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Zooxanthellae are flagellate protozoa that are golden-brown intracellular endosymbionts of various marine animals and protozoa, especially anthozoans such as the scleractinian corals


Algae are aquatic, photosynthetic plant-like organisms and include calcareous macroalgae, fleshy macroalgae, turf algae, and crustose coralline algae. Anemones & zooanthids are cnidarians very similar to coral, but are not characteristic reef builders. Biological Harvest is the collection of living things from the ecosystem for recreation, consumption, or sale of marine products. Calcareous macroalgae are large algae which deposit calcium carbonate to form skeletons. Carbon storage and cycling is the ability of an ecosystem to utilize, process, and store carbon. Contact Uses, such as biological additions, physical damage, and biological harvesting, are activities in which humans create pressures through direct contact with the ecosystem. Coral is a colonial marine animal consisting of polyps. Coralline algae is a low-growing type of algae on reefs that has calcareous deposits. Cultural services are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, recreational opportunities, aesthetic experiences, sense of place, and educational and research opportunities. Discharge limitations are responses to regulate and control the discharge of pollutants and the use of chemicals. Discharges are the intentional or unintentional distribution of chemicals, debris, or other pollution, into the environment as a consequence of human activities. Ecosystem monitoring and restoration refers to responses to directly alter the condition of the reef ecosystem through restoration or remediation activities, setting  limits on degradation through biological criteria or water quality criteria, or improving  knowledge through monitoring, mapping, and scientific research. Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems . Fleshy macroalgae is any large algae which does not deposit calcium carbonate in it's tissues. An Invertebrate is any animal that lacks a backbone. Large herbivorous fish are any large bodied fish that primarily feed on algae, such as parrotfish and chubs. Nutrients are essential elements needed by plants and animals for growth and primarily include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, as well as minor nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, or zinc. The Reef Ecosystem includes a suite of abiotic variables that form the physical and chemical environment. Physical Damage to reef habitat and wetlands can occur from vessel groundings, dredging, trampling, boat movement, anchor drops, trawling, and fishing gear. Pressures are human activities that create stress on the environment. Provisioning services are the products or ecosystem goods obtained from ecosystems, including seafood, genetic and biochemical resources, pharmaceuticals, ornamental resources, and water resources. The state of the Reef Ecosystem is the condition, in terms of quantity and quality, of the abiotic and biotic components including physical, chemical, and biological variables. Reef Habitat is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the benthic components of the reef ecosystem. Reef Inhabitants are all of the motile components of the reef ecosystem, including fish, invertebrates, marine reptiles and mammals, and are quantified by their  abundance, distribution, and condition. Reef Life is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the biological components of the coral reef ecosystem. Regulating Services are benefits obtained from ecosystem processes that regulate the environment, including erosion regulation, natural hazard regulation, and climate regulation. Resource use management pertains to responses to regulate or limit contact activities that may directly impact coastal species through harvesting or physical damage. Responses are actions taken by groups or individuals in society and government to prevent, compensate, ameliorate or adapt to changes in Ecosystem Services or their perceived value. Sea Urchins are small, spiny echinoderms that can be found in coral reef ecosystems. Small herbivorous fish are small bodied fish species, such as damselfish, tangs, and surgeonfish that primarily feed on algae. Socio-Economic Drivers include the sectors that fulfill human needs for Food & Raw Materials, Water, Shelter, Health, Culture, and Security, and the Infrastructure that supports the sectors. Sponges are sessile colonial animals with soft porous bodies supported by a fibrous skeletal framework. Supporting services are ecological processes that indirectly benefit humans by maintaining a functional ecosystem for the production of other ecosystem goods and services. Turf algae is a type of low growing algae in reefs. Zooxanthellae are flagellate protozoa that are golden-brown intracellular endosymbionts of various marine animals and protozoa, especially anthozoans such as the scleractinian corals

CMap Description

Zooxanthellae, a type of algae, form symbiotic relationships with various marine animals. In coral, zooxanthellae, provide carbon storage & cycling via photosynthesis, supplying up to 90% of the hosts energy requirements and facilitating growth and development of the reef. Zooxanthellae also act as the pigment for the multitude of distinct coral colors. Pressures, caused by socio-economic drivers, modify the physical & chemical environment by increasing sea surface temperatures, increasing sediment loads, varying salinity, or introducing disease causing microorganisms onto the reef. Under these conditions coral will "bleach," breaking the symbiotic relationship by expelling or digesting the zooxanthellae. Ultimately, the coral dies if it is unable to regain zooxanthellae. Monitoring, mapping, and scientific research can be used to track the distribution and abundance of bleaching, and to understand environmental stresses leading to coral bleaching.


Citation Year Study Location Study Type Database Topics
Anlauf, H; D'Croz, L; O'Dea, A. 2011. A corrosive concoction: The combined effects of ocean warming and acidification on the early growth of a stony coral are multiplicative. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 397:13-20. 2011 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii CO2; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baker, DM; Kim, K; Andras, JP; Sparks, JP. 2011. Light-mediated (15)N fractionation in Caribbean gorgonian octocorals: implications for pollution monitoring. Coral Reefs 30:709-717. 2011 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Nutrients; Octocoral; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Barbanti, SM; Moldowan, JM; Watt, DS; Kolaczkowska, E. 2011. New triaromatic steroids distinguish Paleozoic from Mesozoic oil. Organic Geochemistry 42:409-424. 2011 Global Climate; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Bo, M; Baker, AC; Gaino, E; Wirshing, HH; Scoccia, F; Bavestrello, G. 2011. First description of algal mutualistic endosymbiosis in a black coral (Anthozoa: Antipatharia). Marine Ecology Progress Series 435:1-11. 2011 Indonesia Algae; Boring Sponges; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bongaerts, P; Sampayo, EM; Bridge, TCL; Ridgway, T; Vermeulen, F; Englebert, N; Webster, JM; Hoegh-Guldberg, O. 2011. Symbiodinium diversity in mesophotic coral communities on the Great Barrier Reef: a first assessment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 439:117-126. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Brady, AK; Snyder, KA; Vize, PD. 2011. Circadian Cycles of Gene Expression in the Coral, Acropora millepora. PLoS One 6. 2011 Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Chauvin, A; Denis, V; Cuet, P. 2011. Is the response of coral calcification to seawater acidification related to nutrient loading? Coral Reefs 30:911-923. 2011 Indian Ocean; Cuba; India Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Discharges; Nutrients; Ocean Acidity; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Cleveland, A; Verde, EA; Lee, RW. 2011. Nutritional exchange in a tropical tripartite symbiosis: direct evidence for the transfer of nutrients from anemonefish to host anemone and zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 158:589-602. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Cooper, TF; Berkelmans, R; Ulstrup, KE; Weeks, S; Radford, B; Jones, AM; Doyle, J; Canto, M; O'Leary, RA; van Oppen, MJH. 2011. Environmental Factors Controlling the Distribution of Symbiodinium Harboured by the Coral Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS One 6. 2011 Global; Australia Climate; Sediment; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Cooper, TF; Lai, M; Ulstrup, KE; Saunders, SM; Flematti, GR; Radford, B; van Oppen, MJH. 2011. Symbiodinium Genotypic and Environmental Controls on Lipids in Reef Building Corals. PLoS One 6. 2011 Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cooper, TF; Ulstrup, KE; Dandan, SS; Heyward, AJ; Kuhl, M; Muirhead, A; O'Leary, RA; Ziersen, BEF; Van Oppen, MJH. 2011. Niche specialization of reef-building corals in the mesophotic zone: metabolic trade-offs between divergent Symbiodinium types. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:1840-1850. 2011 Australia Climate; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Denis, V; Debreuil, J; De Palmas, S; Richard, J; Guillaume, MMM; Bruggemann, JH. 2011. Lesion regeneration capacities in populations of the massive coral Porites lutea at Reunion Island: environmental correlates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 428:105-117. 2011 Reunion; India Field Study & Monitoring; Model Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Light; Non-point Source Runoff; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Diaz-Almeyda, E; Thome, PE; El Hafidi, M; Iglesias-Prieto, R. 2011. Differential stability of photosynthetic membranes and fatty acid composition at elevated temperature in Symbiodinium. Coral Reefs 30:217-225. 2011 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C; Peirano, A; Abbate, M; Cocito, S; Negri, A; Rottier, C; Riera, P; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R; Reynaud, S. 2011. Summer autotrophy and winter heterotrophy in the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1429-1438. 2011 Nutrients; Plankton; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Forcioli, D; Merle, PL; Caligara, C; Ciosi, M; Muti, C; Francour, P; Cerrano, C; Allemand, D. 2011. Symbiont diversity is not involved in depth acclimation in the Mediterranean sea whip Eunicella singularis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 439:57-71. 2011 Light; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Freeman, CJ; Thacker, RW. 2011. Complex interactions between marine sponges and their symbiotic microbial communities. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1577-1586. 2011 South & Central America; Caribbean Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Garcia-Arredondo, A; Rojas-Molina, A; Ibarra-Alvarado, C; Iglesias-Prieto, R. 2011. Effects of bleaching on the pharmacological and toxicological activities elicited by the aqueous extracts prepared from two "fire corals" collected in the Mexican Caribbean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396:171-176. 2011 South & Central America; Caribbean Hydrocoral; Zooxanthellae
Godinot, C; Ferrier-Pages, C; Montagna, P; Grover, R. 2011. Tissue and skeletal changes in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata Esper 1797 under phosphate enrichment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 409:200-207. 2011 Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Godinot, C; Grover, R; Allemand, D; Ferrier-Pages, C. 2011. High phosphate uptake requirements of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:2749-2754. 2011 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; Nutrients; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Godinot, C; Houlbreque, F; Grover, R; Ferrier-Pages, C. 2011. Coral Uptake of Inorganic Phosphorus and Nitrogen Negatively Affected by Simultaneous Changes in Temperature and pH. PLoS One 6. 2011 Cuba Climate; CO2; Nutrients; Ocean Acidity; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goldenheim, WM; Edmunds, PJ. 2011. Effects of Flow and Temperature on Growth and Photophysiology of Scleractinian Corals in Moorea, French Polynesia. Biological Bulletin 221:270-279. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Climate; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Granados-Cifuentes, C; Rodriguez-Lanetty, M. 2011. The use of high-resolution melting analysis for genotyping Symbiodinium strains: a sensitive and fast approach. Molecular Ecology Resources 11:394-399. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Zooxanthellae
Grottoli, AG; Rodrigues, LJ. 2011. Bleached Porites compressa and Montipora capitata corals catabolize delta(13)C-enriched lipids. Coral Reefs 30:687-692. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Haslun, J. A., K. B. Strychar, G. Buck, and P. W. Sammarco. 2011. Coral Bleaching Susceptibility Is Decreased following Short-Term (1-3 Year) Prior Temperature Exposure and Evolutionary History. Journal of Marine Biology 1-13. 2011 Global; Florida Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, M; Allenby, A; Ramsby, B; Schonberg, C; Hill, A. 2011. Symbiodinium diversity among host clionaid sponges from Caribbean and Pacific reefs: Evidence of heteroplasmy and putative host-specific symbiont lineages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59:81-88. 2011 Global; South & Central America; Florida; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Boring Sponges; Ports & Harbors; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R; Brown, CM; DeZeeuw, K; Campbell, DA; Ralph, PJ. 2011. Increased rate of D1 repair in coral symbionts during bleaching is insufficient to counter accelerated photo-inactivation. Limnology and Oceanography 56:139-146. 2011 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hirose, M; Obuchi, M; Hirose, E; Reimer, JD. 2011. Timing of Spawning and Early Development of Palythoa tuberculosa (Anthozoa, Zoantharia, Sphenopidae) in Okinawa, Japan. Biological Bulletin 220:23-31. 2011 Japan Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Huang, H; Dong, ZJ; Huang, LM; Yang, JH; Di, BP; Li, YC; Zhou, GW; Zhang, CL. 2011. Latitudinal variation in algal symbionts within the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis in the South China Sea. Marine Biology Research 7:208-211. 2011 China Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, PL. 2011. The reef coral two compartment proton flux model: A new approach relating tissue-level physiological processes to gross corallum morphology. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 409:1-12. 2011 Model Light; Ocean Acidity; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Li, S; Yu, KF; Chen, TR; Shi, Q; Zhang, HL. 2011. Assessment of coral bleaching using symbiotic zooxanthellae density and satellite remote sensing data in the Nansha Islands, South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin 56:1031-1037. 2011 China Remote Sensing Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Linan-Cabello, MA; Flores-Ramirez, LA; Laurel-Sandoval, MA; Mendoza, EG; Santiago, OS; Delgadillo-Nuno, MA. 2011. Acclimation in Pocillopora spp. during a coral restoration program in Carrizales Bay, Colima, Mexico. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 44:61-72. 2011 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Mexico Index or Indicator Pathogens; Stony Coral; Substrate; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Zooxanthellae
Lobban, CS; Raymundo, LM; Montagnes, DJS. 2011. Porpostoma guamensis n. sp., a Philasterine Scuticociliate Associated With Brown-Band Disease of Corals. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 58:103-113. 2011 Guam Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Maia, LF; Fleury, BG; Lages, BG; Barbosa, JP; Pinto, AC; Castro, HV; de Oliveira, VE; Edwards, HGM; de Oliveira, LFC. 2011. Identification of reddish pigments in octocorals by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42:653-658. 2011 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Maoka, T; Akimoto, N; Tsushima, M; Komemushi, S; Mezaki, T; Iwase, F; Takahashi, Y; Sameshima, N; Mori, M; Sakagami, Y. 2011. Carotenoids in Marine Invertebrates Living along the Kuroshio Current Coast. Marine Drugs 9:1419-1427. 2011 Seastars; Snails & Conch; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Miller, AW; Blackwelder, P; Al-Sayegh, H; Richardson, LL. 2011. Fine-structural analysis of black band disease-infected coral reveals boring cyanobacteria and novel bacteria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 93:179-190. 2011 Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Morar, SR; Bury, SJ; Wilkinson, SP; Davy, SK. 2011. Sedimentary nitrogen uptake and assimilation in the temperate zooxanthellate sea anemone Anthopleura aureoradiata. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 399:110-119. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Negri, AP; Flores, F; Rothig, T; Uthicke, S. 2011. Herbicides increase the vulnerability of corals to rising sea surface temperature. Limnology and Oceanography 56:471-485. 2011 Global Model Agriculture; Algae; Chemical Use Regulations; Climate; Coralline Algae; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Ocean Acidity; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Nir, O; Gruber, DF; Einbinder, S; Kark, S; Tchernov, D. 2011. Changes in scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix morphology and its endocellular Symbiodinium characteristics along a bathymetric gradient from shallow to mesophotic reef. Coral Reefs 30:1089-1100. 2011 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Oliver, TA; Palumbi, SR. 2011. Many corals host thermally resistant symbionts in high-temperature habitat. Coral Reefs 30:241-250. 2011 Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Orejas, C; Ferrier-Pages, C; Reynaud, S; Tsounis, G; Allemand, D; Gili, JM. 2011. Experimental comparison of skeletal growth rates in the cold-water coral Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 and three tropical scleractinian corals. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 405:1-5. 2011 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Peng, SE; Chen, WNU; Chen, HK; Lu, CY; Mayfield, AB; Fang, LS; Chen, CS. 2011. Lipid bodies in coral-dinoflagellate endosymbiosis: Proteomic and ultrastructural studies. Proteomics 11:3540-3555. 2011 Cleaner & Solvent Use; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pinzon, JH; Devlin-Durante, MK; Weber, MX; Baums, IB; LaJeunesse, TC. 2011. Microsatellite loci for Symbiodinium A3 (S. fitti) a common algal symbiont among Caribbean Acropora (stony corals) and Indo-Pacific giant clams (Tridacna). Conservation Genetics Resources 3:45-47. 2011 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Putnam, HM; Edmunds, PJ. 2011. The physiological response of reef corals to diel fluctuations in seawater temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396:216-223. 2011 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rawlinson, KA; Gillis, JA; Billings, RE; Borneman, EH. 2011. Taxonomy and life history of the Acropora-eating flatworm Amakusaplana acroporae nov sp (Polycladida: Prosthiostomidae). Coral Reefs 30:693-705. 2011 Model Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roopin, M; Thornhill, DJ; Santos, SR; Chadwick, NE. 2011. Ammonia flux, physiological parameters, and Symbiodinium diversity in the anemonefish symbiosis on Red Sea coral reefs. Symbiosis 53:63-74. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Light; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Sawall, Y; Teichberg, MC; Seemann, J; Litaay, M; Jompa, J; Richter, C. 2011. Nutritional status and metabolism of the coral Stylophora subseriata along a eutrophication gradient in Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia). Coral Reefs 30:841-853. 2011 Cuba; Indonesia Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schmidt, C; Heinz, P; Kucera, M; Uthicke, S. 2011. Temperature-induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1587-1602. 2011 Climate; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Seyfabadi, J; Shokri, N; Fatemi, MR. 2011. Spatial variation of symbiotic Dinoflagellates on coral reefs of the northern Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal Of Fisheries Sciences 10:475-486. 2011 Index or Indicator Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shahhosseiny, MH; Mostafavi, PG; Fatemi, SMR; Karimi, E. 2011. Clade identification of symbiotic zooxanthellae of dominant sclerectinian coral species of intertidal pools in Hengam Island. African Journal of Biotechnology 10:1502-1506. 2011 Iran Light; Nutrients; Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Suggett, DJ; Smith, DJ. 2011. Interpreting the sign of coral bleaching as friend vs. foe. Global Change Biology 17:45-55. 2011 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sweet, MJ; Croquer, A; Bythell, JC. 2011. Bacterial assemblages differ between compartments within the coral holobiont. Coral Reefs 30:39-52. 2011 Algae; Climate; Microorganisms; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tchernov, D; Kvitt, H; Haramaty, L; Bibby, TS; Gorbunov, MY; Rosenfeld, H; Falkowski, PG. 2011. Apoptosis and the selective survival of host animals following thermal bleaching in zooxanthellate corals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:9905-9909. 2011 Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Climate; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Teece, MA; Estes, B; Gelsleichter, E; Lirman, D. 2011. Heterotrophic and autotrophic assimilation of fatty acids by two scleractinian corals, Montastraea faveolata and Porites astreoides. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1285-1296. 2011 Florida Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tolosa, I; Treignier, C; Grover, R; Ferrier-Pages, C. 2011. Impact of feeding and short-term temperature stress on the content and isotopic signature of fatty acids, sterols, and alcohols in the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis. Coral Reefs 30:763-774. 2011 Algae; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tremblay, P; Peirano, A; Ferrier-Pages, C. 2011. Heterotrophy in the Mediterranean symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa: comparison with two other scleractinian species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 422:165-177. 2011 Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, KE; Kuhl, M; van Oppen, MJH; Cooper, TF; Ralph, PJ. 2011. Variation in photosynthesis and respiration in geographically distinct populations of two reef-building coral species. Aquatic Biology 12:241-248. 2011 Australia Algae; Climate; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
van Duyl, FC; Moodley, L; Nieuwland, G; van Ijzerloo, L; van Soest, RWM; Houtekamer, M; Meesters, EH; Middelburg, JJ. 2011. Coral cavity sponges depend on reef-derived food resources: stable isotope and fatty acid constraints. Marine Biology 158:1653-1666. 2011 South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Model Algae; Coralline Algae; Encrusting Sponges; Nutrients; Plankton; Sponges; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Vargas-Angel, B; Looney, EE; Vetter, OJ; Coccagna, EF. 2011. Severe, Widespread El Nino Associated Coral Bleaching In The Us Phoenix Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science 87:623-638. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii; Baker Island; Howland Island Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Villanueva, RD; Yap, HT; Montano, MNE. 2011. Reproductive effects of the water-accommodated fraction of a natural gas condensate in the Indo-Pacific reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74:2268-2274. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii Lab Study; Index or Indicator Natural Gas & Electric Power; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wagner, D; Pochon, X; Irwin, L; Toonen, RJ; Gates, RD. 2011. Azooxanthellate? Most Hawaiian black corals contain Symbiodinium. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:1323-1328. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii; Johnston Atoll Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wang, JT; Meng, PJ; Sampayo, E; Tang, SL; Chen, CA. 2011. Photosystem II breakdown induced by reactive oxygen species in freshly-isolated Symbiodinium from Montipora (Scleractinia; Acroporidae). Marine Ecology Progress Series 422:51-62. 2011 Index or Indicator Algae; Climate; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wham, DC; Pettay, DT; LaJeunesse, TC. 2011. Microsatellite loci for the host-generalist "zooxanthella" Symbiodinium trenchi and other Clade D Symbiodinium. Conservation Genetics Resources 3:541-544. 2011 Palau Climate; Complex Habitat & Resources; Zooxanthellae
Wijgerde, T; Diantari, R; Lewaru, MW; Verreth, JAJ; Osinga, R. 2011. Extracoelenteric zooplankton feeding is a key mechanism of nutrient acquisition for the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3351-3357. 2011 Field Study & Monitoring Aquaculture; Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Williams, GJ; Work, TM; Aeby, GS; Knapp, IS; Davy, SK. 2011. Gross and microscopic morphology of lesions in Cnidaria from Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106:165-173. 2011 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Palmyra Atoll; Caribbean Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Octocoral; Pathogens; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yamashita, H; Suzuki, G; Hayashibara, T; Koike, K. 2011. Do corals select zooxanthellae by alternative discharge? Marine Biology 158:87-100. 2011 South & Central America; Caribbean Climate; Discharges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yamazaki, A; Watanabe, T; Ogawa, NO; Ohkouchi, N; Shirai, K; Toratani, M; Uematsu, M. 2011. Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotope composition of Okinotori coral in the tropical western Pacific: A new proxy for marine nitrate dynamics. Journal Of Geophysical Research-biogeosciences 116. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii; Japan Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Yuyama, I; Watanabe, T; Takei, Y. 2011. Profiling Differential Gene Expression of Symbiotic and Aposymbiotic Corals Using a High Coverage Gene Expression Profiling (HiCEP) Analysis. Marine Biotechnology 13:32-40. 2011 Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhou, GW; Huang, H. 2011. Low genetic diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) in scleractinian corals from tropical reefs in southern Hainan Island, China. Journal Of Systematics And Evolution 49:598-605. 2011 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; China Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhou, GW; Huang, H; Dong, ZJ; Yu, ZN. 2011. Temporal stability of Symbiodinium phylotype in scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis from a tropical fringing reef in the South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 29:1186-1191. 2011 Global; China Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhu, BH; Pan, KH; Wang, GC. 2011. Effects of host starvation on the symbiotic dinoflagellates from the sea anemone Stichodactyla mertensii. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 32:15-23. 2011 Index or Indicator Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Barbeitos, M. S., S. L. Romano, and H. R. Lasker. 2010. Repeated loss of coloniality and symbiosis in scleractinian corals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107:11877-11882. 2010 South & Central America; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Caribbean Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baskett, M. L., R. M. Nisbet, C. V. Kappel, P. J. Mumby, and S. D. Gaines. 2010. Conservation management approaches to protecting the capacity for corals to respond to climate change: a theoretical comparison. Global Change Biology 16:1229-1246. 2010 Global Model Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baums, I. B., M. E. Johnson, M. K. Devlin-Durante, and M. W. Miller. 2010. Host population genetic structure and zooxanthellae diversity of two reef-building coral species along the Florida Reef Tract and wider Caribbean. Coral Reefs 29:835-842. 2010 South & Central America; Florida; Bahamas; Honduras; Caribbean; Mexico Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bertucci, A., E. Tambutte, S. Tambutte, D. Allemand, and D. Zoccola. 2010. Symbiosis-dependent gene expression in coral-dinoflagellate association: cloning and characterization of a P-type H+-ATPase gene. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277:87-95. 2010 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Bielmyera, G. K., M. Grosell, R. Bhagooli, A. C. Baker, C. Langdon, P. Gillette, and T.R. Capo. 2010. Differential effects of copper on three species of scleractinian corals and their algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp.). Aquatic Toxicology 97:125-133. 2010 Lab Study Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cebrian, E. 2010. Grazing on coral reefs facilitates growth of the excavating sponge Cliona orientalis (Clionaidae, Hadromerida). Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 31:533-538. 2010 Australia Algae; Boring Sponges; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Primary Production; Sponges; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Cheng, Y. R. and C. F. Dai. 2010. Endosymbiotic copepods may feed on zooxanthellae from their coral host, Pocillopora damicornis. Coral Reefs 29:13-18. 2010 Taiwan Algae; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Crabbe, M. J. C. 2010. Computational Biology Approaches to Plant Metabolism and Photosynthesis: Applications for Corals in Times of Climate Change and Environmental Stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52:698-703. 2010 Review Climate; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Edwards, A. J., editor. 2010. Reef rehabilitation manual. The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program, St Lucia, Australia. 2010 Global; Australia Algae; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Climate; Mitigation; Stony Coral; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Zooxanthellae
