danielle Green green.danielle@epa.gov

Mailing address:
Danielle Green
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
77 W. Jackson Blvd. (G-17J)
Chicago, IL 60604

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