Erwin, P. M. and A. M. Szmant. 2010. Settlement induction of Acropora palmata planulae by a GLW-amide neuropeptide. Coral Reefs 29:929-939. 2010 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean; Europe Field Study & Monitoring Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C., C. Rottier, E. Beraud, and O. Levy. 2010. Experimental assessment of the feeding effort of three scleractinian coral species during a thermal stress: Effect on the rates of photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 390:118-124. 2010 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gaither, M. R. and R. Rowan. 2010. Zooxanthellar symbiosis in planula larvae of the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 386:45-53. 2010 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Garren, M. and F. Azam. 2010. New Method for Counting Bacteria Associated with Coral Mucus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:6128-6133. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Wastewater Discharge; Zooxanthellae
Grimsditch, G., J. M. Mwaura, J. Kilonzo, and N. Amiyo. 2010. The Effects of Habitat on Coral Bleaching Responses in Kenya. Ambio 39:295-304. 2010 Kenya Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hagedorn, M., V. L. Carter, J. C. Leong, and F. W. Kleinhans. 2010. Physiology and cryosensitivity of coral endosymbiotic algae (Symbiodinium). Cryobiology 60:147-158. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii Model Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hagedorn, M., V. L. Carter, S. Ly, R. M. Andrell, P. H. Yancey, J. A. C. Leong, and F. W. Kleinhans. 2010. Analysis of Internal Osmolality in Developing Coral Larvae, Fungia scutaria. Physiological And Biochemical Zoology 83:157-166. 2010 Global Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Higuchi, T., H. Fujimura, Y. Hitomi, T. Arakaki, T. Oomori, and Y. Suzuki. 2010. Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radicals in Tissue Extracts of the Coral Galaxea fascicularis. Photochemistry and Photobiology 86:1421-1426. 2010 Cuba Light; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B., I. M. Yakovleva, and L. Q. Pham. 2010. Distribution of lipids and fatty acids in the zooxanthellae and host of the soft coral Sinularia sp. Fisheries Science 76:375-380. 2010 Index or Indicator Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B., N. A. Latyshev, T. N. Dautova, and Y. Y. Latypov. 2010. Distribution of lipids and fatty acids in corals by their taxonomic position and presence of zooxanthellae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 409:65-U77. 2010 China; Vietnam Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Jantzen, C., C. Wild, M. Rasheed, M. El-Zibdah, and C. Richter. 2010. Enhanced pore-water nutrient fluxes by the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea sp in a Red Sea coral reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series 411:117-U162. 2010 Nutrients; Primary Production; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Jimbo, M., H. Yamashita, K. Koike, R. Sakai, and H. Kamiya. 2010. Effects of lectin in the scleractinian coral Ctenactis echinata on symbiotic zooxanthellae. Fisheries Science 76:355-363. 2010 China Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, A. and R. Berkelmans. 2010. Potential Costs of Acclimatization to a Warmer Climate: Growth of a Reef Coral with Heat Tolerant vs. Sensitive Symbiont Types. PLoS One 5:e10437. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Krief, S., E. J. Hendy, M. Fine, R. Yam, A. Meibom, G. L. Foster, and A. Shemesh. 2010. Physiological and isotopic responses of scleractinian corals to ocean acidification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74:4988-5001. 2010 Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Ocean Acidity; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kuguru, B., Y. Achituv, D. F. Gruber, and D. Tchernov. 2010. Photoacclimation mechanisms of corallimorpharians on coral reefs: Photosynthetic parameters of zooxanthellae and host cellular responses to variation in irradiance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 394:53-62. 2010 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P., M. Slattery, M. Stat, M. Ojimi, R. D. Gates, and A. Grottoli. 2010. Photoacclimatization by the coral Montastraea cavernosa in the mesophotic zone: light, food, and genetics. Ecology 91:990-1003. 2010 Bahamas Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Linan-Cabello, M. A., L. A. Flores-Ramirez, J. F. Cobo-Diaz, T. Zenteno-Savin, N. O. Olguin-Monroy, A. Olivos-Ortiz, and A. Tintos-Gomez. 2010. Response to short term ultraviolet stress in the reef-building coral Pocillopora capitata (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Revista de Biologia Tropical 58:103-118. 2010 US Pacific & Hawaii Lab Study Algae; Light; Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Linan-Cabello, M. A., L. A. Flores-Ramirez, T. Zenteno-Savin, N. O. Olguin-Monroy, R. Sosa-Avalos, M. Patino-Barragan, and A. Olivos-Ortiz. 2010. Seasonal changes of antioxidant and oxidative parameters in the coral Pocillopora capitata on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 31:407-417. 2010 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Mexico Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lins-de-Barros, M. M., R. P. Vieira, A. M. Cardoso, V. A. Monteiro, A. S. Turque, C. B. Silveira, R. M. Albano, M. M. Clementino, and O. B. Martins. 2010. Archaea, Bacteria, and Algal Plastids Associated with the Reef-Building Corals Siderastrea stellata and Mussismilia hispida from BA(0)zios, South Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Microbial Ecology 59:523-532. 2010 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Atlantic Ocean Cyanobacteria; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Maier, C., M. G. Weinbauer, and J. Patzold. 2010. Stable isotopes reveal limitations in C and N assimilation in the Caribbean reef corals Madracis auretenra, M. carmabi and M. formosa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 412:103-112. 2010 South & Central America; Caribbean Light; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Main, W. P. L., C. Ross, and G. K. Bielmyer. 2010. Copper accumulation and oxidative stress in the sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida, after waterborne copper exposure. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-toxicology & Pharmacology 151:216-221. 2010 Field Study & Monitoring; Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Zooxanthellae
Mass, T., D. I. Kline, M. Roopin, C. J. Veal, S. Cohen, D. Iluz, and O. Levy. 2010. The spectral quality of light is a key driver of photosynthesis and photoadaptation in Stylophora pistillata colonies from different depths in the Red Sea. Journal of Experimental Biology 213:4084-4091. 2010 Algae; Light; Primary Production; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Murali, M. R., S. B. Raja, and S. N. Devaraj. 2010. Neutralization of radical toxicity by temperature-dependent modulation of extracellular SOD activity in coral bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi and its role as a virulence factor. Archives of Microbiology 192:619-623. 2010 Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Naumann, M. S., C. Mayr, U. Struck, and C. Wild. 2010. Coral mucus stable isotope composition and labeling: experimental evidence for mucus uptake by epizoic acoelomorph worms. Marine Biology 157:2521-2531. 2010 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Previati, M., A. Scinto, C. Cerrano, and R. Osinga. 2010. Oxygen consumption in Mediterranean octocorals under different temperatures. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 390:39-48. 2010 Climate; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Ross, C., R. Ritson-Williams, R. Pierce, J. B. Bullington, M. Henry, and V. J. Paul. 2010. Effects of the Florida red tide dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, on oxidative stress and metamorphosis of larvae of the coral Porites astreoides. Harmful Algae 9:173-179. 2010 Florida Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rypien, K. L., J. R. Ward, and F. Azam. 2010. Antagonistic interactions among coral-associated bacteria. Environmental Microbiology 12:28-39. 2010 Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sharp, K. H., K. B. Ritchie, P. J. Schupp, R. Ritson-Williams, and V. J. Paul. 2010. Bacterial Acquisition in Juveniles of Several Broadcast Spawning Coral Species. PLoS One 5:e10898. 2010 Microorganisms; Ports & Harbors; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shiroma, E. and J. D. Reimer. 2010. Investigations into the Reproductive Patterns, Ecology, and Morphology in the Zoanthid Genus Palythoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Okinawa, Japan. Zoological Studies 49:182-194. 2010 Japan Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Suggett, D. J. and D. J. Smith. 2010. Interpreting the sign of coral bleaching as friend vs. foe. Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02155.x. 2010 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tanaka, Y., H. Ogawa, and T. Miyajima. 2010. Effects of nutrient enrichment on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen by the scleractinian coral Montipora digitata. Coral Reefs 29:675-682. 2010 Cuba Lab Study Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., S. I. Kiyashko, T. V. Titlyanova, and J. A. Raven. 2010. delta C-13 and delta N-15 in tissue of coral polyps and epilithic algae inhabiting damaged coral colonies under the influence of different light intensities. Aquatic Ecology 44:13-21. 2010 Algae; Light; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wooldridge, S. A. 2010. Is the coral-algae symbiosis really 'mutually beneficial' for the partners? BioEssays 32:615-625. 2010 Review Algae; Climate; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Yost, D. M. and C. L. Mitchelmore. 2010. Determination of total and particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations in four scleractinian coral species: A comparison of methods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 395:72-79. 2010 Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Alamaru, A., Y. Loya, E. Brokovich, R. Yam, and A. Shemesh. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen utilization in two species of Red Sea corals along a depth gradient: Insights from stable isotope analysis of total organic material and lipids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73:5333-5342. 2009 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Andras, J. P., N. L. Kirk, M. A. Coffroth, and C. D. Harvell. 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Symbiodinium B1/B184, the dinoflagellate symbiont of the Caribbean sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:989-993. 2009 South & Central America; Caribbean Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Baird, A. H., J. R. Guest, and B. L. Willis. 2009. Systematic and Biogeographical Patterns in the Reproductive Biology of Scleractinian Corals. Annual Review Of Ecology Evolution And Systematics 40:551-571. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Model; Index or Indicator Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baskett, M. L., S. D. Gaines, and R. M. Nisbet. 2009. Symbiont diversity may help coral reefs survive moderate climate change. Ecological Applications 19:17-Mar. 2009 Model Algae; Climate; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Zooxanthellae
Basti, D., I. Bricknell, D. Beane, and D. Bouchard. 2009. Recovery from a near-lethal exposure to ultraviolet-C radiation in a scleractinian coral. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 101:43-48. 2009 Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Boroujerdi, A. F. B., M. I. Vizcaino, A. Meyers, E. C. Pollock, S. L. Huynh, T. B. Schock, P. J. Morris, and D. W. Bearden. 2009. NMR-Based Microbial Metabolomics and the Temperature-Dependent Coral Pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. Environmental Science and Technology 43:7658-7664. 2009 Global; Australia; Indian Ocean; India Microorganisms; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Buxton, L., M. Badger, and P. Ralph. 2009. Effects Of Moderate Heat Stress And Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration On Photosynthesis And Respiration Of Symbiodinium Sp (Dinophyceae) In Culture And In Symbiosis. Journal of Phycology 45:357-365. 2009 Model CO2; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Buxton, L., M. Badger, and P. Ralph. 2009. Effects of moderate heat stress and dissolved inorganic carbon concentration on photosynthesis and respiration of symbiodinium sp. (dinophyceae) in culture and in symbiosis. Journal of Phycology 45:357-365. 2009 Model CO2; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Camargo, C., J. H. Maldonado, E. Alvarado, R. Moreno-Sanchez, S. Mendoza, N. Manrique, A. Mogollon, J. D. Osorio, A. Grajales, and J. A. Sanchez. 2009. Community involvement in management for maintaining coral reef resilience and biodiversity in southern Caribbean marine protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:935-956. 2009 South & Central America; Oman; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Climate; Collaboration & Partnering; Complex Habitat & Resources; Fish; Marine Protected Areas; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Carilli, J. E., R. D. Norris, B. A. Black, S. M. Walsh, and M. McField. 2009. Local stressors reduce coral resilience to bleaching. PLoS One 4:e6324. 2009 Algae; Coastal Development; Finfish Harvest; Fleshy Macroalgae; Ocean Acidity; Pathogens; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Clode, P. L., M. Saunders, G. Maker, M. Ludwig, and C. A. Atkins. 2009. Uric acid deposits in symbiotic marine algae. Plant, Cell and Environment 32:170-177. 2009 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Cooper, T. F. and K. E. Ulstrup. 2009. Mesoscale variation in the photophysiology of the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis along an environmental gradient. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 83:186-196. 2009 Australia Index or Indicator Light; Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Crabbe, M. J. C. 2009. Climate change and tropical marine agriculture. Journal of Experimental Botany 60:2839-2844. 2009 Global Review Agriculture; Algae; Aquaculture; Climate; CO2; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Mangroves; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Crabbe, M. J. C. and J. P. Carlin. 2009. Multiple Symbiodinium clades in Acropora species scleractinian corals from the Ningaloo reef, Australia. International Journal of Integrative Biology 5:72-74. 2009 Global; Australia Climate; Hydrocoral; Marine Protected Areas; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Csaszar, N. B. M., F. O. Seneca, and M. J. H. van Oppen. 2009. Variation in antioxidant gene expression in the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora under laboratory thermal stress. Marine Ecology Progress Series 392:93-102. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii Lab Study Climate; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dong, Z. J., H. Huang, L. M. Huang, and Y. C. Li. 2009. Diversity of symbiotic algae of the genus Symbiodinium in scleractinian corals of the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea. Journal Of Systematics And Evolution 47:321-326. 2009 Global; China Algae; Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Downs, C. A., E. Kramarsky-Winter, C. M. Woodley, A. Downs, G. Winters, Y. Loya, and G. K. Ostrander. 2009. Cellular pathology and histopathology of hypo-salinity exposure on the coral Stylophora pistillata. Science of the Total Environment 407:4838-4851. 2009 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Non-point Source Runoff; Salinity; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Einbinder, S., T. Mass, E. Brokovich, Z. Dubinsky, J. Erez, and D. Tchernov. 2009. Changes in morphology and diet of the coral Stylophora pistillata along a depth gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series 381:167-174. 2009 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K., R. D. Gates, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. C. Bythell, A. Jatkar, A. G. Grottoli, M. Gomez, P. Fisher, T. C. Lajuenesse, O. Pantos, R. Iglesias-Prieto, D. J. Franklin, L. J. Rodrigues, J. M. Torregiani, R. van Woesik, and M. P. Lesser. 2009. Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to short-term thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of corals to bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 373:102-110. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Godinot, C. and N. E. Chadwick. 2009. Phosphate Excretion By Anemonefish And Uptake By Giant Sea Anemones: Demand Outstrips Supply. Bulletin of Marine Science 85:1-9. 2009 Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Godinot, C., C. Ferrier-Pages, and R. Grover. 2009. Control of phosphate uptake by zooxanthellae and host cells in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Limnology and Oceanography 54:1627-1633. 2009 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Haapkyla, J., A. S. Seymour, O. Barneah, I. Brickner, S. Hennige, D. Suggett, and D. Smith. 2009. Association of Waminoa sp (Acoela) with corals in the Wakatobi Marine Park, South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Marine Biology 156:1021-1027. 2009 Indonesia Marine Protected Areas; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Haapkyla, J., A. S. Seymour, O. Barneah, I. Brickner, S. Hennige, D. Suggett, and D. Smith. 2009. Association of Waminoa sp. (Acoela) with corals in the Wakatobi Marine Park, South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Marine Biology 156:1021-1027. 2009 Indonesia Marine Protected Areas; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hannes, A. R., M. Barbeitos, and M. A. Coffroth. 2009. Stability of symbiotic dinoflagellate type in the octocoral Briareum asbestinum. Marine Ecology Progress Series 391:65-72. 2009 South & Central America; Caribbean Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Hennige, S. J., D. J. Suggett, M. E. Warner, K. E. McDougall, and D. J. Smith. 2009. Photobiology of Symbiodinium revisited: Bio-physical and bio-optical signatures. Coral Reefs 28:179-195. 2009 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R., K. E. Ulstrup, and P. J. Ralph. 2009. Temperature Induced Changes In Thylakoid Membrane Thermostability Of Cultured, Freshly Isolated, And Expelled Zooxanthellae From Scleractinian Corals. Bulletin of Marine Science 85:223-244. 2009 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Houlbreque, F. and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2009. Heterotrophy in tropical scleractinian corals. Biological Review 84:17-Jan. 2009 Review Algae; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Houlbreque, F. and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2009. Heterotrophy in Tropical Scleractinian Corals. Biological Reviews 84:1-17. 2009 Review Algae; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Huang, D. W., K. P. P. Tun, L. M. Chou, and P. A. Todd. 2009. An Inventory Of Zooxanthellate Scleractinian Corals In Singapore, Including 33 New Records. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69-80. 2009 Field Study & Monitoring Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Idso, C. D. 2009. CO2, global warming and coral reefs: prospects for the future. Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change and Science and Public Policy Institute. 2009 Global Review Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Climate; CO2; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B., D. A. Demidkova, T. N. Dautova, and N. A. Latyshev. 2009. Fatty acid biomarkers of symbionts and unusual inhibition of tetracosapolyenoic acid biosynthesis in corals (octocorallia). Lipids 44:325-335. 2009 Microorganisms; Octocoral; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Itoh, A., T. Arakaki, N. Kabe, M. Yamaguchi, and E. Oura. 2009. Multielement profiling analyses of seawater in coral reef area and the biogeocemical processes of trace metals in bivalve with symbiotic zooxanthellae. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73:A576-A576. 2009 Bivalves; Zooxanthellae
Khalesi, M. K., H. H. Beeftink, and R. H. Wijffels. 2009. Light-dependency of growth and secondary metabolite production in the captive zooxanthellate soft coral sinularia flexibilis. Marine Biotechnology 11:488-494. 2009 Algae; Light; Octocoral; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Lee, J. J., F. Maoz, O. Levy, and J. Morales. 2009. A note on asexual reproduction of a Marginopora sp. from a modern deep-water population in the Heron-Wistari Channel, Australia. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 39:7-Apr. 2009 Australia Zooxanthellae
Littman, R. A., B. L. Willis, and D. G. Bourne. 2009. Bacterial communities of juvenile corals infected with different Symbiodinium (dinoflagellate) clades. Marine Ecology Progress Series 389:45-59. 2009 Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Liu, P. J., S. M. Lin, T. Y. Fan, P. J. Meng, K. T. Shao, and H. J. Lin. 2009. Rates of overgrowth by macroalgae and attack by sea anemones are greater for live coral than dead coral under conditions of nutrient enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography 54:1167-1175. 2009 Taiwan Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Manzello, D., M. Warner, E. Stabenau, J. Hendee, M. Lesser, and M. Jankulak. 2009. Remote monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence in two reef corals during the 2005 bleaching event at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Coral Reefs 28:209-214. 2009 South & Central America; Bahamas; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Light; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Mieog, J. C., M. J. H. Van Oppen, R. Berkelmans, W. T. Stam, and J. L. Olsen. 2009. Quantification of algal endosymbionts (Symbiodinium) in coral tissue using real-time PCR. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:74-82. 2009 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Moore, E. and T. Gosliner. 2009. Three new species of Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea), and a revised phylogenetic analysis. Zootaxa 30-48. 2009 Zooxanthellae
Mortillaro, J. M., K. A. Pitt, S. Y. Lee, and T. Meziane. 2009. Light intensity influences the production and translocation of fatty acids by zooxanthellae in the jellyfish Cassiopea sp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 378:22-30. 2009 Australia Light; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Mumby, P. J. 2009. Herbivory versus corallivory: are parrotfish good or bad for Caribbean coral reefs? Coral Reefs 8-Jan. 2009 South & Central America; Caribbean Review Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mydlarz, L. D., C. S. Couch, E. Weil, G. Smith, and C. D. Harvell. 2009. Immune defenses of healthy, bleached and diseased Montastraea faveolata during a natural bleaching event. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 87:67-78. 2009 Puerto Rico Climate; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Nesa, B. and M. Hidaka. 2009. High zooxanthella density shortens the survival time of coral cell aggregates under thermal stress. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368:81-87. 2009 Zooxanthellae
Obura, D. O. 2009. Reef corals bleach to resist stress. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58:206-212. 2009 Climate; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Pettay, D. T. and T. C. Lajeunesse. 2009. Microsatellite loci for assessing genetic diversity, dispersal and clonality of coral symbionts in 'stress-tolerant' clade D Symbiodinium. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:1022-1025. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii; Indian Ocean; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); India Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Piggot, A. M., B. W. Fouke, M. Sivaguru, R. A. Sanford, and H. R. Gaskins. 2009. Change in zooxanthellae and mucocyte tissue density as an adaptive response to environmental stress by the coral, Montastraea annularis. Marine Biology 156:2379-2389. 2009 Antilles Light; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Piniak, G. A. and E. K. Brown. 2009. Temporal variability in chlorophyll fluorescence of back-reef corals in Ofu, American Samoa. Biological Bulletin 216:55-67. 2009 Samoa; American Samoa Lab Study; Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Poggio, C., Z. Leao, and P. Mafalda. 2009. Record Of Seasonal Bleaching In Siderastrea Spp. From Tidal Pools Of The Guarajuba Reef, Bahia, Brazil. Interciencia 34:502-506. 2009 Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Reimer, J. D. and P. A. Todd. 2009. Preliminary Molecular Examination Of Zooxanthellate Zoanthids (Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) And Associated Zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium Spp.) Diversity In Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 103-120. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii; India; Malaysia; Pacific Ocean; Japan; Vietnam Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Reynaud, S., P. Martinez, F. Houlbreque, I. Billy, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2009. Effect of light and feeding on the nitrogen isotopic composition of a zooxanthellate coral: role of nitrogen recycling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 392:103-110. 2009 Light; Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roopin, M. and N. E. Chadwick. 2009. Benefits to host sea anemones from ammonia contributions of resident anemonefish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 370:27-34. 2009 Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Sabourault, C., P. Ganot, E. Deleury, D. Allemand, and P. Furla. 2009. Comprehensive EST analysis of the symbiotic sea anemone, Anemonia viridis. BMC Genomics 10:333. 2009 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Microorganisms; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Sampayo, E. M., S. Dove, and T. C. Lajeunesse. 2009. Cohesive molecular genetic data delineate species diversity in the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium. Molecular Ecology 18:500-519. 2009 Australia Complex Habitat & Resources; Microorganisms; Zooxanthellae
Smith, R. T., J. H. Pinzon, and T. C. LaJeunesse. 2009. Symbiodinium (Dinophyta) Diversity And Stability In Aquarium Corals. Journal of Phycology 45:1030-1036. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii; Indian Ocean; India Field Study & Monitoring Aquarium & Pet Trade; Aquarium Stock; Collaboration & Partnering; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Strychar, K. B. and P. W. Sammarco. 2009. Exaptation in corals to high seawater temperatures: Low concentrations of apoptotic and necrotic cells in host coral tissue under bleaching conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 369:31-42. 2009 Global Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Takahashi, S., S. M. Whitney, and M. R. Badger. 2009. Different thermal sensitivity of the repair of photodamaged photosynthetic machinery in cultured Symbiodinium species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:3237-3242. 2009 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Tanaka, Y., T. Miyajima, Y. Umezawa, T. Hayashibara, H. Ogawa, and I. Koike. 2009. Net release of dissolved organic matter by the scleractinian coral Acropora pulchra. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 377:101-106. 2009 Cuba Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Thurber, R. V., D. Willner-Hall, B. Rodriguez-Mueller, C. Desnues, R. A. Edwards, F. Angly, E. Dinsdale, L. Kelly, and F. Rohwer. 2009. Metagenomic analysis of stressed coral holobionts. Environmental Microbiology 11:2148-2163. 2009 Cyanobacteria; Nutrients; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., S. I. Kiyashko, T. V. Titlyanova, and J. A. Raven. 2009. δ13C and δ15N in tissue of coral polyps and epilithic algae inhabiting damaged coral colonies under the influence of different light intensities. Aquatic Ecology 9-Jan. 2009 Algae; Light; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Todd, P. A., J. H. Lee, and L. M. Chou. 2009. Polymorphism and crypsis in the boring giant clam (Tridacna crocea): potential strategies against visual predators. Hydrobiologia 635:37-43. 2009 US Pacific & Hawaii; Malaysia; Oman Bivalves; Primary Production; Skeletal Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Treignier, C., I. Tolosa, R. Grover, S. Reynaud, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2009. Carbon isotope composition of fatty acids and sterols in the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis: Effect of light and feeding. Limnology and Oceanography 54:1933-1940. 2009 Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Alstyne, K. L., V. J. Dominique III, and G. Muller-Parker. 2009. Is dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) produced by the symbionts or the host in an anemone-zooxanthella symbiosis? Coral Reefs 28:167-176. 2009 Anemones & Zooanthids; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Alstyne, K., V. J. Dominique, and G. Muller-Parker. 2009. Is dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) produced by the symbionts or the host in an anemone-zooxanthella symbiosis? Coral Reefs 28:167-176. 2009 Anemones & Zooanthids; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Voolstra, C. R., S. Sunagawa, J. A. Schwarz, M. A. Coffroth, D. Yellowlees, W. Leggat, and M. Medina. 2009. Evolutionary analysis of orthologous cDNA sequences from cultured and symbiotic dinoflagellate symbionts of reef-building corals (Dinophyceae: Symbiodinium). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 4:67-74. 2009 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Winters, G., S. Beer, B. Ben Zvi, I. Brickner, and Y. Loya. 2009. Spatial and temporal photoacclimation of Stylophora pistillata: zooxanthella size, pigmentation, location and clade. Marine Ecology Progress Series 384:107-119. 2009 Light; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Wooldridge, S. A. 2009. A new conceptual model for the enhanced release of mucus in symbiotic reef corals during 'bleaching' conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 396:145-152. 2009 Model Algae; CO2; Zooxanthellae
Yakovleva, I. M., A. H. Baird, H. H. Yamamoto, R. Bhagooli, M. Nonaka, and M. Hidaka. 2009. Algal symbionts increase oxidative damage and death in coral larvae at high temperatures. Marine Ecology Progress Series 378:105-112. 2009 Model Zooxanthellae
Baker, A.C., P.W. Glynn, B. Riegl. 2008. Climate change and coral reef bleaching: an ecological assessment of long-term impacts, recovery trends and future outlook. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 80:435-471. 2008 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii; Indian Ocean; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); India Review; Model Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Climate; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Pathogens; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baums, I. B. 2008. A restoration genetics guide for coral reef conservation. Molecular Ecology 17:2796-2811. 2008 Model; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Borell, E. M. and K. Bischof. 2008. Feeding sustains photosynthetic quantum yield of a scleractinian coral during thermal stress. Oecologia 157:593-601. 2008 Index or Indicator Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Borell, E. M., A. R. Yuliantri, K. Bischof, and C. Richter. 2008. The effect of heterotrophy on photosynthesis and tissue composition of two scleractinian corals under elevated temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 364:116-123. 2008 Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bouchard, J. N. and H. Yamasaki. 2008. Heat stress stimulates nitric oxide production in Symbiodinium microadriaticum: A possible linkage between nitric oxide and the coral bleaching phenomenon. Plant and Cell Physiology 49:641-652. 2008 Global; Japan Algae; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Bourne, D., Y. Iida, S. Uthicke, and C. Smith-Keune. 2008. Changes in coral-associated microbial communities during a bleaching event. ISME Journal 2:350-363. 2008 Australia Field Study & Monitoring Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Brown, B. E. and R. P. Dunne. 2008. Solar radiation modulates bleaching and damage protection in a shallow water coral. Marine Ecology Progress Series 362:99-107. 2008 Light; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Burghardt, I., M. Schrodl, and H. Wagele. 2008. Three new solar-powered species of the genus Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidioidea) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with analysis of their photosynthetic activity and notes on biology. Journal of Molluscan Studies 74:277-292. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Indonesia; Philippines Molluscs; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Carlon, D. B. and C. Lippe. 2008. Fifteen new microsatellite markers for the reef coral Favia fragum and a new Symbiodinium microsatellite. Molecular Ecology Resources 8:870-873. 2008 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Panama Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J. M., F.L. Thompson, B. Gomez-Gil, E.A. Lorence, T.J. Goreau, R.L. Hayes, K.B. Winiarski-Cervino, G.W. Smith, K. Hughen and E. Bartels. 2008. The Vibrio core group induces yellow band disease in Caribbean and Indo-Pacific reef-building corals. Journal of Applied Microbiology 105:1658-1671. 2008 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Chaves-Fonnegra, A., L. Castellanos, S. Zea, C. Duque, J. Rodriguez, and C. Jimenez. 2008. Clionapyrrolidine A - A metabolite from the encrusting and excavating sponge Cliona tenuis that kills coral tissue upon contact. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34:1565-1574. 2008 South & Central America; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Caribbean Boring Sponges; Sponges; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Costa, C. F., R. Sassi, and K. Gorlach-Lira. 2008. Zooxanthellae genotypes in the coral Siderastrea stellata from coastal reefs in northeastern Brazil. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367:149-152. 2008 Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Danovaro, R., L. Bongiorni, C. Corinaldesi, D. Giovannelli, E. Damiani, P. Astolfi, L. Greci, and A. Pusceddu. 2008. Sunscreens cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections. Environmental Health Perspectives 116:441-447. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); India; Pacific Ocean Lab Study Algae; Light; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Sunscreen Use; Tourism & Recreation; Zooxanthellae
Day, T., L. Nagel, M. J. H. Van Oppen, and M. J. Caley. 2008. Factors affecting the evolution of bleaching resistance in corals. American Naturalist 171. 2008 Model Algae; Climate; Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Desalvo, M. K., C. R. Voolstra, S. Sunagawa, J. A. Schwarz, J. H. Stillman, M. A. Coffroth, A. M. Szmant, and M. Medina. 2008. Differential gene expression during thermal stress and bleaching in the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. Molecular Ecology 17:3952-3971. 2008 South & Central America; Caribbean Climate; Coastal Development; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dimond, J. and E. Carrington. 2008. Symbiosis regulation in a facultatively symbiotic temperate coral: Zooxanthellae division and expulsion. Coral Reefs 27:601-604. 2008 England Index or Indicator Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fabricius, K. E. and G. De'ath. 2008. Photosynthetic symbionts and energy supply determine octocoral biodiversity in coral reefs. Ecology 89:3163-3173. 2008 Australia Model Algae; Octocoral; Sponges; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Frade, P. R., F. De Jongh, F. Vermeulen, J. Van Bleijswijk, and R. P. M. Bak. 2008. Variation in symbiont distribution between closely related coral species over large depth ranges. Molecular Ecology 17:691-703. 2008 Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Frade, P. R., N. Englebert, J. Faria, P. M. Visser, and R. P. M. Bak. 2008. Distribution and photobiology of Symbiodinium types in different light environments for three colour morphs of the coral Madracis pharensis: Is there more to it than total irradiance? Coral Reefs 27:913-925. 2008 Light; Zooxanthellae
Frenz-Ross, J. L., J. J. Enticknap, and R. G. Kerr. 2008. The effect of bleaching on the terpene chemistry of Plexaurella fusifera: Evidence that zooxanthellae are not responsible for sesquiterpene production. Marine Biotechnology 10:572-578. 2008 South & Central America; Caribbean Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L., C. Simmons, and D. Goulet. 2008. Worldwide biogeography of Symbiodinium in tropical octocorals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 355:45-58. 2008 Global; South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Bermuda; Caribbean GIS & Maps Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Graham, E. M., A. H. Baird, and S. R. Connolly. 2008. Survival dynamics of scleractinian coral larvae and implications for dispersal. Coral Reefs 27:529-539. 2008 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Grover, R., J.-F. Maguer, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2008. Uptake of dissolved free amino acids by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:860-865. 2008 Cuba Light; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gruber, D. F., H.-T. Kao, S. Janoschka, J. Tsai, and V. A. Pieribone. 2008. Patterns of fluorescent protein expression in Scleractinian corals. Biological Bulletin 215:143-154. 2008 Australia Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hennige, S. 2008. Harvesting light. Planet Earth 18-19. 2008 Algae; Collaboration & Partnering; Zooxanthellae
Hennige, S. J., D. J. Smith, R. Perkins, M. Consalvey, D. M. Paterson, and D. J. Suggett. 2008. Photoacclimation, growth and distribution of massive coral species in clear and turbid waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:77-88. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; Indonesia Light; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R. and P. J. Ralph. 2008. Dark-induced reduction of the plastoquinone pool in zooxanthellae of scleractinian corals and implications for measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence. Symbiosis 46:45-56. 2008 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R. and P. J. Ralph. 2008. Impact of bleaching stress on the function of the oxygen evolving complex of zooxanthellae from scleractinian corals. Journal of Phycology 44:299-310. 2008 Global Algae; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hirose, M., H. Yamamoto, and M. Nonaka. 2008. Metamorphosis and acquisition of symbiotic algae in planula larvae and primary polyps of Acropora spp. Coral Reefs 27:247-254. 2008 Europe Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B. and T. N. Dautova. 2008. Use of lipids for chemotaxonomy of octocorals (Cnidaria: Alcyonaria). Russian Journal of Marine Biology 34:174-178. 2008 Vietnam Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Jantzen, C., C. Wild, M. El-Zibdah, H. A. Roa-Quiaoit, C. Haacke, and C. Richter. 2008. Photosynthetic performance of giant clams, Tridacna maxima and T. squamosa, Red Sea. Marine Biology 155:211-221. 2008 Cuba; Egypt Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Jones, A. M., R. Berkelmans, M. J. H. Van Oppen, J. C. Mieog, and W. Sinclair. 2008. A community change in the algal endosymbionts of a scleractinian coral following a natural bleaching event: Field evidence of acclimatization. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275:1359-1365. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia Field Study & Monitoring Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kemp, D. W., W. K. Fitt, and G. W. Schmidt. 2008. A microsampling method for genotyping coral symbionts. Coral Reefs 27:289-293. 2008 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Khalesi, M. K. 2008. Cell cultures from the symbiotic soft coral Sinularia flexibilis. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 44:330-338. 2008 Algae; Octocoral; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Koren, O. and E. Rosenberg. 2008. Bacteria associated with the bleached and cave coral Oculina patagonica. Microbial Ecology 55:523-529. 2008 Australia Microorganisms; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Kuguru, B., N. E. Chadwick, Y. Achituv, K. Zandbank, and D. Tchernov. 2008. Mechanisms of habitat segregation between corallimorpharians: Photosynthetic parameters and Symbiodinium types. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:115-129. 2008 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ladriere, O., P. Compere, N. Decloux, P. Vandewalle, and M. Poulicek. 2008. Morphological alterations of zooxanthellae in bleached cnidarian hosts. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 49:215-227. 2008 Madagascar Index or Indicator Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lampert-Karako, S., N. Stambler, D. J. Katcoff, Y. Achituv, Z. Dubinsky, and N. Simon-Blecher. 2008. Effects of depth and eutrophication on the zooxanthella cludes of Stylophora pistillata from the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18:1039-1045. 2008 Aquaculture; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Li, S., K. Yu, Q. Shi, T. Chen, M. Zhao, and J. Zhao. 2008. Interspecies and spatial diversity in the symbiotic zooxanthellae density in corals from northern South China Sea and its relationship to coral reef bleaching. Chinese Science Bulletin 53:295-303. 2008 China Aquaculture; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Sediment; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Littman, R. A., M. J. H. van Oppen, and B. L. Willis. 2008. Methods for sampling free-living Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) and their distribution and abundance at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 364:48-53. 2008 Australia Complex Habitat & Resources; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Margolin, C. L. 2008. Use of the coral-sel technique in the study of small scale water flow environments on coral growth. Pages 479-483 in Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. 2008 Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mass, T. and A. Genin. 2008. Environmental versus intrinsic determination of colony symmetry in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:131-137. 2008 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Moya, A., C. Ferrier-Pages, P. Furla, S. Richier, E. Tambutte, D. Allemand, and S. Tambutte. 2008. Calcification and associated physiological parameters during a stress event in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 151:29-36. 2008 Climate; Stony Coral; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Okamoto, N. and G. I. McFadden. 2008. The mother of all parasites. Future Microbiology 3:391-395. 2008 Invertebrates; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Zooxanthellae
Patten, N. L., P. L. Harrison, and J. G. Mitchell. 2008. Prevalence of virus-like particles within a staghorn scleractinian coral (Acropora muricata) from the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 27:569-580. 2008 Australia Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., A. Peirano, F. Houlbreque, M. Abbate, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2008. Effects of temperature, light and heterotrophy on the growth rate and budding of the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa. Coral Reefs 27:17-25. 2008 Lab Study Climate; Light; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., S. Reynaud, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2008. Temporal and depth responses of two temperate corals, Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica, from the North Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:103-114. 2008 Algae; Light; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., Y. Huot, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2008. Photosynthetic response of the Mediterranean zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa to the natural range of light and temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:1579-1586. 2008 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Rodrigues, L. J., A. G. Grottoli, and M. P. Lesser. 2008. Long-term changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence of bleached and recovering corals from Hawaii. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:2502-2509. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roff, G., E. C. E. Kvennefors, K. E. Ulstrup, M. Fine, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2008. Coral disease physiology: The impact of Acroporid white syndrome on Symbiodinium. Coral Reefs 27:373-377. 2008 Australia Index or Indicator Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roff, G., K. E. Ulstrup, M. Fine, P. J. Ralph, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2008. Spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic activity within diseased corals from the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Phycology 44:526-538. 2008 Australia Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roopin, M., R. P. Henry, and N. E. Chadwick. 2008. Nutrient transfer in a marine mutualism: Patterns of ammonia excretion by anemonefish and uptake by giant sea anemones. Marine Biology 154:547-556. 2008 Cuba Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Nutrients; Planktivorous Fish; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Sampayo, E. M., T. Ridgway, P. Bongaerts, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2008. Bleaching susceptibility and mortality of corals are determined by fine-scale differences in symbiont type. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:10444-10449. 2008 Model Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schonberg, C. H. L., R. Suwa, M. Hidaka, and W. K. W. Loh. 2008. Sponge and coral zooxanthellae in heat and light: Preliminary results of photochemical efficiency monitored with pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry. Marine Ecology 29:247-258. 2008 Boring Sponges; Climate; Primary Production; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shaw, C. M., P. K. S. Lam, and J. F. Mueller. 2008. Photosystem II herbicide pollution in Hong Kong and its potential photosynthetic effects on corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 57:473-478. 2008 Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Slattery, M. and V. J. Paul. 2008. Indirect effects of bleaching on predator deterrence in the tropical Pacific soft coral Sinularia maxima. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:169-179. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Fish; Invertivorous Fish; Octocoral; Sunscreen Use; Zooxanthellae
Smith, L. W., H. H. Wirshing, A. C. Baker, and C. Birkeland. 2008. Environmental versus genetic influences on growth rates of the corals Pocillopora eydouxi and Porites lobata (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Pacific Science 62:57-69. 2008 Samoa; American Samoa Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stambler, N., O. Levy, and L. Vaki. 2008. Photosynthesis and respiration of hermatypic zooxanthellate Red Sea corals from 5-75-m depth. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 56:45-53. 2008 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sunagawa, S., J. Cortes, C. Jimenez, and R. Lara. 2008. Variation in cell densities and pigment concentrations of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the coral Pavona clavus in the eastern Pacific (Costa Rica) [Variacion en la densidad de celulas y en las concentraciones de pigmentos de los dinosflagelados simbiot. Ciencias Marinas 34:113-123. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica Light; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrients; Salinity; Zooxanthellae
Suwa, R., M. Hirose, and M. Hidaka. 2008. Seasonal fluctuation in zooxanthellar genotype composition and photophysiology in the corals Pavona divaricata and P. decussata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361:129-137. 2008 Japan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Takahashi, S., S. Whitney, S. Itoh, T. Maruyama, and M. Badger. 2008. Heat stress causes inhibition of the de novo synthesis of antenna proteins and photobleaching in cultured Symbiodinium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:4203-4208. 2008 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Taylor, F. J. R., M. Hoppenrath, and J. F. Saldarriaga. 2008. Dinoflagellate diversity and distribution. Biodiversity and Conservation 17:407-418. 2008 Fish; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Thornhill, D. J., D. W. Kemp, B. U. Bruns, W. K. Fitt, and G. W. Schmidt. 2008. Correspondence between cold tolerance and temperate biogeography in a western Atlantic Symbiodinium (Dinophyta) lineage. Journal of Phycology 44:1126-1135. 2008 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Algae; Climate; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., S. I. Kiyashko, T. V. Titlyanova, T. L. Kalita, and J. A. Raven. 2008. δ13C and δ15N values in reef corals Porites lutea and P. cylindrica and in their epilithic and endolithic algae. Marine Biology 155:353-361. 2008 Japan Algae; CO2; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Treignier, C., R. Grover, C. Ferrier-Pages, and I. Tolosa. 2008. Effect of light and feeding on the fatty acid and sterol composition of zooxanthellae and host tissue isolated from the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis. Limnology and Oceanography 53:2702-2710. 2008 Algae; Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Work, T. M., G. S. Aeby, and S. L. Coles. 2008. Distribution and morphology of growth anomalies in Acropora from the Indo-Pacific. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 78:255-264. 2008 US Pacific & Hawaii; Samoa; American Samoa; Johnston Atoll Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yellowlees, D., T. A. V. Rees, and W. Leggat. 2008. Metabolic interactions between algal symbionts and invertebrate hosts. Plant, Cell and Environment 31:679-694. 2008 Global Algae; Climate; CO2; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Zurel, D., O. Shaham, I. Brickner, and Y. Benayahu. 2008. DAPI-based vital staining reveals entry of heterologous zooxanthellae into primary polyps of a vertically-transmitting soft coral. Symbiosis 46:145-151. 2008 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Al-Sofyani, A. A. and G. R. Niaz. 2007. A comparative study of the components of the hard coral Seriatopora hystrix and the soft coral Xenia umbellata along the Jeddah coast, Saudi Arabia. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia 42:207-219. 2007 Saudi Arabia Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Amar, K. O. and B. Rinkevich. 2007. A floating mid-water coral nursery as larval dispersion hub: Testing an idea. Marine Biology 151:713-718. 2007 Global Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Aquaculture; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Bachar, A., Y. Achituv, Z. Pasternak, and Z. Dubinsky. 2007. Autotrophy versus heterotrophy: The origin of carbon determines its fate in a symbiotic sea anemone. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 349:295-298. 2007 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Baker, A. C. and A. M. Romanski. 2007. Multiple symbiotic partnerships are common in scleractinian corals, but not in octocorals: Comment on Goulet (2006). Marine Ecology Progress Series 335:237-242. 2007 Climate; Octocoral; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bruck, T. B., W. M. Bruck, L. Z. Santiago-Vazquez, P. J. McCarthy, and R. G. Kerr. 2007. Diversity of the bacterial communities associated with the azooxanthellate deep water octocorals Leptogorgia minimata, Iciligorgia schrammi, and Swiftia exertia. Marine Biotechnology 9:561-576. 2007 Fish; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Chavez-Romo, H. E. and H. Reyes-Bonilla. 2007. Sexual reproduction of the coral Pocillopora damicornis in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico [Reproduccion sexual del coral Pocillopora damicornis al sur del Golfo de California, Mexico]. Ciencias Marinas 33:495-501. 2007 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Mexico Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Crabbe, M.J.C., J.P. Carlin. 2007. Industrial Sedimentation Lowers Coral Growth Rates in a Turbid Lagoon Environment, Discovery Bay, Jamaica. International Journal of Integrative Biology 1:37-40. 2007 Global; Jamaica Climate; Sediment; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Davy, J. E. and N. L. Patten. 2007. Morphological diversity of virus-like particles within the surface microlayer of scleractinian corals. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 47:37-44. 2007 Australia Algae; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dimond, J. and E. Carrington. 2007. Temporal variation in the symbiosis and growth of the temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia poculata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348:161-172. 2007 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C., C. Richard, D. Forcioli, D. Allemand, M. Pichon, and J. M. Shick. 2007. Effects of temperature and UV radiation increases on the photosynthetic efficiency in four scleractinian coral species. Biological Bulletin 213:76-87. 2007 Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Flores-Ramirez, L. A. and M. A. Linan-Cabello. 2007. Relationships among thermal stress, bleaching and oxidative damage in the hermatypic coral, Pocillopora capitata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 146:194-202. 2007 Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goffredo, S., E. Caroselli, E. Pignotti, G. Mattioli, and F. Zaccanti. 2007. Variation in biometry and population density of solitary corals with solar radiation and sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 152:351-361. 2007 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L. 2007. Most scleractinian corals and octocorals host a single symbiotic zooxanthella clade. Marine Ecology Progress Series 335:243-248. 2007 Global; Oman Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R. and P. J. Ralph. 2007. Post-bleaching viability of expelled zooxanthellae from the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 352:137-144. 2007 Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B., D. A. Demidkova, Y. Y. Latypov, and L. Q. Pham. 2007. Application of fatty acids for chemotaxonomy of reef-building corals. Lipids 42:1035-1046. 2007 Vietnam Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Imbs, A. B., N. A. Latyshev, N. V. Zhukova, and T. N. Dautova. 2007. Comparison of fatty acid compositions of azooxanthellate Dendronephthya and zooxanthellate soft coral species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 148:314-321. 2007 Microorganisms; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Johnson, C. E. and T. L. Goulet. 2007. A comparison of photographic analyses used to quantify zooxanthella density and pigment concentrations in Cnidarians. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353:287-295. 2007 Global GIS & Maps; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Anemones & Zooanthids; Invasive Species; Zooxanthellae
Jones, G., M. Curran, A. Broadbent, S. King, E. Fischer, and R. Jones. 2007. Factors affecting the cycling of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in coral reef waters of the great barrier reef. Environmental Chemistry 4:310-322. 2007 Australia Climate; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Khalesi, M. K., H. H. Beeftink, and R. H. Wijffels. 2007. Flow-dependent growth in the zooxanthellate soft coral Sinularia flexibilis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 351:106-113. 2007 Octocoral; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Klaus, J. S., I. Janse, J. M. Heikoop, R. A. Sanford, and B. W. Fouke. 2007. Coral microbial communities, zooxanthellae and mucus along gradients of seawater depth and coastal pollution. Environmental Microbiology 9:1291-1305. 2007 Antilles Algae; Light; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Waterborne Discharges; Zooxanthellae
Kuguru, B., G. Winters, S. Beer, S. R. Santos, and N. E. Chadwick. 2007. Adaptation strategies of the corallimorpharian Rhodactis rhodostoma to irradiance and temperature. Marine Biology 151:1287-1298. 2007 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Leggat, W., O. Hoegh-Guldberg, S. Dove, and D. Yellowlees. 2007. Analysis of an EST library from the dinoflagellate (Symbiodinium sp.) symbiont of reef-building corals. Journal of Phycology 43:1010-1021. 2007 Global Climate; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P., L. I. Falcon, A. Rodriguez-Roman, S. Enriquez, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, and R. Iglesias-Prieto. 2007. Nitrogen fixation by symbiotic cyanobacteria provides a source of nitrogen for the scleractinian coral Montastraea cavernosa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 346:143-152. 2007 South & Central America; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Model Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Magalon, H., J.-F. Flot, and E. Baudry. 2007. Molecular identification of symbiotic dinoflagellates in Pacific corals in the genus Pocillopora. Coral Reefs 26:551-558. 2007 US Pacific & Hawaii; Tonga Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marlow, H. Q. and M. Q. Martindale. 2007. Embryonic development in two species of scleractinian coral embryos: Symbiodinium localization and mode of gastrulation. Evolution and Development 9:355-367. 2007 Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T., P. L. Clode, R. Russell, K. Prince, and R. Stern. 2007. Electron and ion microprobe analysis of calcium distribution and transport in coral tissues. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:2453-2463. 2007 Cuba Zooxanthellae
Mayfield, A. B. and R. D. Gates. 2007. Osmoregulation in anthozoan-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 147:10-Jan. 2007 Global Review Algae; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Merle, P.-L., C. Sabourault, S. Richier, D. Allemand, and P. Furla. 2007. Catalase characterization and implication in bleaching of a symbiotic sea anemone. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 42:236-246. 2007 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Climate; Zooxanthellae
Oswald, F., F. Schmitt, A. Leutenegger, S. Ivanchenko, C. D'Angelo, A. Salih, S. Maslakova, M. Bulina, R. Schirmbeck, G. U. Nienhaus, M. V. Matz, and J. Wiedenmann. 2007. Contributions of host and symbiont pigments to the coloration of reef corals. FEBS Journal 274:1102-1109. 2007 Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Papina, M., T. Meziane, and R. van Woesik. 2007. Acclimation effect on fatty acids of the coral Montipora digitata and its symbiotic algae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 147:583-589. 2007 Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Pawlik, J. R., L. Steindler, T. P. Henkel, S. Beer, and M. Ilan. 2007. Chemical warfare on coral reefs: Sponge metabolites differentially affect coral symbiosis in situ. Limnology and Oceanography 52:907-911. 2007 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Primary Production; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Peirano, A. 2007. In vivo measurements of the seasonal photosynthetic fluorescence of the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa (L.). Scientia Marina 71:629-635. 2007 Cuba Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Pettay, D. T. and T. C. LaJeunesse. 2007. Microsatellites from clade B Symbiodinium spp. specialized for Caribbean corals in the genus Madracis. Molecular Ecology Notes 7:1271-1274. 2007 South & Central America; Caribbean Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pomar, L. and P. Hallock. 2007. Changes in coral-reef structure through the Miocene in the Mediterranean province: Adaptive versus environmental influence. Geology 35:899-902. 2007 Global Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Ramos, R. and E. Garcia. 2007. Induction of mixed-function oxygenase system and antioxidant enzymes in the coral Montastraea faveolata on acute exposure to benzo(a)pyrene. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 144:348-355. 2007 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Reimer, J. D., S. Ono, J. Tsukahara, K. Takishita, and T. Maruyama. 2007. Non-seasonal clade-specificity and subclade microvariation in symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) in Zoanthus sansibaricus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) at Kagoshima Bay, Japan. Phycological Research 55:58-65. 2007 Japan Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Rodrigues, L. J. and A. G. Grottoli. 2007. Energy reserves and metabolism as indicators of coral recovery from bleaching. Limnology and Oceanography 52:1874-1882. 2007 Index or Indicator Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Santiago-Vazquez, L. Z., T. B. Bruck, W. M. Bruck, A. P. Duque-Alarcon, P. J. McCarthy, and R. G. Kerr. 2007. The diversity of the bacterial communities associated with the azooxanthellate hexacoral Cirrhipathes lutkeni. ISME Journal 1:654-659. 2007 Fish; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Zooxanthellae
Tambutte, E., D. Allemand, D. Zoccola, A. Meibom, S. Lotto, N. Caminiti, and S. Tambutte. 2007. Observations of the tissue-skeleton interface in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral Reefs 26:517-529. 2007 Model Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tanaka, Y., T. Miyajima, I. Koike, T. Hayashibara, and H. Ogawa. 2007. Imbalanced coral growth between organic tissue and carbonate skeleton caused by nutrient enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography 52:1139-1146. 2007 Cuba Lab Study Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., I. M. Yakovleva, and T. V. Titlyanova. 2007. Interaction between benthic algae (Lyngbya bouillonii, Dictyota dichotoma) and scleractinian coral Porites lutea in direct contact. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 342:282-291. 2007 Algae; Fleshy Macroalgae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Torres, J. L., R. A. Armstrong, J. E. Corredor, and F. Gilbes. 2007. Physiological responses of Acropora cervicornis to increased solar irradiance. Photochemistry and Photobiology 83:839-850. 2007 South & Central America; Puerto Rico; Caribbean Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E., M. J. H. Van Oppen, M. Kuhl, and P. J. Ralph. 2007. Inter-polyp genetic and physiological characterisation of Symbiodinium in an Acropora valida colony. Marine Biology 153:225-234. 2007 Algae; Climate; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E., M. Kuhl, and D. G. Bourne. 2007. Zooxanthellae harvested by ciliates associated with brown band syndrome of corals remain photosynthetically competent. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:1968-1975. 2007 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Vargas-Angel, B., E.C. Peters, E. Kramarsky-Winter, D.S. Gilliam, R.E. Dodge. 2007. Cellular reactions to sedimentation and temperature stress in the Caribbean coral Montastraea cavernosa. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 95:140-145. 2007 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Octocoral; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Visram, S. and A. E. Douglas. 2007. Resilience and acclimation to bleaching stressors in the scleractinian coral Porites cylindrica. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 349:35-44. 2007 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wegley, L., R. Edwards, B. Rodriguez-Brito, H. Liu, and F. Rohwer. 2007. Metagenomic analysis of the microbial community associated with the coral Porites astreoides. Environmental Microbiology 9:2707-2719. 2007 Algae; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Cyanobacteria; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhukova, N. V. 2007. Changes in the fatty acid composition of symbiotic dinoflagellates from the hermatypic coral Echinopora lamellosa during adaptation to the irradiance level. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 54:763-769. 2007 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Zundelevich, A., B. Lazar, and M. Ilan. 2007. Chemical versus mechanical bioerosion of coral reefs by boring sponges - Lessons from Pione cf. vastifica. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:91-96. 2007 Model Boring Sponges; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Bachok, Z., P. Mfilinge, and M. Tsuchiya. 2006. Characterization of fatty acid composition in healthy and bleached corals from Okinawa, Japan. Coral Reefs 25:545-554. 2006 Japan Algae; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Barbrook, A. C., S. Visram, A. E. Douglas, and C. J. Howe. 2006. Molecular Diversity of Dinoflagellate Symbionts of Cnidaria: The psbA Minicircle of Symbiodinium. Protist 157:159-171. 2006 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Barneah, O., Y. Benayahu, and V. M. Weis. 2006. Comparative proteomics of symbiotic and aposymbiotic juvenile soft corals. Marine Biotechnology 8:16-Nov. 2006 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Berkelmans, R. and M. J. H. Van Oppen. 2006. The role of zooxanthellae in the thermal tolerance of corals: A 'nugget of hope' for coral reefs in an era of climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273:2305-2312. 2006 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bjorn, L. O. and N. G. A. Ekelund. 2006. Corals and zooxanthellae - A marine partnership [Koraller och zooxantheller - Ett marint partnerskap]. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 100:263-270. 2006 Algae; Climate; CO2; Petroleum Spills; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Blomquist, C. H., P. H. Lima, A. M. Tarrant, M. J. Atkinson, and S. Atkinson. 2006. 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) in scleractinian corals and zooxanthellae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 143:397-403. 2006 Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Davy, S. K., K. J. T. Withers, and R. Hinde. 2006. Effects of host nutritional status and seasonality on the nitrogen status of zooxanthellae in the temperate coral Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 335:256-265. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Davy, S. K., S. G. Burchett, A. L. Dale, P. Davies, J. E. Davy, C. Muncke, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, and W. H. Wilson. 2006. Viruses: Agents of coral disease? Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 69:101-110. 2006 Anemones & Zooanthids; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Domart-Coulon, I. J., N. Traylor-Knowles, E. Peters, D. Elbert, C. A. Downs, K. Price, J. Stubbs, S. McLaughlin, E. Cox, G. Aeby, P. R. Brown, and G. K. Ostrander. 2006. Comprehensive characterization of skeletal tissue growth anomalies of the finger coral Porites compressa. Coral Reefs 25:531-543. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fabricius, K. E. and D. McCorry. 2006. Changes in octocoral communities and benthic cover along a water quality gradient in the reefs of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52:22-33. 2006 China Index or Indicator Algae; Coralline Algae; Nutrients; Octocoral; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Field, S. F., M. Y. Bulina, I. V. Kelmanson, J. P. Bielawski, and M. V. Matz. 2006. Adaptive evolution of multicolored fluorescent proteins in reef-building corals. Journal of Molecular Evolution 62:332-339. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Finelli, C. M., B. S. T. Helmuth, N. D. Pentcheff, and D. S. Wethey. 2006. Water flow influences oxygen transport and photosynthetic efficiency in corals. Coral Reefs 25:47-57. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring Mitigation; Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Garren, M., S. M. Walsh, A. Caccone, and N. Knowlton. 2006. Patterns of association between Symbiodinium and members of the Montastraea annularis species complex on spatial scales ranging from within colonies to between geographic regions. Coral Reefs 25:503-512. 2006 South & Central America; Belize; Panama; Caribbean Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gimenez Casalduero, F. and C. Muniain. 2006. Photosynthetic activity of the solar-powered lagoon mollusc Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa). Symbiosis 41:151-158. 2006 Model Calcareous Macroalgae; Light; Molluscs; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L. 2006. Most corals may not change their symbionts. Marine Ecology Progress Series 321:7-Jan. 2006 Global Algae; Climate; Octocoral; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Grimsditch, G. D. and R. V. Salm. 2006. Coral reef resilience and resistance to bleaching. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring Zooxanthellae
Grover, R., J.-F. Maguer, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2006. Urea uptake by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 332:216-225. 2006 Cuba Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hattori, A. 2006. Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of the giant sea anemone Heteractis crispa with symbiotic anemonefish on a fringing coral reef. Journal of Ethology 24:51-57. 2006 Japan Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Ports & Harbors; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R. and P. J. Ralph. 2006. Photosystem II heterogeneity of in hospite zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals exposed to bleaching conditions. Photochemistry and Photobiology 82:1577-1585. 2006 Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hirose, M. and M. Hidaka. 2006. Early development of zooxanthella-containing eggs of the corals Porites cylindrica and Montipora digitata: The endodermal localization of zooxanthellae. Zoological Science 23:873-881. 2006 Japan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hochberg, E. J., A. M. Apprill, M. J. Atkinson, and R. R. Bidigare. 2006. Bio-optical modeling of photosynthetic pigments in corals. Coral Reefs 25:99-109. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring; Model; Remote Sensing Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Huang, H., Z.-J. Dong, L.-M. Huang, and J.-B. Zhang. 2006. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of large subunit rDNA of symbiotic dinoflagellates from scleractinian corals in the Zhubi Coral Reef of the Nansha Islands. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48:148-152. 2006 China Ports & Harbors; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Karako-Lampert, S., G. Hershkovits, N. Stambler, N. Simon-Blecher, Y. Achituv, Z. Dubinsky, and D. J. Katcoff. 2006. Differential gene expression in Symbiodinium microadriaticum clade B following stress. Marine Biotechnology 8:268-274. 2006 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Kemp, D. W., C. B. Cook, T. C. LaJeunesse, and W. R. Brooks. 2006. A comparison of the thermal bleaching responses of the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum from three geographically different regions in south Florida. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 335:266-276. 2006 Florida Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Levy, O., Y. Achituv, Y. Z. Yacobi, N. Stambler, and Z. Dubinsky. 2006. The impact of spectral composition and light periodicity on the activity of two antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) in the coral Favia favus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 328:35-46. 2006 Lab Study Algae; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Levy, O., Y. Achituv, Y. Z. Yacobi, Z. Dubinsky, and N. Stambler. 2006. Diel 'tuning' of coral metabolism: Physiological responses to light cues. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:273-283. 2006 Algae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Levy, O., Z. Dubinsky, Y. Achituv, and J. Erez. 2006. Diurnal polyp expansion behavior in stony corals may enhance carbon availability for symbionts photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 333:11-Jan. 2006 Algae; Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lewis, J. B. 2006. Biology and Ecology of the Hydrocoral Millepora on Coral Reefs. Advances in Marine Biology 50:Jan-55. 2006 Algae; Cleaner & Solvent Use; Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Hydrocoral; Invasive Species; Marine Worms; Microorganisms; Molluscs; Pathogens; Petroleum Spills; Plankton; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Loh, W. K. W., M. Cowlishaw, and N. G. Wilson. 2006. Diversity of Symbiodinium dinoflagellate symbionts from the Indo-Pacific sea slug Pteraeolidia ianthina (Gastropoda: Mollusca). Marine Ecology Progress Series 320:177-184. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia Molluscs; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Magalon, H., E. Baudry, A. Huste, M. Adjeroud, and M. Veuille. 2006. High genetic diversity of the symbiotic dinoflagellates in the coral Pocillopora meandrina from the South Pacific. Marine Biology 148:913-922. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Tonga Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
McDougall, K. E., S. W. Gibb, K. G. Boyd, and B. E. Brown. 2006. 'Chlorophyll-like' compounds as novel biomarkers of stress in corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 325:137-144. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Nystrom, M. 2006. Redundancy and response diversity of functional groups: Implications for the resilience of coral reefs. Ambio 35:30-35. 2006 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pasternak, Z., B. Blasius, A. Abelson, and Y. Achituv. 2006. Host-finding behaviour and navigation capabilities of symbiotic zooxanthellae. Coral Reefs 25:201-207. 2006 Algae; Octocoral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Paz-Garcia, D. A. and H. Reyes-Bonilla. 2006. Temporal variation in the regeneration rate of artificial lesions in two morphotypes of Porites panamensis [Variaciones temporales en la tasa de regeneracion a lesiones artificiales de dos morfitipos de Porites panamensis]. Ciencias Marinas 32:187-194. 2006 South & Central America; Mexico Model Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Perez, S. and V. Weis. 2006. Nitric oxide and cnidarian bleaching: An eviction notice mediates breakdown of a symbiosis. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:2804-2810. 2006 Model Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Pochon, X. and J. Pawlowski. 2006. Evolution of the soritids-Symbiodinium symbiosis. Symbiosis 42:77-88. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Review Anemones & Zooanthids; Molluscs; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Pochon, X., J. I. Montoya-Burgos, B. Stadelmann, and J. Pawlowski. 2006. Molecular phylogeny, evolutionary rates, and divergence timing of the symbiotic dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38:20-30. 2006 Global Zooxanthellae
Quan-Young, L. I. and J. Espinoza-Avalos. 2006. Reduction of zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration, and tissue thickness of the coral Montastraea faveolata (Scleractinia) when competing with mixed turf algae. Limnology and Oceanography 51:1159-1166. 2006 South & Central America; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Microorganisms; Sediment; Stony Coral; Turf Algae; Zooxanthellae
Ramade, F. and H. Roche. 2006. Pollutant effects on coral reefs ecosystems [Effets des polluants sur les ecosystemes recifaux]. Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) 61:Mar-33. 2006 Global Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Discharges; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Finfish Harvest; Mangroves; Primary Production; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rasheed, M., C. Wild, C. Jantzen, and M. Badran. 2006. Mineralization of particulate organic matter derived from coral-reef organisms in reef sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba. Chemistry and Ecology 22:13-20. 2006 Cuba Lab Study; Model Nutrients; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Ravindran, J. and C. Raghukumar. 2006. Histological observations on the scleractinian coral Porites lutea affected by pink-line syndrome. Current Science 90:720-724. 2006 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ravindran, J. and C. Raghukumar. 2006. Pink-line syndrome, a physiological crisis in the scleractinian coral Porites lutea. Marine Biology 149:347-356. 2006 Index or Indicator CO2; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Richardson, S. L. 2006. Endosymbiont-bleaching in epiphytic populations of Sorites dominicensis. Symbiosis 42:103-117. 2006 South & Central America; Florida; Belize; India Field Study & Monitoring; Model Light; Molluscs; Storms & Hurricanes; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Robison, J. D. and M. E. Warner. 2006. Differential impacts of photoacclimation and thermal stress on the photobiology of four different phylotypes of Symbiodinium (Pyrrhophyta). Journal of Phycology 42:568-579. 2006 Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., C. Richard, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2006. Growth and photosynthesis of two Mediterranean corals, Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica, under normal and elevated temperatures. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:4546-4556. 2006 Cuba Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., C. Richard, D. Allemand, C. N. Bianchi, C. Morri, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2006. Response of zooxanthellae in symbiosis with the Mediterranean corals Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica to elevated temperatures. Marine Biology 150:45-55. 2006 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rodrigues, L. J. and A. G. Grottoli. 2006. Calcification rate and the stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in the skeleton, host tissue, and zooxanthellae of bleached and recovering Hawaiian corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70:2781-2789. 2006 US Pacific & Hawaii Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rotjan, R. D., J. L. Dimond, D. J. Thornhill, J. J. Leichter, B. Helmuth, D. W. Kemp, and S. M. Lewis. 2006. Chronic parrotfish grazing impedes coral recovery after bleaching. Coral Reefs 25:361-368. 2006 South & Central America; Belize Corallivorous Fish; Fish; Large Herbivorous Fish; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sachs, J. L. and T. P. Wilcox. 2006. A shift to parasitism in the jellyfish symbiont Symbiodinium microadriaticum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273:425-429. 2006 Lab Study; Model Algae; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Sandeman, I. M. 2006. Fragmentation of the gastrodermis and detachment of zooxanthellae in symbiotic cnidarians: A role for hydrogen peroxide and Ca2+ in coral bleaching and algal density control. Revista de Biologia Tropical 54:79-96. 2006 Algae; Light; Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Shenkar, N., M. Fine, E. Kramarsky-Winter, and Y. Loya. 2006. Population dynamics of zooxanthellae during a bacterial bleaching event. Coral Reefs 25:223-227. 2006 Index or Indicator Microorganisms; Zooxanthellae
Stabenau, E., J. Hendee, and L. Florit. 2006. Techniques for the automated assessment of intense light and high sea temperature on coral response. 2006 Field Study & Monitoring Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Tanaka, Y., T. Miyajima, I. Koike, T. Hayashibara, and H. Ogawa. 2006. Translocation and conservation of organic nitrogen within the coral-zooxanthella symbiotic system of Acropora pulchra, as demonstrated by dual isotope-labeling techniques. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 336:110-119. 2006 Cuba Algae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tentori, E. and D. Allemand. 2006. Light-enhanced calcification and dark decalcification in isolates of the soft coral Cladiella sp. during tissue recovery. Biological Bulletin 211:193-202. 2006 Lab Study Octocoral; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Thornhill, D. J., M. W. Daniel, T. C. LaJeunesse, G. W. Schmidt, and W. K. Fitt. 2006. Natural infections of aposymbiotic Cassiopea xamachana scyphistomae from environmental pools of Symbiodinium. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 338:50-56. 2006 Florida Lab Study Zooxanthellae
Thornhill, D. J., T. C. LaJeunesse, D. W. Kemp, W. K. Fitt, and G. W. Schmidt. 2006. Multi-year, seasonal genotypic surveys of coral-algal symbioses reveal prevalent stability or post-bleaching reversion. Marine Biology 148:711-722. 2006 South & Central America; Florida; Bahamas; Caribbean Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Thornhill, D. J., W. K. Fitt, and G. W. Schmidt. 2006. Highly stable symbioses among western Atlantic brooding corals. Coral Reefs 25:515-519. 2006 Florida; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Bahamas Ports & Harbors; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, I. M. Yakovleva, and T. L. Kalita. 2006. Rhythmical changes in the division and degradation of symbiotic algae in hermatypic corals. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 32:19-Dec. 2006 Japan Algae; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Todd, B. D., D. J. Thornhill, and W. K. Fitt. 2006. Patterns of inorganic phosphate uptake in Cassiopea xamachana: A bioindicator species. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52:515-521. 2006 Florida Index or Indicator Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E., P. J. Ralph, A. W. D. Larkum, and M. Kuhl. 2006. Intra-colonial variability in light acclimation of zooxanthellae in coral tissues of Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Biology 149:1325-1335. 2006 Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E., R. Berkelmans, P. J. Ralph, and M. J. H. Van Oppen. 2006. Variation in bleaching sensitivity of two coral species across a latitudinal gradient on the Great Barrier Reef: The role of zooxanthellae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 314:135-148. 2006 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Alstyne, K. L., P. Schupp, and M. Slattery. 2006. The distribution of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in tropical Pacific coral reef invertebrates. Coral Reefs 25:321-327. 2006 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Climate; Climate Regulation; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Special Use Permitting; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Van Oppen, M. J. H. and R. D. Gates. 2006. Conservation genetics and the resilience of reef-building corals. Molecular Ecology 15:3863-3883. 2006 Review Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Venn, A. A., M. A. Wilson, H. G. Trapido-Rosenthal, B. J. Keely, and A. E. Douglas. 2006. The impact of coral bleaching on the pigment profile of the symbiotic alga, Symbiodinium. Plant, Cell and Environment 29:2133-2142. 2006 Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Visram, S. and A. E. Douglas. 2006. Molecular diversity of symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in scleractinian corals of Kenya. Coral Reefs 25:172-176. 2006 Kenya Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Visram, S., J. Wiedenmann, and A. E. Douglas. 2006. Molecular diversity of symbiotic algae of the genus Symbiodinium (Zooxanthellae) in cnidarians of the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86:1281-1283. 2006 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); France Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Warner, M. E. and S. Berry-Lowe. 2006. Differential xanothophyll cycling and photochemical activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates in multiple locations of three species of Caribbean coral. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 339:86-95. 2006 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Warner, M. E. and S. Berry-Lowe. 2006. Differential xanthophyll cycling and photochemical activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates in multiple locations of three species of Caribbean coral. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 339:86-95. 2006 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Watanabe, T., S.-I. Kii, J. Tanaka, K. Takishita, and T. Maruyama. 2006. cDNA cloning and phylogenetic and expression analyses of actin in symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.). Journal of Applied Phycology 18:219-225. 2006 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhukova, N. V. and E. A. Titlyanov. 2006. Effect of light intensity on the fatty acid composition of dinoflagellates symbiotic with hermatypic corals. Botanica Marina 49:339-346. 2006 Hydrocoral; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Abramovitch-Gottlib, L., D. Dahan, Y. Golan, and R. Vago. 2005. Effect of light regimes on the microstructure of the reef-building coral Fungia simplex. Materials Science and Engineering C 25:81-85. 2005 Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Boehnlein, J. M., L. Z. Santiago-Vazquez, and R. G. Kerr. 2005. Diterpene biosynthesis by the dinoflagellate symbiont of the Caribbean gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 303:105-111. 2005 South & Central America; Caribbean Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Boulon, R., M. Chiappone, R. Halley, W. Jaap, B. Keller, B. Kruczynski, M. Miller, and C. Rogers. 2005. Atlantic Acropora Status Review. 2005 Global; South & Central America; Florida; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Jamaica; Belize; Caribbean; Mexico Review Anchoring & Vessel Grounding; Climate; Coastal Development; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrients; Pathogens; Physical Damage; Sediment; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Burghardt, I., J. Evertsen, G. Johnsen, and H. Wagele. 2005. Solar powered seaslugs - Mutualistic symbiosis of aeolid nudibranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) with Symbiodinium. Symbiosis 38:227-250. 2005 Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Housing; Light; Molluscs; Octocoral; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Calado, A. J. and O. Moestrup. 2005. On the freshwater dinoflagellates presently included in the genus Amphidinium, with a description of Prosoaulax gen. nov. Phycologia 44:112-119. 2005 Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J. M., R. Hayes, T. J. Goreau, and G. W. Smith. 2005. Erratum: Zooxanthellae regulation in yellow blotch/band and other coral diseases contrasted with temperature related bleaching: In situ destruction vs expulsion (Symbiosis (2004) 37 (63-85)). Symbiosis 38:101-104. 2005 Pathogens; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Chen, C. A., J.-T. Wang, L.-S. Fang, and Y.-W. Yang. 2005. Fluctuating algal symbiont communities in Acropora palifera (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) from Taiwan. Marine Ecology Progress Series 295:113-121. 2005 Taiwan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Chen, C. A., Y.-W. Yang, N. V. Wei, W.-S. Tsai, and L.-S. Fang. 2005. Symbiont diversity in scleractinian corals from tropical reefs and subtropical non-reef communities in Taiwan. Coral Reefs 24:22-Nov. 2005 Taiwan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Chen, C.-S., H.-P. Lin, C.-C. Yeh, and L.-S. Fang. 2005. Use of a fluorescent membrane probe to identify zooxanthellae in hospite among dissociated endoderm cell culture from coral. Protoplasma 226:175-179. 2005 Cuba Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Costa, C. F., R. Sassi, and F. D. Amaral. 2005. Annual cycle of symbiotic dinoflagellates from three species of scleractinian corals from coastal reefs of northeastern Brazil. Coral Reefs 24:191-193. 2005 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cox, G. and A. Salih. 2005. Fluorescence lifetime imaging of symbionts and fluorescent proteins in reef corals. Pages 162-170 in Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2005 Index or Indicator Algae; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Downs, C. A., J. E. Fauth, C. E. Robinson, R. Curry, B. Lanzendorf, J. C. Halas, J. Halas, and C. M. Woodley. 2005. Cellular diagnostics and coral health: Declining coral health in the Florida Keys. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51:558-569. 2005 Florida Stony Coral; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Drohan, A. F., D. A. Thoney, and A. C. Baker. 2005. Synergistic effect of high temperature and ultraviolet-B radiation on the gorgonian Eunicea tourneforti (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Plexauridae). Bulletin of Marine Science 77:257-266. 2005 Lab Study Light; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C., F. Houlbreque, E. Wyse, C. Richard, D. Allemand, and F. Boisson. 2005. Bioaccumulation of zinc in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral Reefs 24:636-645. 2005 Cuba Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L., C. B. Cook, and D. Goulet. 2005. Effect of short-term exposure to elevated temperatures and light levels on photosynthesis of different host-symbiont combinations in the Aiptasia pallidal Symbiodinium symbiosis. Limnology and Oceanography 50:1490-1498. 2005 Florida; Bermuda Lab Study Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Gravier-Bonnet, N. and C. Bourmaud. 2005. Cloning by releasing specialized frustules in a successful epiphytic zooxanthellate haleciid (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Haleciidae), with comments on stolonization and frustulation. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 48:63-69. 2005 Indian Ocean; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); India Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Harithsa, S., C. Raghukumar, and S. G. Dalal. 2005. Stress response of two coral species in the Kavaratti atoll of the Lakshadweep Archipelago, India. Coral Reefs 24:463-474. 2005 India Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R. and P. J. Ralph. 2005. Diel and seasonal changes in fluorescence rise kinetics of three scleractinian corals. Functional Plant Biology 32:549-559. 2005 Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R., C. Frankart, and P. J. Ralph. 2005. Impact of bleaching conditions on the components of non-photochemical quenching in the zooxanthellae of a coral. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 322:83-92. 2005 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, O., M. Fine, W. Skirving, R. Johnstone, S. Dove, and A. Strong. 2005. Coral bleaching following wintry weather. Limnology and Oceanography 50:265-271. 2005 Global; Australia Climate; Zooxanthellae
Hollingsworth, L. L., R. A. Kinzie III, T. D. Lewis, D. A. Krupp, and J.-A.C. Leong. 2005. Phototaxis of motile zooxanthellae to green light may facilitate symbiont capture by coral larvae. Coral Reefs 24:523. 2005 Zooxanthellae
LaJeunesse, T. C. 2005. \Species\" radiations of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific since the Miocene-Pliocene transition". Molecular Biology and Evolution 22:570-581. 2005 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Caribbean Climate; Zooxanthellae
LaJeunesse, T. C., G. Lambert, R. A. Andersen, M. A. Coffroth, and D. W. Galbraith. 2005. Symbiodinium (Pyrrhophyta) genome sizes (DNA content) are smallest among dinoflagellates. Journal of Phycology 41:880-886. 2005 Anemones & Zooanthids; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A. 2005. Nitrogen and photosynthetic function of hermatypic corals. Oxygen exchange of Stylophora pistillata coral under artificial feeding. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 66:164-169. 2005 Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A. and L. I. Popova. 2005. Light absorption by carotenoid peridinin in zooxanthellae cell and setting down of hermatypic coral to depth. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 66:251-257. 2005 Light; Zooxanthellae
Obura, D. O. 2005. Resilience and climate change: Lessons from coral reefs and bleaching in the Western Indian Ocean. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 63:353-372. 2005 Indian Ocean; India Climate; Zooxanthellae
Okamoto, M., S. Nojima, Y. Furushima, and H. Nojima. 2005. Evaluation of coral bleaching condition in situ using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer. Fisheries Science 71:847-854. 2005 Japan Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pillay, R. M., B. Willis, and H. Terashima. 2005. Trends in the density of zooxanthellae in Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) at the Palm Island Group, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Symbiosis 38:209-226. 2005 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Porat, D. and N. E. Chadwick-Furman. 2005. Effects of anemonefish on giant sea anemones: Ammonium uptake, zooxanthella content and tissue regeneration. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 38:43-51. 2005 Lab Study Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Fish; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Puverel, S., E. Tambutte, D. Zoccola, I. Domart-Coulon, A. Bouchot, S. Lotto, D. Allemand, and S. Tambutte. 2005. Antibodies against the organic matrix in scleractinians: A new tool to study coral biomineralization. Coral Reefs 24:149-156. 2005 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ralph, P. J., A. W. D. Larkum, and M. Kuhl. 2005. Temporal patterns in effective quantum yield of individual zooxanthellae expelled during bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 316:17-28. 2005 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Richier, S., P. Furla, A. Plantivaux, P.-L. Merle, and D. Allemand. 2005. Symbiosis-induced adaptation to oxidative stress. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:277-285. 2005 Global Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sanchez, J. A. and H. H. Wirshing. 2005. A field key to the identification of tropical western Atlantic zooxanthellate octocorals (Octocorallia: Cnidaria). Caribbean Journal of Science 41:508-522. 2005 South & Central America; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schonberg, C. H. L. and W. K. W. Loh. 2005. Molecular identity of the unique symbiotic dinoflagellates found in the bioeroding demosponge Cliona orientalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 299:157-166. 2005 Australia Boring Sponges; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Shearer, T. L., C. Gutierrez-Rodriguez, and M. A. Coffroth. 2005. Generating molecular markers from zooxanthellate cnidarians. Coral Reefs 24:57-66. 2005 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Zooxanthellae
Shick, J. M., C. Ferrier-Pages, R. Grover, and D. Allemand. 2005. Effects of starvation, ammonium concentration, and photosynthesis on the UV-dependent accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the coral Stylophora pistillata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 295:135-156. 2005 Light; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Sunscreen Use; Zooxanthellae
Smith, D. J., D. J. Suggett, and N. R. Baker. 2005. Is photoinhibition of zooxanthellae photosynthesis the primary cause of thermal bleaching in corals? Global Change Biology 11:11-Jan. 2005 Review Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Stambler, N. and Z. Dubinsky. 2005. Corals as light collectors: An integrating sphere approach. Coral Reefs 24:9-Jan. 2005 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Strychar, K. B., M. Coates, P. W. Sammarco, T. J. Piva, and P. T. Scott. 2005. Loss of Symbiodinium from bleached soft corals Sarcophyton ehrenbergi, Sinularia sp. and Xenia sp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 320:159-177. 2005 Algae; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Swart, P. K., A. Saied, and K. Lamb. 2005. Temporal and spatial variation in the δ15N and δ13C of coral tissue and zooxanthellae in Montastraea faveolata collected from the Florida reef tract. Limnology and Oceanography 50:1049-1058. 2005 Florida Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Swart, P. K., A. Szmant, J. W. Porter, R. E. Dodge, J. I. Tougas, and J. R. Southam. 2005. The isotopic composition of respired carbon dioxide in scleractinian corals: Implications for cycling of organic carbon in corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69:1495-1509. 2005 Florida; Cuba CO2; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Trapido-Rosenthal, H., S. Zielke, R. Owen, L. Buxton, B. Boeing, R. Bhagooli, and J. Archer. 2005. Increased zooxanthellae nitric oxide synthase activity is associated with coral bleaching. Biological Bulletin 208:6-Mar. 2005 Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E., R. Hill, and P. J. Ralph. 2005. Photosynthetic impact of hypoxia on in hospite zooxanthellae in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 286:125-132. 2005 Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Oppen, M. J. H., J. C. Mieog, C. A. Sanchez, and K. E. Fabricius. 2005. Diversity of algal endosymbionts (zooxanthellae) in octocorals: The roles of geography and host relationships. Molecular Ecology 14:2403-2417. 2005 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Caribbean Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wild, C., H. Woyt, and M. Huettel. 2005. Influence of coral mucus on nutrient fluxes in carbonate sands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 287:87-98. 2005 Australia; Cuba Hydrocoral; Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wild, C., M. Rasheed, C. Jantzen, P. Cook, U. Struck, M. Huettel, and A. Boetius. 2005. Benthic metabolism and degradation of natural particulate organic matter in carbonate and silicate reef sands of the northern Red Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 298:69-78. 2005 Primary Production; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Wilson, W. H., A. L. Dale, J. E. Davy, and S. K. Davy. 2005. An enemy within? Observations of virus-like particles in reef corals. Coral Reefs 24:145-148. 2005 Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Work, T. M. and R. A. Rameyer. 2005. Coral Reefs 24:384-390. 2005 Samoa; American Samoa Field Study & Monitoring; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; Invasive Species; Marine Worms; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Zooxanthellae
Yakovleva, I. M. and A. H. Baird. 2005. Ontogenetic change in the abundance of mycosporine-like amino acids in non-zooxanthellate coral larvae. Coral Reefs 24:443-452. 2005 Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yamashiro, H., H. Oku, and K. Onaga. 2005. Effect of bleaching on lipid content and composition of Okinawan corals. Fisheries Science 71:448-453. 2005 Japan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yuyama, I., H. Hayakawa, H. Endo, K. Iwao, H. Takeyama, T. Maruyama, and T. Watanabe. 2005. Identification of symbiotically expressed coral mRNAs using a model infection system. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 336:793-798. 2005 Model Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Barneah, O., V. M. Weis, S. Perez, and Y. Benayahu. 2004. Diversity of dinoflagellate symbionts in Red Sea soft corals: Mode of symbiont acquisition matters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 275:89-95. 2004 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Bastidas, C. and E. M. Garcia. 2004. Sublethal effects of mercury and its distribution in the coral Porites astreoides. Marine Ecology Progress Series 267:133-143. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Stony Coral; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Bhagooli, R. and I. Yakovleva. 2004. Differential bleaching susceptibility and mortality patterns among four corals in response to thermal stress. Symbiosis 37:121-136. 2004 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bhagooli, R. and M. Hidaka. 2004. Release of zooxanthellae with intact photosynthetic activity by the coral Galaxae fascicularis in response to high temperature stress. Marine Biology 145:329-337. 2004 Discharges; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J. M., R. Hayes, T. J. Goreau, and G. W. Smith. 2004. Zooxanthellae regulation in yellow blotch/band and other coral diseases contrasted with temperature related bleaching: In situ destruction vs expulsion. Symbiosis 37:63-85. 2004 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J. M., R. L. Hayes, S. W. Polson, S. C. Polson, T. J. Goreau, R. J. Martinez, and G. W. Smith. 2004. Relationship of Vibrio species infection and elevated temperatures to yellow blotch/band disease in caribbean corals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:6855-6864. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Chen, M.-C., Y.-M. Cheng, L.-H. Wang, C.-H. Lin, X.-Y. Huang, M.-C. Liu, P.-J. Sung, and L.-S. Fang. 2004. Cloning and characterization of the first cnidarian ADP-ribosylation factor, and its involvement in the Aiptasia-Symbiodinum endosymbiosis. Marine Biotechnology 6:138-147. 2004 Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Chen, M.-C., Y.-M. Cheng, M.-C. Hong, and L.-S. Fang. 2004. Molecular cloning of Rab5 (ApRab5) in Aiptasia pulchella and its retention in phagosomes harboring live zooxanthellae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 324:1024-1033. 2004 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Primary Production; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
D'Croz, L. and J. L. Mate. 2004. Experimental responses to elevated water temperature in genotypes of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis from upwelling and non-welling environments in Panama. Coral Reefs 23:473-483. 2004 US Pacific & Hawaii; Panama Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dunn, S. R., J. C. Thomason, M. D. A. Le Tissier, and J. C. Bythell. 2004. Heat stress induces different forms of cell death in sea anemones and their endosymbiotic algae depending on temperature and duration. Cell Death and Differentiation 11:1213-1222. 2004 Global Index or Indicator Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Climate; Zooxanthellae
Fabricius, K. E., J. C. Mieog, P. L. Colin, D. Idip, and M. J. H. Van Oppen. 2004. Identity and diversity of coral endosymbionts (zooxanthellae) from three Palauan reefs with contrasting bleaching, temperature and shading histories. Molecular Ecology 13:2445-2458. 2004 Global; Palau; Micronesia Algae; Climate; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fautin, D. G. and R. W. Buddemeier. 2004. Adaptive bleaching: A general phenomenon. Hydrobiologia 459-467. 2004 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Fine, M., L. Steindler, and Y. Loya. 2004. Endolithic algae photoacclimate to increased irradiance during coral bleaching. Marine and Freshwater Research 55:115-121. 2004 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Floros, C. D., M. J. Samways, and B. Armstrong. 2004. Taxonomic patterns of bleaching within a South African coral assemblage. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:1175-1194. 2004 Global; Indian Ocean; Kenya; Tanzania; Seychelles; Maldives; India; South Africa Field Study & Monitoring Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goffredo, S. and F. Zaccanti. 2004. Laboratory observations of larval behavior and metamorphosis in the Mediterranean solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 74:449-457. 2004 Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goldberg, W. M. 2004. Epidermal structure of the scleractinian coral Mycetophyllia ferox: Light-induced vesicles, copious mucocytes, and sporadic tentacles. Hydrobiologia 451-458. 2004 Florida Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goreau, T. J., J. M. Cervino, and R. Pollina. 2004. Increased zooxanthellae numbers and mitotic index in electrically stimulated corals. Symbiosis 37:107-120. 2004 Global; Indonesia Index or Indicator; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; CO2; Nutrients; Primary Production; Sediment; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L. and M. A. Coffroth. 2004. The genetic identity of dinoflagellate symbionts in Caribbean octocorals. Coral Reefs 23:465-472. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Anemones & Zooanthids; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Heil, C. A., K. Chaston, A. Jones, P. Bird, B. Longstaff, S. Costanzo, and W. C. Dennison. 2004. Benthic microalgae in coral reef sediments of the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs 23:336-343. 2004 Australia Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Hill, R., A. W. D. Larkum, C. Frankart, M. Kuhl, and P. J. Ralph. 2004. Loss of functional photosystem ii reaction centres in zooxanthellae of corals exposed to bleaching conditions: Using fluorescence rise kinetics. Photosynthesis Research 82:59-72. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hochberg, E. J., M. J. Atkinson, A. Apprill, and S. Andrefouet. 2004. Spectral reflectance of coral. Coral Reefs 23:84-95. 2004 Global Remote Sensing Zooxanthellae
Iglesias-Prieto, R., V. H. Beltran, T. C. LaJeunesse, H. Reyes-Bonilla, and P. E. Thome. 2004. Different algal symbionts explain the vertical distribution of dominant reef corals in the eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271:1757-1763. 2004 US Pacific & Hawaii Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ishikura, M., K. Hagiwara, K. Takishita, M. Haga, K. Iwai, and T. Maruyama. 2004. Isolation of new Symbiodinium strains from tridacnid giant clam (Tridacna crocea) and sea slug (Pteraeolidia ianthina) using culture medium containing giant clam tissue homogenate. Marine Biotechnology 6:378-385. 2004 Molluscs; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, P.L. 2004. Temperature Stress and Coral Bleaching. Pages 401-425 in Rosenberg, E., Y. Loya, editor. Coral Health and Disease. 2004 Algae; Nutrients; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Karako-Lampert, S., D. J. Katcoff, Y. Achituv, Z. Dubinsky, and N. Stambler. 2004. Do clades of symbiotic dinoflagellates in scleractinian corals of the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea) differ from those of other coral reefs? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 311:301-314. 2004 Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Kuo, J., M.-C. Chen, C.-H. Lin, and L.-S. Fang. 2004. Comparative gene expression in the symbiotic and aposymbiotic Aiptasia pulchella by expressed sequence tag analysis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 318:176-186. 2004 Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
LaJeunesse, T. C., R. Bhagooli, M. Hidaka, L. DeVantier, T. Done, G. W. Schmidt, W. K. Fitt, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2004. Closely related Symbiodinium spp. differ in relative dominance in coral reef host communities across environmental, latitudinal and biogeographic gradients. Marine Ecology Progress Series 284:147-161. 2004 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Japan Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Leggat, W., S. Whitney, and D. Yellowlees. 2004. Is coral bleaching due to the instability of the zooxanthellae dark reactions? Symbiosis 37:137-153. 2004 Global Anemones & Zooanthids; Primary Production; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P. and J. H. Farrell. 2004. Exposure to solar radiation increases damage to both host tissues and algal symbionts of corals during thermal stress. Coral Reefs 23:367-377. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Invertebrates; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P., C. H. Mazel, M. Y. Gorbunov, and P. G. Falkowski. 2004. Discovery of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in corals. Science 305:997-1000. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Little, A. F., M. J. H. Van Oppen, and B. L. Willis. 2004. Flexibility in algal endosymbioses shapes growth in reef corals. Science 304:1492-1494. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Magalon, H., S. Samadi, M. Richard, M. Adjeroud, and M. Veuille. 2004. Development of coral and zooxanthella-specific microsatellites in three species of Pocillopora (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) from French Polynesia. Molecular Ecology Notes 4:206-208. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mills, M. M., F. Lipschultz, and K. P. Sebens. 2004. Particulate matter ingestion and associated nitrogen uptake by four species of scleractinian corals. Coral Reefs 23:311-323. 2004 Cuba; Bermuda Nutrients; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Nakamura, E., Y. Yokohama, and J. Tanaka. 2004. Photosynthetic activity of a temperate coral Acropora pruinosa (Scleractinia, Anthozoa) with symbiotic algae in Japan. Phycological Research 52:38-44. 2004 Japan Algae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pasternak, Z., A. Bachr, A. Abelson, and Y. Achituv. 2004. Initiation of symbiosis between the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens and its zooxanthellae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 279:113-116. 2004 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Piniak, G. A. and F. Lipschultz. 2004. Effects of nutritional history on nitrogen assimilation in congeneric temperate and tropical scleractinian corals. Marine Biology 145:1085-1096. 2004 Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rosenberg, E. and L. Falkovitz. 2004. The Vibrio shiloi/Oculina patagonica model system of coral bleaching. Annual Review of Microbiology 58:143-159. 2004 Model Marine Worms; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Santos, S. R., T. L. Shearer, A. R. Hannes, and M. A. Coffroth. 2004. Fine-scale diversity and specificity in the most prevalent lineage of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium, Dinophyceae) of the Caribbean. Molecular Ecology 13:459-469. 2004 South & Central America; Bahamas; Caribbean Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Schloder, C. and L. D'Croz. 2004. Responses of massive and branching coral species to the combined effects of water temperature and nitrate enrichment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 313:255-268. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schloder, C. and L. D'Croz. 2004. Responses of massive and branching coral speices to the combined effects of water temperature and nitrate enrichment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 313:255-268. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shick, J. M. 2004. The continuity and intensity of ultraviolet irradiation affect the kinetics of biosynthesis, accumulation, and conversion of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the coral Stylophora pistillata. Limnology and Oceanography 49:442-458. 2004 Lab Study Light; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Stambler, N. and Z. Dubinsky. 2004. Stress effects on metabolism and photosynthesis of hermatypic corals. Pages 195-215 in E. Rosenberg and Y. Loya, editors. Coral health and disease. Springer, Berlin, Germany. 2004 Nutrients; Pathogens; Primary Production; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Strychar, K. B., M. Coates, and P. W. Sammarco. 2004. Loss of Symbiodinium from bleached Australian scleractinian corals (Acropora hyacinthus, Favites complanata and Porites solida). Marine and Freshwater Research 55:135-144. 2004 Australia Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Strychar, K. B., M. Coates, P. W. Sammarco, and T. J. Piva. 2004. Bleaching as a pathogenic response in scleractinian corals, evidenced by high concentrations of apoptotic and necrotic zooxanthellae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 304:99-121. 2004 Octocoral; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Strychar, K. B., P. W. Sammarco, and T. J. Piva. 2004. Apoptotic and necrotic stages of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) cell death activity: Bleaching of soft and scleractinian corals. Phycologia 43:768-777. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Takahashi, S., T. Nakamura, M. Sakamizu, R. Van Woesik, and H. Yamasaki. 2004. Repair Machinery of Symbiotic Photosynthesis as the Primary Target of Heat Stress for Reef-Building Corals. Plant and Cell Physiology 45:251-255. 2004 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tchernov, D., M. Y. Gorbunov, C. De Vargas, S. N. Yadav, A. J. Milligant, M. Haggblom, and P. G. Falkowski. 2004. Membrane lipids of symbiotic algae are diagnostic of sensitivity to thermal bleaching in corals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101:13531-13535. 2004 Global Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, T. L. Kalita, and I. M. Yakovleva. 2004. Rhythmicity in division and degradation of zooxanthellae in the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata. Symbiosis 36:211-224. 2004 Japan Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Oppen, M. J. H. 2004. Mode of zooxanthella transmission does not affect zooxanthella diversity in acroporid corals. Marine Biology 144:7-Jan. 2004 Australia; Indonesia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wegley, L., Y. Yu, M. Breitbart, V. Casas, D. I. Kline, and F. Rohwer. 2004. Coral-associated Archaea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 273:89-96. 2004 South & Central America; Caribbean Algae; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wild, C., M. Huettel, A. Klueter, S. G. Kremb, M. Y. M. Rasheed, and B. B. Jorgensen. 2004. Coral mucus functions as an energy carrier and particle trap in the reef ecosystem. Nature 428:66-70. 2004 Australia Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yacobovitch, T., Y. Benayahu, and V. M. Weis. 2004. Motility of zooxanthellae isolated from the Red Sea soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens (Cnidaria). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:35-48. 2004 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Yakovleva, I. and M. Hidaka. 2004. Different effects of high temperature acclimation on bleaching-susceptible and tolerant corals. Symbiosis 37:87-105. 2004 Japan Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yakovleva, I., R. Bhagooli, A. Takemura, and M. Hidaka. 2004. Differential susceptibility to oxidative stress of two scleractinian corals: Antioxidant functioning of mycosporine-glycine. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 139:721-730. 2004 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yap, H. T. 2004. Differential survival of coral transplants on various substrates under elevated water temperatures. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49:306-312. 2004 Field Study & Monitoring Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Yentsch, C. S., C. M. Yentsch, D. A. Phinney, B. E. Lapointe, and S. F. W. Yentsch. 2004. The odyssey of new production. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 300:15-30. 2004 Florida; Bahamas Lab Study; Remote Sensing Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Zhu, B., G. Wang, B. Huang, and C. K. Tseng. 2004. Effects of temperature, hypoxia, ammonia and nitrate on the bleaching among three coral species. Chinese Science Bulletin 49:1923-1928. 2004 Global Algae; Aquaculture; Light; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Abramovitch-Gottlib, L., D. Katoshevski, and R. Vago. 2003. Responses of Stylophora pistillata and Millepora dichotoma to seawater temperature elevation. Bulletin of Marine Science 73:745-755. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Anthony, K. R. N. and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2003. Kinetics of photoacclimation in corals. Oecologia 134:23-31. 2003 Model Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Baker, A. C. 2003. Flexibility and Specificity in Coral-Algal Symbiosis: Diversity, Ecology, and Biogeography of Symbiodinium. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34:661-689. 2003 Global Field Study & Monitoring Climate; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Marine Protected Areas; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Banin, E., D. Vassilakos, E. Orr, R. J. Martinez, and E. Rosenberg. 2003. Superoxide dismutase is a virulence factor produced by the coral bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi. Current Microbiology 46:418-422. 2003 Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Ben-Haim, Y., M. Zicherman-Keren, and E. Rosenberg. 2003. Temperature-regulated bleaching and lysis of the coral Pocillopora damicomis by the novel pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:4236-4242. 2003 Global Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bhagooli, R., M. Hidaka. 2003. Comparison of stress susceptibility of in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae among five coral species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 291:181-197. 2003 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J. M., R.L. Hayes, M. Honovich, T.J. Goreau, S. Jones, and P.J. Rubec. 2003. Changes in zooxanthellae density, morphology, and mitotic index in hermatypic corals and anemones exposed to cyanide. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:573-586. 2003 Southeast Asia Index or Indicator Anemones & Zooanthids; Discharge Limitations; Discharges; Fish; Hydrocoral; Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Chen, C. A., K. K. Lam, Y. Nakano, and W.-S. Tsai. 2003. A Stable Association of the Stress-Tolerant Zooxanthellae, Symbiodinium Clade D, with the Low-Temperature-Tolerant Coral, Oulastrea crispata (Scleractinia: Faviidae) in Subtropical Non-Reefal Coral Communities. Zoological Studies 42:540-550. 2003 China; Taiwan Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Chen, M.-C., Y.-M. Cheng, P.-J. Sung, C.-E. Kuo, and L.-S. Fang. 2003. Molecular identification of Rab7 (ApRab7) in Aiptasia pulchella and its exclusion from phagosomes harboring zooxanthellae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 308:586-595. 2003 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Crabbe, M. J. C. 2003. A novel method for the transport and analysis of genetic material from polyps and zooxanthellae of scleractinian corals. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 57:171-176. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Hotel & Food Services; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cruz-Pinon, G., J. P. Carricart-Ganivet, and J. Espinoza-Avalos. 2003. Monthly skeletal extension rates of the hermatypic corals Montastraea annularis and Montastraea faveolata : biological and environmental controls. Marine Biology 143:491-500. 2003 South & Central America; Caribbean; Mexico Index or Indicator Light; Nutrients; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Diekmann, O. E., J. L. Olsen, W. T. Stam, and R. P. M. Bak. 2003. Genetic variation within Symbiodinium clade B from the coral genus Madracis in the Caribbean (Netherlands Antilles). Coral Reefs 22:29-33. 2003 South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Zooxanthellae
Douglas, A. E. 2003. Coral bleaching - How and why? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:385-392. 2003 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Douglas, A. E. 2003. Coral bleaching-how and why? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:385-392. 2003 Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C., J. Witting, E. Tambutte, and K. P. Sebens. 2003. Effect of natural zooplankton feeding on the tissue and skeletal growth of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral Reefs 22:229-240. 2003 Cuba Lab Study Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fine, M. and Y. Loya. 2003. Alternate coral-bryozoan competitive superiority during coral bleaching. Marine Biology 142:989-996. 2003 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gateno, D., A. Leon, Y. Barki, J. Cortes, and B. Rinkevich. 2003. Skeletal tumor formations in the massive coral Pavona clavus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 258:97-108. 2003 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica Field Study & Monitoring Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gilmore, A. M., A. W. D. Larkum, A. Salih, S. Itoh, Y. Shibata, C. Bena, H. Yamasaki, M. Papina, and R. Van Woesik. 2003. Simultaneous Time Resolution of the Emission Spectra of Fluorescent Proteins and Zooxanthellar Chlorophyll in Reef-building Corals. Photochemistry and Photobiology 77:515-523. 2003 Australia; Japan GIS & Maps Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L. and M. A. Coffroth. 2003. Genetic composition of zooxanthellae between and within colonies of the octocoral Plexaura kuna, based on small subunit rDNA and multilocus DNA fingerprinting. Marine Biology 142:233-239. 2003 Florida; US Virgin Islands; Bahamas; Panama Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Goulet, T. L. and M. A. Coffroth. 2003. Stability of an octocoral-algal symbiosis over time and space. Marine Ecology Progress Series 250:117-124. 2003 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Grover, R., J.-F. Maguer, D. Allemand, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2003. Nitrate uptake in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Limnology and Oceanography 48:2266-2274. 2003 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hallock, P., B. H. Lidz, E. M. Cockey-Burkhard, and K. B. Donnelly. 2003. Foraminifera as bioindicators in coral reef assessment and monitoring: the foram index. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:221-238. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator; Remote Sensing Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Houlbreque, F., E. Tambutte, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2003. Effect of zooplankton availability on the rates of photosynthesis, and tissue and skeletal growth in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 296:145-166. 2003 Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Knowlton, N. and F. Rohwer. 2003. Multispecies Microbial Mutualisms on Coral Reefs: The Host as a Habitat. American Naturalist 162. 2003 Microorganisms; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kumaraguru, A. K., K. Jayakumar, and C. M. Ramakritinan. 2003. Coral bleaching 2002 in the Palk Bay, southeast coast of India. Current Science 85:1787-1793. 2003 India Zooxanthellae
Levy, O., Z. Dubinsky, and Y. Achituv. 2003. Photobehavior of stony corals: Responses to light spectra and intensity. Journal of Experimental Biology 206:4041-4049. 2003 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. and P. L. Clode. 2003. Light-regulated Ca2+ uptake and O2 secretion at the surface of a scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 136:417-426. 2003 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mazel, C. H., M. P. Lesser, M. Y. Gorbunov, T. M. Barry, J. H. Farrell, K. D. Wyman, and P. G. Falkowski. 2003. Green-fluorescent proteins in Caribbean corals. Limnology and Oceanography 48:402-411. 2003 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Lab Study Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Meroz-Fine, E., I. Brickner, Y. Loya, and M. Ilan. 2003. The hydrozoan coral Millepora dichotoma: Speciation or phenotypic plasticity? Marine Biology 143:1175-1183. 2003 Hydrocoral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Nakamura, T., H. Yamasaki, and R. Van Woesik. 2003. Water flow facilitates recovery from bleaching in the coral Stylophora pistillata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 256:287-291. 2003 Algae; Light; Seawater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Neves, E. G. and F. L. Da Silveira. 2003. Release of planula larvae, settlement and development of Siderastrea stellata Verrill, 1868 (Anthozoa, Scleractinia). Hydrobiologia 501:139-147. 2003 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Oku, H., H. Yamashiro, and K. Onaga. 2003. Lipid biosynthesis from [14C]-glucose in the coral Montipora digitata. Fisheries Science 69:625-631. 2003 Cuba Primary Production; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Owen, R., A. Knap, N. Ostrander, and K. Carbery. 2003. Comparative acute toxicity of herbicides to photosynthesis of coral zooxanthellae. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70:541-548. 2003 Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Philipp, E., K. Fabricius. 2003. Photophysiological stress in scleractinian corals in response to short-term sedimentation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 287:57-78. 2003 Australia Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Piniak, G. A., F. Lipschultz, and J. McClelland. 2003. Assimilation and partitioning of prey nitrogen within two anthozoans and their endosymbiotic zooxanthellae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262:125-136. 2003 Anemones & Zooanthids; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Nutrients; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Reichelt-Brushett, A. J. and G. McOrist. 2003. Trace metals in the living and nonliving components of scleractinian corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:1573-1582. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Richier, S., P.-L. Merle, P. Furla, D. Pigozzi, F. Sola, and D. Allemand. 2003. Characterization of superoxide dismutases in anoxia- and hyperoxia-tolerant symbiotic cnidarians. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects 1621:84-91. 2003 Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schonberg, C. H. L. 2003. Substrate effects on the bioeroding demosponge Cliona orientalis. 2. Susbtrate colonisation and tissue growth. Marine Ecology 24:59-74. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring Boring Sponges; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Sponges; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Smith, L. D., A. P. Negri, E. Philipp, N. S. Webster, and A. J. Heyward. 2003. The effects of antifoulant-paint-contaminated sediments on coral recruits and branchlets. Marine Biology 143:651-657. 2003 Australia Lab Study Anchoring & Vessel Grounding; Marine Protected Areas; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stanley Jr., G. D. 2003. The evolution of modern corals and their early history. Earth-Science Reviews 60:195-225. 2003 Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Talge, H. K. and P. Hallock. 2003. Ultrastructural responses in field-bleached and experimentally stressed Amphistegina gibbosa (Class Foraminifera). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 50:324-333. 2003 Florida Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Light; Zooxanthellae
Tarrant, A. M., C. H. Blomquist, P. H. Lima, M. J. Atkinson, and S. Atkinson. 2003. Metabolism of estrogens and androgens by scleractinian corals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136:473-485. 2003 Cuba Invertebrates; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Ulstrup, K. E. and M. J. H. Van Oppen. 2003. Geographic and habitat partitioning of genetically distinct zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) in Acropora corals on the Great Barrier Reef. Molecular Ecology 12:3477-3484. 2003 Australia GIS & Maps Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yacobovitch, T., V. M. Weis, and Y. Benayahu. 2003. Development and survivorship of zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate primary polyps of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens: Laboratory and field comparisons. Marine Biology 142:1055-1063. 2003 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Model Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Zepp, R. G. 2003. UV exposure of coral assemblages in the Florida Keys. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. 2003 Florida; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Review Light; Littering; Mangroves; Plankton; Seagrasses; Zooxanthellae
Zhukova, N. V. 2003. A biochemical approach for assessment of the diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 29:328-332. 2003 Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zhukova, N. V. and E. A. Titlyanov. 2003. Fatty acid variations in symbiotic dinoflagellates from Okinawan corals. Phytochemistry 62:191-195. 2003 Japan Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Abramovitch-Gottlib, L., D. Katoshevski, and R. Vago. 2002. A computerized tank system for studying the effect of temperature on calcification of reef organisms. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 50:245-252. 2002 Global Lab Study Hydrocoral; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics; Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Sources; Zooxanthellae
Annis, E. R. and C. B. Cook. 2002. Alkaline phosphatase activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) as a biological indicator of environmental phosphate exposure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 245:20-Nov. 2002 Lab Study; Index or Indicator Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Seagrasses; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Broadbent, A. D., G. B. Jones, and R. J. Jones. 2002. DMSP in corals and benthic algae from the Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 55:547-555. 2002 Australia Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Brown, B. E., K. R. Clarke, and R. M. Warwick. 2002. Serial patterns of biodiversity change in corals across shallow reef flats in KO Phuket, Thailand, due to the effects of local (sedimentation) and regional (climatic) perturbations. Marine Biology 141:21-29. 2002 Indian Ocean; India; Thailand Field Study & Monitoring Climate; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Sea Temperatures; Sediment; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Buck, B. H., H. Rosenthal, and U. Saint-Paul. 2002. Effect of increased irradiance and thermal stress on the symbiosis of Symbiodinium microadriaticum and Tridacna gigas. Aquatic Living Resource 15:107-117. 2002 Australia Algae; Light; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Celliers, L. and M. H. Schleyer. 2002. Coral bleaching on high-latitude marginal reefs at Sodwana Bay, South Africa. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:1380-1387. 2002 South Africa Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Clode, P. L. and A. T. Marshall. 2002. Kalisomes in corals: A novel KCl concentrating organelle? Tissue and Cell 34:199-209. 2002 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cohen, A. L., K. E. Owens, G. D. Layne, and N. Shimizu. 2002. The effect of algal symbionts on the accuracy of Sr/Ca paleotemperatures from coral. Science 296:331-333. 2002 Lab Study Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Climate; Zooxanthellae
Cox, E. F. and S. Ward. 2002. Impact of elevated ammonium on reproduction in two Hawaiian scleractinian corals with different life history patterns. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:1230-1235. 2002 US Pacific & Hawaii Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Diaz-Pulido, G. and L. J. McCook. 2002. The fate of bleached corals: Patterns and dynamics of algal recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 232:115-128. 2002 Australia Algae; Cyanobacteria; Fleshy Macroalgae; Microorganisms; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Diekmann, O. E., R. P. M. Bak, L. Tonk, W. T. Stam, and J. L. Olsen. 2002. No habitat correlation of zooxanthellae in the coral genus Madracis on a Curacao reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series 227:221-232. 2002 South & Central America; Antilles; Caribbean Review Nutrients; Ports & Harbors; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Downs, C. A., J. E. Fauth, J. C. Halas, P. Dustan, J. Bemiss, and C. M. Woodley. 2002. Oxidative stress and seasonal coral bleaching. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 33:533-543. 2002 Global; Florida Model Zooxanthellae
Dunn, S. R., J. C. Bythell, M. D. A. Le Tissier, W. J. Burnett, and J. C. Thomason. 2002. Programmed cell death and cell necrosis activity during hyperthermic stress-induced bleaching of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia sp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 272:29-53. 2002 Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Fine, M. and Y. Loya. 2002. Endolithic algae: An alternative source of photoassimilates during coral bleaching. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 269:1205-1210. 2002 Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fine, M., U. Oren, and Y. Loya. 2002. Bleaching effect on regeneration and resource translocation in the coral Oculina patagonica. Marine Ecology Progress Series 234:119-125. 2002 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goldberg, W. M. 2002. Gastrodermal structure and feeding responses in the scleractinian Mycetophyllia reesi, a coral with novel digestive filaments. Tissue and Cell 34:246-261. 2002 Field Study & Monitoring Discharges; Housing; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Grottoli, A. G. 2002. Effect of light and brine shrimp on skeletal δ13C in the Hawaiian coral Porites compressa: A tank experiment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66:1955-1967. 2002 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Light; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Grover, R., J.-F. Maguer, S. Reynaud-Vaganay, and C. Ferrier-Pages. 2002. Uptake of ammonium by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata: Effect of feeding, light, and ammonium concentrations. Limnology and Oceanography 47:782-790. 2002 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Harii, S., H. Kayanne, H. Takigawa, T. Hayashibara, and M. Yamamoto. 2002. Larval survivorship, competency periods and settlement of two brooding corals, Heliopora coerulea and Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Biology 141:39-46. 2002 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hedley, J. D. and P. J. Mumby. 2002. Biological and remote sensing perspectives of pigmentation in coral reef organisms. Advances in Marine Biology 43:279-317. 2002 Global Review; Field Study & Monitoring; GIS & Maps; Remote Sensing Algae; Climate; Collaboration & Partnering; Skeletal Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kruzic, P. and A. Pozar-Domac. 2002. Skeleton growth rates of coral bank of Cladocora caespitosa (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) in lake Veliko jezero (Mljet National park). Periodicum Biologorum 104:123-129. 2002 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kuffner, I. B. 2002. Effects of ultraviolet radiation and water motion on the reef coral, Porites compressa Dana: A transplantation experiment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 270:147-169. 2002 Light; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
LaJeunesse, T. C. 2002. Diversity and community structure of symbiotic dinoflagellates from Caribbean coral reefs. Marine Biology 141:387-400. 2002 South & Central America; Bahamas; Caribbean; Mexico Field Study & Monitoring Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A. 2002. Bleaching of hermatypic corals. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 28. 2002 Review Light; Microorganisms; Zooxanthellae
Lobban, C. S., M. Schefter, A. G. B. Simpson, X. Pochon, J. Pawlowski, and W. Foissner. 2002. Maristentor dinoferus n. gen., n. sp., a giant heterotrich ciliate (Spirotrichea: Heterotrichida) with zooxanthellae, from coral reefs on Guam, Mariana Islands. Marine Biology 140:411-423. 2002 Guam Algae; Zooxanthellae
Maritorena, S., C. Payri, M. Babin, H. Claustre, L. Bonnafous, A. Morel, and M. Rodiere. 2002. Photoacclimatization in the zooxanthellae of Pocillopora verrucosa and comparison with a pelagic algal community. Oceanologica Acta 25:125-134. 2002 Algae; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. 2002. Occurrence, distribution, and localisation of metals in Cnidarians. Microscopy Research and Technique 56:341-357. 2002 Review Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. and P. L. Clode. 2002. Effect of increased calcium concentration in sea water on calcification and photosynthesis in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. Journal of Experimental Biology 205:2107-2113. 2002 Cuba Model Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
McClanahan, T. R. 2002. The near future of coral reefs. Environmental Conservation 29:460-483. 2002 Global Algae; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Finfish Harvest; Fishing Sector; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrients; Pathogens; Resource Use Management; Sea Urchins; Seastars; Snails & Conch; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Miyawaki, A. 2002. Green fluorescent protein-like proteins in reef anthozoa animals. Cell Structure and Function 27:343-347. 2002 Review; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Neves, E. G. and D. O. Pires. 2002. Sexual reproduction of Brazilian coral Mussismilia hispida (Verrill, 1902). Coral Reefs 21:161-168. 2002 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Owen, R., A. Knap, M. Toaspern, and K. Carbery. 2002. Inhibition of coral photosynthesis by the antifouling herbicide Irgarol 1051. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:623-632. 2002 Florida; US Virgin Islands; Cuba; Bermuda Algae; Docks & Marinas; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Light; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Piniak, G. A. 2002. Effects of symbiotic status, flow speed, and prey type on prey capture by the facultatively symbiotic temperate coral Oculina arbuscula. Marine Biology 141:449-455. 2002 Lab Study Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Ralph, P. J., R. Gademann, A. W. D. Larkum, and M. Kuhl. 2002. Spatial heterogeneity in active chlorophyll fluorescence and PSII activity of coral tissues. Marine Biology 141:639-646. 2002 Light; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Reynaud, S., C. Ferrier-Pages, R. Sambrotto, A. Juillet-Leclerc, J. Jaubert, and J.-P. Gattuso. 2002. Effect of feeding on the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition in the tissues and skeleton of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata. Marine Ecology Progress Series 238:81-89. 2002 Model Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rosenberg, E. and Y. Ben-Haim. 2002. Microbial diseases of corals and global warming. Environmental Microbiology 4:318-326. 2002 Global Pathogens; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Savage, A. M., H. Trapido-Rosenthal, and A. E. Douglas. 2002. On the functional significance of molecular variation in Symbiodinium, the symbiotic algae of Cnidaria: Photosynthetic response to irradiance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 244:27-37. 2002 Bermuda Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Savage, A. M., M. S. Goodson, S. Visram, H. Trapido-Rosenthal, J. Wiedenmann, and A. E. Douglas. 2002. Molecular diversity of symbiotic algae at the latitudinal margins of their distribution: Dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium in corals and sea anemones. Marine Ecology Progress Series 244:17-26. 2002 South & Central America; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Bermuda; Caribbean Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Stimson, J., K. Sakai, and H. Sembali. 2002. Interspecific comparison of the symbiotic relationship in corals with high and low rates of bleaching-induced mortality. Coral Reefs 21:409-421. 2002 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A. and T. V. Titlyanova. 2002. Reef-building corals - Symbiotic autotrophic organisms: 1. General structure, feeding pattern, and light-dependent distribution in the shelf. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 28. 2002 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A. and T. V. Titlyanova. 2002. Reef-building corals - Symbiotic autotrophic organisms: 2. Pathways and mechanisms of adaptation to light. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 28. 2002 Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, R. Van Woesik, and K. Yamazato. 2002. Acclimation of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata to bright light. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 28. 2002 Japan Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Watanabe, T., A. Winter, T. Oba, R. Anzai, and H. Ishioroshi. 2002. Evaluation of the fidelity of isotope records as an environmental proxy in the coral Montastraea. Coral Reefs 21:169-178. 2002 South & Central America; Puerto Rico; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Caribbean Algae; Climate; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Weis, V. M., E. Alan Verde, and W. S. Reynolds. 2002. Characterization of a short form Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein (PCP) cDNA and protein from the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium muscatinei (Dinophyceae) from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Cnidaria). Journal of Phycology 38:157-163. 2002 Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Yentsch, C.S., C.M. Yentsch, J.J. Cullen, B. Lapointe, D.A. Phinney, S.W. Yentsch. 2002. Sunlight and water transparency: cornerstones in coral research. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 268:171-183. 2002 Florida Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Light; Nutrients; Pathogens; Primary Production; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Anderson, S., R. Zepp, J. Machula, D. Santavy, L. Hansen, and E. Mueller. 2001. Indicators of UV exposure in corals and their relevance to global climate change and coral bleaching. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 7:1271-1282. 2001 Global Index or Indicator Climate; Light; Microorganisms; Salinity; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Banin, E., S. K. Khare, F. Naider, and E. Rosenberg. 2001. Proline-Rich Peptide from the Coral Pathogen Vibrio shiloi That Inhibits Photosynthesis of Zooxanthellae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:1536-1541. 2001 Cuba Algae; Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Banin, E., T. Israely, M. Fine, Y. Loya, and E. Rosenberg. 2001. Role of endosymbiotic zooxanthellae and coral mucus in the adhesion of the coral-bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi to its host. FEMS Microbiology Letters 199:33-37. 2001 Europe Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Cervino, J., T. J. Goreau, I. Nagelkerken, G. W. Smith, and R. Hayes. 2001. Yellow band and dark spot syndromes in Caribbean corals: Distribution, rate of spread, cytology, and effects on abundance and division rate of zooxanthellae. Hydrobiologia 460:53-63. 2001 South & Central America; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Coffroth, M. A., S. R. Santos, and T. L. Goulet. 2001. Early ontogenetic expression of specificity in a cnidarian-algal symbiosis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 222:85-96. 2001 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Model Algae; Complex Habitat & Resources; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Cohen, A. L., G. D. Layne, S. R. Hart, and P. S. Lobel. 2001. Kinetic control of skeletal Sr/Ca in a symbiotic coral: Implications for the paleotemperature proxy. Paleoceanography 16:20-26. 2001 Model Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Climate; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cook, C. B. and S. K. Davy. 2001. Are free amino acids responsible for the 'host factor' effects on symbiotic zooxanthellae in extracts of host tissue? Hydrobiologia 461:71-78. 2001 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Davy, S. K. and C. B. Cook. 2001. The influence of 'host release factor' on carbon release by zooxanthellae isolated from fed and starved Aiptasia pallida (Verrill). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 129:487-494. 2001 Cuba Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
D'Croz, L., J. L. Mate, and J. E. Oke. 2001. Responses to elevated sea water temperature and UV radiation in the coral Porites lobata from upwelling and non-upwelling environments on the Pacific coast of Panama. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:203-214. 2001 US Pacific & Hawaii; Panama Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dubinsky, Z. and I. Berman-Frank. 2001. Uncoupling primary production from population growth in photosynthesizing organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic Science 63:17-Apr. 2001 Algae; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Ferrier-Pages, C., V. Schoelzke, J. Jaubert, L. Muscatine, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2001. Response of a scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata, to iron and nitrate enrichment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 259:249-261. 2001 Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K. and C. B. Cook. 2001. Photoacclimation and the effect of the symbiotic environment on the photosynthetic response of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the tropical marine hydroid Myrionema amboinense. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 256:15-31. 2001 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; CO2; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K. and C. B. Cook. 2001. The effects of feeding or addition of dissolved inorganic nutrients in maintaining the symbiosis between dinoflagellates and a tropical marine cnidarian. Marine Biology 139:507-517. 2001 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Index or Indicator Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K., B. E. Brown, M. E. Warner, and R. P. Dunne. 2001. Coral bleaching: Interpretation of thermal tolerance limits and thermal thresholds in tropical corals. Coral Reefs 20:51-65. 2001 Global Review; Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Climate; Pathogens; Zooxanthellae
Harii, S., M. Omori, H. Yamakawa, and Y. Koike. 2001. Sexual reproduction and larval settlement of the zooxanthellate coral Alveopora japonica Eguchi at high latitudes. Coral Reefs 20:19-23. 2001 Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Hirose, M., R. Kinzie, and M. Hidaka. 2001. Timing and process of entry of zooxanthellae into oocytes of hermatypic corals. Coral Reefs 20:273-280. 2001 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hueerkamp, C., P. W. Glynn, L. D'Croz, J. L. Mate, and S. B. Colley. 2001. Bleaching and recovery of five eastern pacific corals in an El Nino-related temperature experiment. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:215-236. 2001 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii; Panama Field Study & Monitoring Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Isomura, N. and M. Nishihira. 2001. Size variation of planulae and its effect on the lifetime of planulae in three pocilloporid corals. Coral Reefs 20:309-315. 2001 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2001. Diurnal changes in the photochemical efficiency of the symbiotic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) of corals: Photoprotection, photoinactivation and the relationship to coral bleaching. Plant, Cell and Environment 24:89-99. 2001 Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kinzie III, R. A., M. Takayama, S. R. Santos, and M. A. Coffroth. 2001. The adaptive bleaching hypothesis: Experimental tests of critical assumptions. Biological Bulletin 200:51-58. 2001 Zooxanthellae
LaJuenesse, T. C. 2001. Investigating the biodiversity, ecology, and phylogeny of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in the genud Symbiodinium using the ITS region: in search of a "species" level marker. Journal of Phycology 37:866-880. 2001 Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P. and M. Y. Gorbunov. 2001. Diurnal and bathymetric changes in chlorophyll fluorescence yields of reef corals measured in situ with a fast repetition rate fluorometer. Marine Ecology Progress Series 212:69-77. 2001 Bahamas Field Study & Monitoring Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Loh, W. K. W., T. Loi, D. Carter, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2001. Genetic variability of the symbiotic dinoflagellates from the wide ranging coral species Seriatopora hystrix and Acropora longicyathus in the Indo-West Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 222:97-107. 2001 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Malaysia; Japan; China Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Michalek-Wagner, K. and B. L. Willis. 2001. Impacts of bleaching on the soft coral Lobophytum compactum. I. Fecundity, fertilization and offspring viability. Coral Reefs 19:231-239. 2001 Light; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Michalek-Wagner, K., D. J. Bourne, and B. F. Bowden. 2001. The effects of different strains of zooxanthellae on the secondary-metabolite chemistry and development of the soft-coral host Lobophytum compactum. Marine Biology 138:753-760. 2001 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Morgan, M. B., D. L. Vogelien, and T. W. Snell. 2001. Assessing coral stress responses using molecular biomarkers of gene transcription. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:537-543. 2001 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Nakamura, T. and R. Van Woesik. 2001. Water-flow rates and passive diffusion partially explain differential survival of corals during the 1998 bleaching event. Marine Ecology Progress Series 212:301-304. 2001 US Pacific & Hawaii; Japan Algae; Light; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Okamoto, M., S. Nojima, and H. Yamaguchi. 2001. Development of short core sampling machine from live coral. Pages 1020-1024 in Oceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2001 Cuba Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann, J. F. Fahrni, X. Pochon, and J. J. Lee. 2001. Molecular identification of algal endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera: 2. Dinoflagellates. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 48:368-373. 2001 Zooxanthellae
Perez, S. F., C. B. Cook, and W. R. Brooks. 2001. The role of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the temperature-induced bleaching response of the subtropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallida. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 256:14-Jan. 2001 Florida; Cuba; Bermuda Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Ralph, P. J., R. Gademann, and A. W. D. Larkum. 2001. Zooxanthellae expelled from bleached corals at 33°C are photosynthetically competent. Marine Ecology Progress Series 220:163-168. 2001 Primary Production; Salinity; Zooxanthellae
Reynaud-Vaganay, S., A. Juillet-Leclerc, J. Jaubert, and J.-P. Gattuso. 2001. Effect of light on skeletal δ13C and δ18O, and interaction with photosynthesis, respiration and calcification in two zooxanthellate scleractinian corals. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 175:393-404. 2001 Lab Study; Model Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Roberts, J. M., L. M. Fixter, and P. S. Davies. 2001. Ammonium metabolism in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis. Hydrobiologia 461:25-35. 2001 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Schonberg, C. H. L. 2001. Small-scale distribution of Great Barrier Reef bioeroding sponges in shallow water. Ophelia 55:39-54. 2001 Australia Field Study & Monitoring Boring Sponges; Sediment; Sponges; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Scully, E. P., J. Prappas, and G. K. Ostrander. 2001. Laboratory models for the study of coral pathologies. Hydrobiologia 460:91-95. 2001 Lab Study; Model Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Small, A. M. and W. H. Adey. 2001. Reef corals, zooxanthellae and free-living algae: A microcosm study that demonstrates synergy between calcification and primary production. Ecological Engineering 16:443-457. 2001 Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, and K. Yamazato. 2001. Formation, growth and photo-acclimation of colonies of the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularis under different light conditions. Symbiosis 30:257-274. 2001 Japan; China Algae; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, K. Yamazato, and R. Van Woesik. 2001. Photo-acclimation dynamics of the coral Stylophora pistillata to low and extremely low light. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 263:211-225. 2001 Japan Field Study & Monitoring Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, K. Yamazato, and R. Van Woesik. 2001. Photo-acclimation of the hermatypic coral stylophora pistillata while subjected to either starvation or food provisioning. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 257:163-181. 2001 Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Toller, W. W., R. Rowan, and N. Knowlton. 2001. Repopulation of zooxanthellae in the Caribbean corals Montastraea annularis and M. faveolata following experimental and disease-associated bleaching. Biological Bulletin 201:360-373. 2001 South & Central America; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Toller, W. W., R. Rowan, and N. Knowlton. 2001. Zooxanthellae of the Montastraea annularis species complex: Patterns of distribution of four taxa of Symbiodinium on different reefs and across depths. Biological Bulletin 201:348-359. 2001 Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Van Oppen, M. J. H., F. P. Palstra, A.M.-T. Piquet, and D. J. Miller. 2001. Patterns of coral-dinoflagellate associations in Acropora: Significance of local availability and physiology of Symbiodinium strains and host-symbiont selectivity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 268:1759-1767. 2001 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Weis, V. M., W. S. Reynolds, M. D. DeBoer, and D. A. Krupp. 2001. Host-symbiont specificity during onset of symbiosis between the dinoflagellates Symbiodinium spp. and planula larvae of the scleractinian coral Fungia scutaria. Coral Reefs 20:301-308. 2001 US Pacific & Hawaii; Cuba Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wilson, W. H., I. Francis, K. Ryan, and S. K. Davy. 2001. Temperature induction of viruses in symbiotic dinoflagellates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 25:99-102. 2001 Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Ammar, M. S. A., E. M. Amin, D. Gundacker, and W. E. G. Mueller. 2000. One rational strategy for restoration of coral reefs: Application of molecular biological tools to select sites for rehabilitation by asexual recruits. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:618-627. 2000 Egypt Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Octocoral; Sediment; Solid Waste Disposal; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Baillie, B. K., C. A. Belda-Baillie, and T. Maruyama. 2000. Conspecificity and Indo-Pacific distribution of Symbiodinium genotypes (dinophyceae) from giant clams. Journal of Phycology 36:1153-1161. 2000 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Japan; Philippines Bivalves; Dam Construction & Maintenance; Zooxanthellae
Banin, F., Y. Ben-Haim, T. Israely, Y. Loya, and E. Rosenberg. 2000. Effect of the environment on the bacterial bleaching of corals. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 123:337-352. 2000 Global Algae; Microorganisms; Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Bentis, C. J., L. Kaufman, and S. Golubic. 2000. Endolithic fungi in reef-building corals (Order: Scleractinia) are common, cosmopolitan, and potentially pathogenic. Biological Bulletin 198:254-260. 2000 US Pacific & Hawaii; Pacific Ocean; Johnston Atoll Algae; Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Downs, C. A., E. Mueller, S. Phillips, J. E. Fauth, and C. M. Woodley. 2000. A molecular biomarker system for assessing the health of coral (Montastraea faveolata) during heat stress. Marine Biotechnology 2:533-544. 2000 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K. 2000. Cellular growth of host and symbiont in a cnidarian-zooxanthellar symbiosis. Biological Bulletin 198:110-120. 2000 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Index or Indicator Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 2000. El Nino-Southern Oscillation mass mortalities of reef corals: A model of high temperature marine extinctions? Geological Society Special Publication 117-133. 2000 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii Model Bivalves; Boring Sponges; Sea Temperatures; Sponges; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W., S. B. Colley, J. H. Ting, J. L. Mate, and H. M. Guzman. 2000. Reef coral reproduction in the eastern Pacific: Costa Rica, Panama and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). IV. Agariciidae, recruitment and recovery of Pavona varians and Pavona sp.a. Marine Biology 136:785-805. 2000 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica; Panama Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Heikoop, J. M., M. J. Risk, A. V. Lazier, E. N. Edinger, J. Jompa, G. V. Limmon, J. J. Dunn, D. R. Browne, and H. P. Schwarez. 2000. Nitrogen-15 signals of anthropogenic nutrient loading in reef corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:628-363. 2000 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Wastewater Discharge; Zooxanthellae
Leggat, W., T. A. V. Rees, and D. Yellowlees. 2000. Meeting the photosynthetic demand for inorganic carbon in an alga-invertebrate association: Preferential use of CO2 by symbionts in the giant clam Tridacna gigas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 267:523-529. 2000 CO2; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A. 2000. The Energy Budget of Coral Polyps. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 26:389-398. 2000 Model Algae; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P., C. Mazel, D. Phinney, and C. S. Yentsch. 2000. Light absorption and utilization by colonies of the congeneric hermatypic corals Montastraea faveolata and Montastraea cavernosa. Limnology and Oceanography 45:76-86. 2000 South & Central America; Florida; Bahamas; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lombardi, M. R., M. P. Lesser, and M. Y. Gorbunov. 2000. Fast repetition rate (FRR) fluorometry: Variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence yields in colonies of the corals, Montastraea faveolata (w.) and Diploria labyrinthiformes (h.) recovering from bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 252:75-84. 2000 Bahamas Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Michalek-Wagner, K. and B. F. Bowden. 2000. Effects of bleaching on secondary metabolite chemistry of alcyonacean soft corals. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26:1543-1562. 2000 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Morri, C., D. Vafidis, A. Peirano, C. C. Chintiroglou, and C. N. Bianchi. 2000. Anthozoa from a subtidal hydrothermal area of Milos Island (Aegean Sea), with notes on the construction potential of the scleractinian coral Madracis pharensis. Italian Journal of Zoology 67:319-325. 2000 CO2; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Payri, C. E. 2000. Primary production and calcification of coral reef benthic algae [Production primaire et calcification des algues benthiques en milieu corallien]. Oceanis 26:427-463. 2000 Algae; Calcareous Macroalgae; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Fleshy Macroalgae; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Seagrasses; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Reynolds, W. S., J. A. Schwarz, and V. M. Weis. 2000. Symbiosis-enhanced gene expression in cnidarian-algal associations: Cloning and characterization of a cDNA, sym32, encoding a possible cell adhesion protein. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 126:33-44. 2000 Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Microorganisms; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Ruiz-Zarate, M. A., J. Espinoza-Avalos, J. P. Carricart-Ganivet, and D. Fragoso. 2000. Relationships between manicina areolata (Cnidaria: Scleractinia), Thalassia testudinum (Anthophyta) and Neogoniolithon sp. (Rhodophyta). Marine Ecology Progress Series 206:135-146. 2000 South & Central America; Caribbean; Mexico Index or Indicator Algae; Coralline Algae; Seagrasses; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Ryland, J. S., S. De Putron, R. S. Scheltema, P. J. Chimonides, and D. G. Zhadan. 2000. Semper's (zoanthid) larvae: Pelagic life, parentage and other problems. Hydrobiologia 440:191-198. 2000 US East Coast (NC, SC, GA) Anemones & Zooanthids; Plankton; Sea Temperatures; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Sakami, T. 2000. Effects of temperature, irradiance, salinity and inorganic nitrogen concentration on coral zooxanthellae in culture. Fisheries Science 66:1006-1013. 2000 Light; Nutrients; Primary Production; Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Saxby, T. 2000. Coral Bleaching: the synergistic effects of temperature and photoinhibition. 2000 Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., J. Tsukahara, T. V. Titlyanova, V. A. Leletkin, R. Van Woesik, and K. Yamazato. 2000. Zooxanthellae population density and physiological state of the coral Stylophora pistillata during starvation and osmotic shock. Symbiosis 28:303-322. 2000 Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., V. A. Leletkin, and Z. Dubinsky. 2000. Autotrophy and predation in the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata in different light habitats. Symbiosis 29:263-281. 2000 Cuba Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Nutrients; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E., K. Bil', I. Fomina, T. Titlyanova, V. Leletkin, N. Eden, A. Malkin, and Z. Dubinsky. 2000. Effects of dissolved ammonium addition and host feeding with Artemia salina on photoacclimation of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata. Marine Biology 137:463-472. 2000 Cuba Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study CO2; Light; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Yamashiro, H., M. Yamamoto, and R. Van Woesik. 2000. Tumor formation on the coral Montipora informis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 41:211-217. 2000 Global; Japan Zooxanthellae
Avila, C., D. Kelman, Y. Kashman, and Y. Benayahu. 1999. An association between a dendronotid nudibranch (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) and a soft coral (Octocorallia, Alcyonaria) from the Red Sea. Journal of Natural History 33:1433-1449. 1999 Molluscs; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Ben-David-Zaslow, R. and Y. Benayahu. 1999. Temporal variation in lipid, protein and carbohydrate content in the Red Sea soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 79:1001-1006. 1999 Algae; Light; Nutrients; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Ben-David-Zaslow, R., G. Henning, D. K. Hofmann, and Y. Benayahu. 1999. Reproduction in the Red Sea soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens: Seasonality and long-term record (1991 to 1997). Marine Biology 133:553-559. 1999 Light; Nutrients; Octocoral; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Ben-Haim, Y., E. Banim, A. Kushmaro, Y. Loya, and E. Rosenberg. 1999. Inhibition of photosynthesis and bleaching of zooxanthellae by the coral pathogen Vibrio shiloi. Environmental Microbiology 1:223-229. 1999 Algae; Pathogens; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Brown, B. E., R. P. Dunne, I. Ambarsari, M. D. A. Le Tissier, and U. Satapoomin. 1999. Seasonal fluctuations in environmental factors and variations in symbiotic algae and chlorophyll pigments in four Indo-Pacific coral species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 191:53-69. 1999 US Pacific & Hawaii; Thailand Algae; Light; Nutrients; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Carlos, A. A., B. K. Baillie, M. Kawachi, and T. Maruyama. 1999. Phylogenetic position of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) isolates from tridacnids (Bivalvia), cardiids (Bivalvia), a sponge (Porifera), a soft coral (Anthozoa), and a free-living strain. Journal of Phycology 35:1054-1062. 1999 US Pacific & Hawaii Anemones & Zooanthids; Bivalves; Octocoral; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cuif, J. P., Y. Dauphin, A. Freiwald, P. Gautret, and H. Zibrowius. 1999. Biochemical markers of zooxanthellae symbiosis in soluble matrices of skeleton of 24 Scleractinia species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 123:269-278. 1999 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fagoonee, I., H. B. Wilson, M. P. Hassell, and J. R. Turner. 1999. The dynamics of zooxanthellae populations: A long-term study in the field. Science 283:843-845. 1999 Global Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Gardella, D. J. and P. J. Edmunds. 1999. The oxygen microenvironment adjacent to the tissue of the scleractinian Dichocoenia stokesii and its effects on symbiont metabolism. Marine Biology 135:289-295. 1999 Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. 1999. Climate change, coral bleaching and the future of the world's coral reefs. Marine and Freshwater Research 50:839-866. 1999 Global Model Climate; Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and J. Williamson. 1999. Availability of two forms of dissolved nitrogen to the coral Pocillopora damicornis and its symbiotic zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 133:561-570. 1999 Australia Field Study & Monitoring Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 1999. Effects of cyanide on coral photosynthesis: Implications for identifying the cause of coral bleaching and for assessing the environmental effects of cyanide fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 177:83-91. 1999 Cuba Algae; Finfish Harvest; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J., T. Kildea, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 1999. PAM chlorophyll fluorometry: A new in situ technique for stress assessment in scleractinian corals, used to examine the effects of cyanide from cyanide fishing. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38:864-874. 1999 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring; Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Algae; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Hotel & Food Services; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Kopecky, E. J. and G. K. Ostrander. 1999. Isolation and primary culture of viable multicellular endothelial isolates from hard corals. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 35:616-624. 1999 Pathogens; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kurosawa, K. and Y. Suzuki. 1999. Nitrogen-phosphorous coupling model combined with circulation in coral reef. Geoscience Reports of the Shizuoka University 26:61-69. 1999 Model Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Lopez, J. V., R. Kersanach, S. A. Rehner, and N. Knowlton. 1999. Molecular determination of species boundaries in corals: Genetic analysis of the Montastraea annularis complex using amplified fragment length polymorphisms and a microsatellite marker. Biological Bulletin 196:80-93. 1999 South & Central America; Caribbean Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mascarelli, P. E. and L. Bunkley-Williams. 1999. An experimental field evaluation of healin in damaged, unbleached and artificially bleached star coral, Montastraea annularis. Bulletin of Marine Science 65:577-586. 1999 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Physical Damage; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mascarelli, P. E. and L. Bunkley-Williams. 1999. An experimental field evaluation of healing in damaged, unbleached and artificially bleached star coral, Montastraea annularis. Bulletin of Marine Science 65:577-586. 1999 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
McField, M. D. 1999. Coral response during and after mass bleaching in Belize. Bulletin of Marine Science 64:155-172. 1999 South & Central America; Belize; Caribbean Light; Zooxanthellae
Meszaros, A. and C. Bigger. 1999. Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Wound Healing Processes in the Coelenterate,Plexaurella fusifera:Spatial, Temporal, and Environmental (Light Attenuation) Influences. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 73:321-331. 1999 South & Central America; Caribbean Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Munguia-Vega, A. and H. Reyes-Bonilla. 1999. Concentracion de clorofila a en colonias de Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractina) durante un blanqueamiento coralino en el Golfo de California, Mexico (1997). Revista de Biologia Tropical 47:677-680. 1999 South & Central America; Mexico Sea Temperatures; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Myers, M. R., J. T. Hardy, C. H. Mazel, and P. Dustan. 1999. Optical spectra and pigmentation of Caribbean reef corals and macroalgae. Coral Reefs 18:179-186. 1999 Global; South & Central America; Bahamas; Caribbean Remote Sensing Algae; Zooxanthellae
Nagelkerken, I., E. H. Meesters, and R. P. M. Bak. 1999. Depth-related variation in regeneration of artificial lesions in the Caribbean corals Porites astreoides and Stephanocoenia michelinii. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 234:29-39. 1999 South & Central America; Caribbean Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Peirano, A., C. Morri, and C. N. Bianchi. 1999. Skeleton growth and density pattern of the temperate, zooxanthellate scleractinian Cladocora caespitosa from the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series 185:195-201. 1999 Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ralph, P. J., R. Gademann, A. W. D. Larkum, and U. Schreiber. 1999. In situ underwater measurements of photosynthetic activity of coral zooxanthellae and other reef-dwelling dinoflagellate endosymbionts. Marine Ecology Progress Series 180:139-147. 1999 Germany Anemones & Zooanthids; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Light; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sammarco, P. W., M. J. Risk, H. P. Schwarcz, and J. M. Heikoop. 1999. Cross-continental shelf trends in coral δ15N on the Great Barrier Reef: Further consideration of the reef nutrient paradox. Marine Ecology Progress Series 180:131-138. 1999 Australia Model Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schwarz, J. A., D. A. Krupp, and V. M. Weis. 1999. Late larval development and onset of symbiosis in the scleractinian coral Fungia scutaria. Biological Bulletin 196:70-79. 1999 Lab Study Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shick, J. M., S. Romaine-Lioud, C. Ferrier-Pages, and J.-P. Gattuso. 1999. Ultraviolet-B radiation stimulates shikimate pathway-dependent accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids in the coral Stylophora pistillata despite decreases in its population of symbiotic dinoflagellates. Limnology and Oceanography 44:1667-1682. 1999 Light; Stony Coral; Sunscreen Use; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, J. Tsukahara, R. Van Woesik, and K. Yamazato. 1999. Experimental increases of zooxanthellae density in the coral Stylophora pistillata elucidate adaptive mechanisms for zooxanthellae regulation. Symbiosis 26:347-362. 1999 Plankton; Primary Production; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Adey, W. H. 1998. Coral reefs: algal structured and mediated ecosystems in shallow, turbulent, alkaline waters. Journal of Phycology 34:393-406. 1998 Algae; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Allemand, D., P. Furla, and S. Benazet-Tambutte. 1998. Mechanisms of carbon acquisition for endosymbiont photosynthesis in Anthozoa. Canadian Journal of Botany 76:925-941. 1998 Review; Model Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Avila, C., M. Ballesteros, M. Slattery, J. Starmer, and V. J. Paul. 1998. Phyllodesmium guamensis (Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea), a new species from Guam (Micronesia). Journal of Molluscan Studies 64:147-160. 1998 Micronesia; Guam Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Beer, S., M. Ilan, A. Eshel, A. Weil, and I. Brickner. 1998. Use of pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry for in situ measurements of photosynthesis in two Red Sea faviid corals. Marine Biology 131:607-612. 1998 Cuba; Germany Field Study & Monitoring Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Belda-Baillie, C. A., W. Leggat, and D. Yellowlees. 1998. Growth and metabolic responses of the giant clamzooxanthellae symbiosis in a reef-fertilisation experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 170:131-141. 1998 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Index or Indicator Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Benayahu, Y. and M. H. Schleyer. 1998. Reproduction in Anthelia glauca (Octocorallia: Xeniidae). II. Transmission of algal symbionts during planular brooding. Marine Biology 131:433-442. 1998 South Africa Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Ben-David-Zaslow, R. and Y. Benayahu. 1998. Competence and longevity in planulae of several species of soft corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 163:235-243. 1998 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Gateno, D., A. Israel, Y. Barki, and B. Rinkevich. 1998. Gastrovascular circulation in an octocoral: Evidence of significant transport of coral and symbiont cells. Biological Bulletin 194:178-186. 1998 Lab Study Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Goffredo, S. and T. Telo. 1998. Hermaphroditism and brooding in the solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia). Italian Journal of Zoology 65:159-165. 1998 Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Heikoop, J. M., J. J. Dunn, M. J. Risk, I. M. Sandeman, H. P. Schwarcz, and N. Waltho. 1998. Relationship between light and the δ15N of coral tissue: Examples from Jamaica and Zanzibar. Limnology and Oceanography 43:909-920. 1998 Jamaica Algae; Light; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hill, M. and T. Wilcox. 1998. Unusual mode of symbiont repopulation after bleaching in Anthosigmella varians: Acquisition of different zooxanthellae strains. Symbiosis 25:279-289. 1998 Florida Model Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Ports & Harbors; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J., O. Hoegh-Guldberg, A. W. D. Larkum, and U. Schreiber. 1998. Temperature-induced bleaching of corals begins with impairment of the CO2 fixation mechanism in zooxanthellae. Plant, Cell and Environment 21:1219-1230. 1998 Model CO2; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kruger, A. and M. H. Schleyer. 1998. Sexual reproduction in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Marine Biology 132:703-710. 1998 South Africa Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kruger, A., M. H. Schleyer, and Y. Benayahu. 1998. Reproduction in Anthelia glauca (Octocorallia: Xeniidae). I. Gametogenesis and larval brooding. Marine Biology 131:423-432. 1998 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Lee, J. J. 1998. 'living sands' - Larger foraminifera and their endosymbiotic algae. Symbiosis 25:71-100. 1998 Lab Study Algae; Ports & Harbors; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mokady, O., Y. Loya, and B. Lazar. 1998. Ammonium contribution from boring bivalves to their coral host - A mutualistic symbiosis? Marine Ecology Progress Series 169:295-301. 1998 Lab Study Algae; Bivalves; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Nagelkerken, I. and R. P. M. Bak. 1998. Differential regeneration of artificial lesions among sympatric morphs of the Caribbean corals Porites astreoides and Stephanocoenia michelinii. Marine Ecology Progress Series 163:279-283. 1998 South & Central America; Caribbean Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Oren, U., I. Brickner, and Y. Loya. 1998. Prudent sessile feeding by the corallivore snail Coralliophila violacea on coral energy sinks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 265:2043-2050. 1998 Algae; Snails & Conch; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Ribes, M., R. Coma, and J.-M. Gili. 1998. Heterotrophic feeding by gorgonian corals with symbiotic zooxanthella. Limnology and Oceanography 43:1170-1179. 1998 South & Central America; Caribbean Microorganisms; Nutrients; Octocoral; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Rowan, R. 1998. Diversity and ecology of zooxanthellae on coral reefs. Journal of Phycology 34:407-417. 1998 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D. and H. Brendelberger. 1998. Plasticity of the scleractinian body plan: Functional morphology and trophic specialization of Mycedium elephantotus (Pallas, 1766). Facies 227-242. 1998 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Small, Allegra, and Walter H. Adey. 1998. Reef corals, zooxanthellae & free- living algae: interactions that optimize calcification and primary production. Coral Reefs 1998 Algae; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Stambler, N. 1998. Effects of light intensity and ammonium enrichment on the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata and its zooxanthellae. Symbiosis 24:127-146. 1998 Algae; Nutrients; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E.A., T.V. Titlyanova, Y. Loya, and K. Yamazato. 1998. Degradation and proliferation of zooxanthellae in planulae of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata. Marine Biology 130:471-7. 1998 Zooxanthellae
Achituv, Y., I. Brickner, and J. Erez. 1997. Stable carbon isotope ratios in Red Sea barnacles (Cirripedia) as an indicator of their food source. Marine Biology 130:243-247. 1997 Index or Indicator Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Ambariyanto, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 1997. Effect of nutrient enrichment in the field on the biomass, growth and calcification of the giant clam Tridacna maxima. Marine Biology 129:635-642. 1997 Australia Field Study & Monitoring; Index or Indicator Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Brown, B. E. 1997. Coral bleaching: causes and consequences. Coral Reefs 16:s129-s138. 1997 Review; Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Light; Pathogens; Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Falkowski, Paul G., and John A. Raven. 1997. Aquatic Photosynthesis Blackwell Science p257. 1997 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Goh, B. P. L. and L. M. Chou. 1997. Effects of the heavy metals copper and zinc on zooxanthellae cells in culture. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 44:19-Nov. 1997 Field Study & Monitoring; Model Zooxanthellae
Goiran, C., D. Allemand, and I. Galgani. 1997. Transient Na+ stress in symbiotic dinoflagellates after isolation from coral-host cells and subsequent immersion in seawater. Marine Biology 129:581-589. 1997 Cuba Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Helmuth, B. S. T., B. E. H. Timmerman, and K. P. Sebens. 1997. Interplay of host morphology and symbiont microhabitat in coral aggregations. Marine Biology 130:10-Jan. 1997 South & Central America; Belize Light; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Helmuth, B. S. T., K. P. Sebens, and T. L. Daniel. 1997. Morphological variation in coral aggregations: Branch spacing and mass flux to coral tissues. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209:233-259. 1997 South & Central America; Belize Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study; Model Light; Primary Production; Seawater Flow; Sediment; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Hidaka, M., K. Yurugi, S. Sunagawa, and R. A. Kinzie III. 1997. Contact reactions between young colonies of the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Coral Reefs 16:13-20. 1997 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. 1997. Changes in zooxanthellar densities and chlorophyll concentrations in corals during and after a bleaching event. Marine Ecology Progress Series 158:51-59. 1997 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. 1997. Zooxanthellae loss as a bioassay for assessing stress in corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 149:163-171. 1997 Lab Study; Index or Indicator Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. and A. L. Steven. 1997. Effects of cyanide on corals in relation to cyanide fishing on reefs. Marine and Freshwater Research 48:517-522. 1997 Algae; Finfish Harvest; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jones, R. J. and D. Yellowlees. 1997. Regulation and control of intracellular algae ( = zooxanthellae) in hard corals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 352:457-468. 1997 Model; Index or Indicator Algae; Nutrients; Special Use Permitting; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kushmaro, A., E. Rosenberg, M. Fine, and Y. Loya. 1997. Bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica by Vibrio AK-1. Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:159-165. 1997 Global Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Mazel, C. H. 1997. Coral fluorescence characteristics: Excitation/emmission spectra, fluorescence efficiences, and contribution to apparent reflectance. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2963:240-245. 1997 South & Central America; Caribbean Lab Study; Model Zooxanthellae
Mercier, A., E. Pelletier, and J.-F. Hamel. 1997. Effects of butyltins on the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pallida (Verrill). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 215:289-304. 1997 Anemones & Zooanthids; Discharges; Microorganisms; Toxics; Zooxanthellae
Ryland, J. S. 1997. Reproduction in zoanthidea (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 31:177-188. 1997 South & Central America; Australia; Bermuda; Caribbean Review Anemones & Zooanthids; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Salih, A., O. Hoegh-Guldberg, and G. Cox. 1997. Bleaching responses of symbiotic dinoflagellates in corals: the effects of light and elevated temperature on their morphology and physiology. Pages 199-216 in ARCS. School of Marine Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane. 1997 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D., H. Kampmann, and S. Conrady. 1997. Trophic potential and photoecology of endolithic algae living within coral skeletons. Marine Ecology 18:299-317. 1997 Algae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sharp, V. A., B. E. Brown, and D. Miller. 1997. Heat shock protein (hsp 70) expression in the tropical reef coral goniopora djiboutiensis. Journal of Thermal Biology 22:19-Nov. 1997 Djibouti Zooxanthellae
Stimson, J. 1997. The annual cycle of density of zooxanthellae in the tissues of field and laboratory-held Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 214:35-48. 1997 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Allison, N., A. W. Tudhope, and A. E. Fallick. 1996. Factors influencing the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of Porites lutea coral skeletons from Phuket, South Thailand. Coral Reefs 15:43-57. 1996 Thailand Model Primary Production; Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Al-Moghrabi, S., C. Goiran, D. Allemand, N. Speziale, and J. Jaubert. 1996. Inorganic carbon uptake for photosynthesis by the symbiotic coral- dinoflagellate association: II. Mechanisms for bicarbonate uptake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 199:227-248. 1996 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Baker, A. C. and R. Rowan. 1996. Diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) in scleractinian corals of the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific. Pages 1301-1306 in 8th International Coral Reef Symposium. Panama City, Panama. 1996 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Caribbean Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dubinsky, Z. and N. Stambler. 1996. Marine pollution and coral reefs. Global Change Biology 2:511-526. 1996 Deforestation & Devegetation; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Nutrients; Plankton; Sediment; Waterborne Discharges; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 1996. Coral reef bleaching: Facts, hypotheses and implications. Global Change Biology 2:495-509. 1996 Global Algae; Light; Pathogens; Sea Temperatures; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Goiran, C., S. Al-Moghrabi, D. Allemand, and J. Jaubert. 1996. Inorganic carbon uptake for photosynthesis by the symbiotic coral/dinoflagellate association: I. Photosynthetic performances of symbionts and dependence on sea water bicarbonate. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 199:207-225. 1996 CO2; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Hill, M. S. 1996. Symbiotic zooxanthellae enhance boring and growth rates of the tropical sponge Anthosigmella varians forma varians. Marine Biology 125:649-654. 1996 Florida Field Study & Monitoring Boring Sponges; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Light; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Le Tissier, M. D. A. and B. E. Brown. 1996. Dynamics of solar bleaching in the intertidal reef coral Goniastrea aspera at Ko Phuket, Thailand. Marine Ecology Progress Series 136:235-244. 1996 Thailand Light; Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A., E. A. Titlyanov, and Z. Dubinsky. 1996. Photosynthesis and respiration of the zooxanthellae in hermatypic corals habitated on different depths of the Gulf of Filat. Photosynthetica 32:481-490. 1996 Algae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P. 1996. Elevated temperatures and ultraviolet radiation cause oxidative stress and inhibit photosynthesis in symbiotic dinoflagellates. Limnology and Oceanography 41:271-283. 1996 Algae; Invertebrates; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. 1996. Calcification in hermatypic and ahermatypic corals. Science 271:637-639. 1996 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marubini, F. and P. S. Davies. 1996. Nitrate increases zooxanthellae population density and reduces skeletogenesis in corals. Marine Biology 127:319-328. 1996 Cuba Lab Study; Model CO2; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Spotte, S. 1996. Supply of regenerated nitrogen to sea anemones by their symbiotic shrimp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198:27-36. 1996 Anemones & Zooanthids; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Stimson, John. 1996. The annual cycle of density of zooxanthellae in the tissues of field and laboratory -held Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 214:35-48. 1996 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Swart, P. K., J. J. Leder, A. M. Szmant, and R. E. Dodge. 1996. The origin of variations in the isotopic record of scleractinian corals: II. Carbon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60:2871-2885. 1996 Florida Field Study & Monitoring; Model Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A., T. V. Titlyanova, V. A. Leletkin, J. Tsukahara, R. Van Woesik, and K. Yamazato. 1996. Degradation of zooxanthellae and regulation of their density in hermatypic corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 139:167-178. 1996 Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Ware, J. R., D. G. Fautin, and R. W. Buddemeier. 1996. Patterns of coral bleaching: Modeling the adaptive bleaching hypothesis. Ecological Modelling 84:199-214. 1996 Model Algae; Zooxanthellae
Warner, M. E., W. K. Fitt, and G. W. Schmidt. 1996. The effects of elevated temperature on the photosynthetic efficiency of zooxanthellae in hospite from four different species of reef coral: A novel approach. Plant, Cell and Environment 19:291-299. 1996 Algae; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Zaslow, R.B.-D. and Y. Benayahu. 1996. Longevity, competence and energetic content in planulae of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 206:55-68. 1996 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Brown, B. E., M. D. A. Le Tissier, and J. C. Bythell. 1995. Mechanisms of bleaching deduced from histological studies of reef corals sampled during a natural bleaching event. Marine Biology 122:655-663. 1995 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Casareto, B., K. Yoshida, Y. Suzuki, T. Hiraga, and T. Okabayasi. 1995. The role of a coral reef ecosystem in the biological fixation of CO2. Energy Conversion and Management 36:775-778. 1995 Japan Algae; CO2; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Dullo, W.-C., M. Gektidis, S. Golubic, G. A. Heiss, H. Kampmann, W. Kiene, D. K. Kroll, M. L. Kuhrau, G. Radtke, J. G. Reijmer, G. B. Reinicke, D. Schlichter, H. Schuhmacher, and K. Vogel. 1995. Factors controlling holocene reef growth: An interdisciplinary approach. Facies 32:145-188. 1995 Global; Bahamas; Egypt; Sudan; Djibouti Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Cyanobacteria; Light; Microorganisms; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrients; Octocoral; Plankton; Primary Production; Sea Urchins; Sediment; Snails & Conch; Stony Coral; Substrate; Tourism & Recreation; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Fabricius, K. E., A. Genin, and Y. Benayahu. 1995. Flow-dependent herbivory and growth in zooxanthellae-free soft corals. Limnology and Oceanography 40:1290-1301. 1995 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Fabricius, K. E., Y. Benayahu, and A. Genin. 1995. Herbivory in asymbiotic soft corals. Science 268:90-92. 1995 Octocoral; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Johnson, C., D. Klumpp, J. Field, R. Bradbury. 1995. Carbon flux on coral reefs: effects of large shifts in community structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 126:123-143. 1995 Australia Model Algae; Primary Production; Seastars; Zooxanthellae
Kuhl, M., Y. Cohen, T. Dalsgaard, B. B. Jorgensen, and N. P. Revsbech. 1995. Microenvironment and photosynthesis of zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals studied with microsensors for O2, pH and light. Marine Ecology Progress Series 117:159-177. 1995 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lewy, Z. 1995. Hypothetical endosymbiontic zooxanthellae in rudists are not needed to explain their ecological niches and thick shells in comparison with hermatypic corals. Cretaceous Research 16:25-37. 1995 Middle East Algae; Bivalves; Octocoral; Salinity; Snails & Conch; Sponges; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
McAuley, P. J. and V. J. Smith. 1995. Effect of diel photoperiod on nitrogen metabolism of cultured and symbiotic zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 123:145-152. 1995 Cuba Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Riegl, B. and J. P. Bloomer. 1995. Tissue damage in scleractinian and alcyonacean corals due to experimental exposure to sedimentation. Beitrage zur Palaontologie 20:51-63. 1995 South Africa Lab Study Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rowan, B. and N. Knowlton. 1995. Intraspecific diversity and ecological zonation in coral-algal symbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92:2850-2853. 1995 South & Central America; Caribbean Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shick, J. M., M. P. Lesser, W. C. Dunlap, W. R. Stochaj, B. E. Chalker, and J. W. Won. 1995. Depth-dependent responses to solar ultraviolet radiation and oxidative stress in the zooxanthellate coral Acropora microphthalma. Marine Biology 122:41-51. 1995 Australia Algae; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stanley, G. D. and P. K. Swart. 1995. Evolution of the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis during the Triassic: A geochemical approach. Paleobiology 21:179-199. 1995 Zooxanthellae
Cook, C. B., G. Mullerparker, and C. D. Orlandini. 1994. Ammonium enhancement of dark carbon fixation and nitrogen limitation in zooxanthellae symbiotic with the reef corals Madracis mirabilis and Montastrea annularis. Marine Biology 118:157-166. 1994 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Dubinsky, Z., and P.L. Jokiel. 1994. Ratio of energy and nutrient fluxes regulates symbiosis between zooxanthellae and corals. Pacific Science 48:313-24. 1994 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove. 1994. Population dynamics of symbiotic zooxanthellae in the coral Pocillopora damicornis exposed to elevated ammonium {(NH4)2SO4}. Pacific Science 48:263-72. 1994 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Iglesias-Prieto, R. and R. K. Trench. 1994. Acclimation and adaptation to irradiance in symbiotic dinoflagellates. I. Responses of the photosynthetic unit to changes in photon flux density. Marine Ecology Progress Series 113:163-175. 1994 Light; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, P. L. 1994. Nutrient limitation in the symbiotic association between zooxanthellae and reef-building corals: a United States-Israel workshop, Coconut Island, Hawaii, August 1991. Pacific Science 48:213-324. 1994 US Pacific & Hawaii; Cuba Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sier, C. J. S. and P. J. W. Olive. 1994. Reproduction and reproductive variability in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa from the Republic of Maldives. Marine Biology 118:713-722. 1994 Indian Ocean; Maldives; India Field Study & Monitoring Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Snidvongs, A. and R. A. Kinzie III. 1994. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichement on in vivo symbiotic zooxanthellae of Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Biology 118:705-711. 1994 Algae; CO2; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stochaj, W. R., W. C. Dunlap, and J. M. Shick. 1994. Two new UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima and the effects of zooxanthellae and spectral irradiance on chemical composition and content. Marine Biology 118:149-156. 1994 Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Zooxanthellae
Al-Moghrabi, S., D. Allemand, and J. Jaubert. 1993. Valine uptake by the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis: characterization and effect of light and nutritional status. Journal of comparative physiology B 163:355-362. 1993 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Arai, I., M. Kato, A. Heyward, Y. Ikeda, T. Iizuka, and T. Maruyama. 1993. Lipid composition of positively buoyant eggs of reef building corals. Coral Reefs 12:71-75. 1993 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Fitt, W. K., H. J. Spero, J. Halas, M. W. White, J. W. Porter. 1993. Recovery of the coral Montastrea annularis in the Florida Keys after the 1987 Caribbean "bleaching event". Coral Reefs 12:57-64. 1993 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gleason, D. F. and G. M. Wellington. 1993. Ultraviolet radiation and coral bleaching. Nature 365:836-838. 1993 South & Central America; Caribbean Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 1993. Coral reef bleaching: ecological perspectives. Coral Reefs 12:17-Jan. 1993 Global Hydrocoral; Salinity; Sediment; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Kaiser, P., D. Schlichter, and H. W. Fricke. 1993. Influence of light on algal symbionts of the deep water coral Leptoseris fragilis. Marine Biology 117:45-52. 1993 Field Study & Monitoring Algae; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Kinzie III, R. A. 1993. Effects of ambient levels of solar ultraviolet radiation on zooxanthellae and photosynthesis of the reef coral Montipora verrucosa. Marine Biology 116:319-327. 1993 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. and O. P. Wright. 1993. Confocal laser scanning light microscopy of the extra-thecal epithelia of undecalcified scleractinian corals. Cell and Tissue Research 272:533-543. 1993 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Masuda, K., M. Goto, T. Maruyama, and S. Miyachi. 1993. Adaptation of solitary corals and their zooxanthellae to low light and UV radiation. Marine Biology 117:685-692. 1993 Zooxanthellae
Ritchie, R. J., K. Eltringham, and R. Hinde. 1993. Glycerol uptake by zooxanthellae of the temperate hard coral, Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 253:189-195. 1993 Model Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Streamer, M., Y. R. McNeil, and D. Yellowlees. 1993. Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation in zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 115:195-198. 1993 CO2; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Benayahu, Y. 1992. Onset of zooxanthellae acquisition in course of ontogenesis of broadcasting and brooding soft corals. Page 500 in Proceedings of the 7th Int Coral Reef Sym. 1992 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Braley, R. D., D. Sutton, S. S. M. Mingoa, and P. C. Southgate. 1992. Passive greenhouse heating, recirculation, and nutrient addition for nursery phase Tridacna gigas: growth boost during winter months. Aquaculture 108:29-50. 1992 Australia Index or Indicator Bivalves; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Cook, C.B., G. Muller-Parker, and C.F. D'Elia. 1992. Factors affecting nutrient sufficiency for symbiotic zooxanthellae. Pages 379-80 in Proceedings of the 7th Int Coral Reef Sym. 1992 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Dykens, J. A., J. M. Shick, C. Benoit, G. R. Buettner, and G. W. Winston. 1992. Oxygen radical production in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima and its endosymbiotic algae. Journal of Experimental Biology 168:219-241. 1992 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Gates, R. D., G. Baghdasarian, and L. Muscatine. 1992. Temperature stress causes host cell detachment in symbiotic cnidarians: implications for coral bleaching. Biological Bulletin 182:324-332. 1992 Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. and M. W. Colgan. 1992. Sporadic disturbances in fluctuating coral reef environments: El Nino and coral reef development in the eastern Pacific. American Zoologist 32:707-718. 1992 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica; Panama Sea Urchins; Seastars; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W., R. Imai, K. Sakai, Y. Nakano, and K. Yamazato. 1992. Experimental response of Okinawan (Ryukyu Islands, Japan) reef corals to high sea temperature and UV radiation. Pages 27-37 Guam. 1992 Japan Sea Temperatures; Zooxanthellae
Harland, A. D., L. M. Fixter, P. Spencer Davies, and R. A. Anderson. 1992. Effect of light on the total lipid content and storage lipids of the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis. Marine Biology 112:253-258. 1992 Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Zooxanthellae
Kennedy, C. J., N. J. Gassman, and P. J. Walsh. 1992. The fate of benzo[a]pyrene in the scleractinian corals Favia fragum and Montastrea annularis. Marine Biology 113:313-318. 1992 Florida Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Masuda, Kazunari, et. al. 1992. Photoadaptation of solitary corals, Fungia repanda, F echinata, and their zooxanthellae. Pages 373-8 in Pro 7th Int Coral Reef Sym. 1992 China Zooxanthellae
Mate T., J.L. 1992. Variations in chlorophyll concentration and zooxanthellae density with depth in Caribbean reef corals of Panama. Page 382 in Proceedings of the 7th Int Coral Reef Symp. 1992 South & Central America; Panama; Caribbean Zooxanthellae
Rowan, R. and D. A. Powers. 1992. Ribosomal sequences and the diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89:3639-3643. 1992 Algae; Zooxanthellae
[No author name available]. 1991. The natural release of amino acids from the symbiotic coral Heteroxenia fuscescens (Ehrb.) as a function of photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 150:83-90. 1991 Nutrients; Octocoral; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Davies, P. S. 1991. Effect of daylight variations on the energy budgets of shallow-water corals. Marine Biology 108:137-144. 1991 US Pacific & Hawaii Model Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W., N. J. Gassman, C. M. Eakin, J. Cortes, D. B. Smith, and H. M. Guzman. 1991. Reef coral reproduction in the eastern Pacific: Costa Rica, Panama, and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) - I. Pocilloporidae. Marine Biology 109:355-368. 1991 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica; Panama Field Study & Monitoring Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Haramaty, L. 1991. Reproduction effort in the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae: calorimetric analysis of food and eggs. Pacific Science 45:257-262. 1991 US Pacific & Hawaii Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Harland, A. D., L. M. Fixter, P. Spencer Davies, and R. A. Anderson. 1991. Distribution of lipids between the zooxanthellae and animal compartment in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis: wax esters, triglycerides and fatty acids. Marine Biology 110:13-19. 1991 Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Zooxanthellae
Hoeksema, B. W. 1991. Control of bleaching in mushroom coral populations (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) in the Java Sea: stress tolerance and interference by life history strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series 74:225-237. 1991 Java Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Le Tissier, M. D. A. 1991. The nature of the skeleton and skeletogenic tissues in the Cnidaria. Hydrobiologia 397-402. 1991 Zooxanthellae
Marshall, A. T. and O. P. Wright. 1991. Freeze-substitution of scleractinian coral for confocal scanning laser microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. Journal of Microscopy 162:341-354. 1991 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L., D. Grossman, and J. Doino. 1991. Release of symbiotic algae by tropical sea anemones and corals after cold shock. Marine Ecology Progress Series 77:233-243. 1991 US Virgin Islands; US Pacific & Hawaii; Seychelles Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rinkevich, B., Z. Wolodarsky, and Y. Loya. 1991. Coral-crab association: a compact domain of a multilevel trophic system. Hydrobiologia 279-284. 1991 Cuba Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Rowan, R. and D. A. Powers. 1991. A molecular genetic classification of zooxanthellae and the evolution of animal-algal symbioses. Science 251:1348-1351. 1991 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Rowan, R. and D. A. Powers. 1991. Molecular genetic identification of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae). Marine Ecology Progress Series 71:65-73. 1991 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Ryland, J. S. and R. C. Babcock. 1991. Annual cycle of gametogenesis and spawning in a tropical zoanthid, Protopalythoa sp. Hydrobiologia 117-123. 1991 Australia Anemones & Zooanthids; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D. and H. W. Fricke. 1991. Mechanisms of amplification of photosynthetically active radiation in the symbiotic deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis. Hydrobiologia 389-394. 1991 Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Shlesinger, Y. and Y. Loya. 1991. Larval development and survivorship in the corals Favia favus and Platygyra lamellina. Hydrobiologia 101-108. 1991 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Sorokin, Y. I. 1991. Biomass, metabolic rates and feeding of some common reef zoantharians and octocorals. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42:729-741. 1991 Octocoral; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stambler, N., N. Popper, Z. Dubinsky, and J. Stimson. 1991. Effects of nutrient enrichment and water motion on the coral Pocillopora damicornis. Pacific Science 45:299-307. 1991 Algae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stimson, J. 1991. The temporal pattern and rate of release of zooxanthellae from the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) under nitrogen-enrichment and control conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 153:63-74. 1991 Lab Study Algae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Stimson, John, and Robert A. Kinzie. 1991. The temporal pattern and rate of release of zooxanthellae from the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaues) under nitrogen-enrichment and control conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 153:63-74. 1991 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A. 1991. The stable level of coral primary production in a wide light range. Hydrobiologia 383-387. 1991 Indian Ocean; India; China Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Titlyanov, E. A. and Y. Y. Latypov. 1991. Light-dependence in scleractinian distribution in the sublittoral zone of South China Sea Islands. Coral Reefs 10:133-138. 1991 China Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Vacelet, E. and B. A. Thomassin. 1991. Microbial utilization of coral mucus in long term in situ incubation over a coral reef. Hydrobiologia 211:19-32. 1991 Cuba; New Caledonia Microorganisms; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Babcock, R. 1990. Reproduction and development of the blue coral Heliopora coerulea (Alcyonaria: Coenothecalia). Marine Biology 104:475-481. 1990 Australia Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Blythell, J. C. 1990. Nutrient uptake in the reef-building coral Acropora palmata at natural environmental concentrations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 68:65-69. 1990 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Coffroth, M. A. 1990. Mucous sheet formation on poritid corals: An evaluation of coral mucus as a nutrient source on reefs. Marine Biology 105:39-49. 1990 Florida; Puerto Rico; US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Panama Microorganisms; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gattuso, J.-P. and J. Jaubert. 1990. Effect of light on oxygen and carbon dioxide fluxes and on metabolic quotients measured in situ in a zooxanthellate coral. Limnology and Oceanography 35:1796-1804. 1990 CO2; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 1990. Coral mortality and disturbances to coral reefs in the tropical eastern Pacific. Pages 55-126 Global ecological consequences of the 1982-83 El Nino-Southern Oscillation. 1990 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica; Panama Algae; Fish; Molluscs; Nutrients; Plankton; Sea Urchins; Seastars; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Water Depth & Sea Level; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. and L. D'Croz. 1990. Experimental evidence for high temperature stress as the cause of El Nino-coincident coral mortality. Coral Reefs 8:181-191. 1990 US Pacific & Hawaii; Panama Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Harland, A. D. and N. R. Nganro. 1990. Copper uptake by the sea anemone Anemonia viridis and the role of zooxanthellae in metal regulation. Marine Biology 104:297-301. 1990 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Special Use Permitting; Zooxanthellae
Hayes, R. L. and P. G. Bush. 1990. Microscopic observations of recovery in the reef-building scleractinian coral, Montastrea annularis, after bleaching on a Cayman reef. Coral Reefs 8:203-209. 1990 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jackson, A. E. and D. Yellowlees. 1990. Phosphate uptake by zooxanthellae isolated from corals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 242:201-204. 1990 Cuba Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, P. L. and S. L. Coles. 1990. Response of Hawaiian and other Indo-Pacific reef corals to elevated temperature. Coral Reefs 8:155-162. 1990 Global; US Pacific & Hawaii Light; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P., W. R. Stochaj, D. W. Tapley, and J. M. Shick. 1990. Bleaching in coral reef anthozoans: effects of irradiance, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature on the activities of protective enzymes against active oxygen. Coral Reefs 8:225-232. 1990 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Panama; Caribbean Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Primary Production; Salinity; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M.P. and J.M. Shick. 1990. Effects of visible and ultraviolet radiation on the ultrastructure of zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium sp) in culture and in sit. Cell and Tissue Research 261:501-8. 1990 Light; Zooxanthellae
Szmant A.M. and N. J. Gassman. 1990. The effects of prolonged \bleaching\" on the tissue biomass and reproduction of the reef coral Montastrea annularis". Coral Reefs 8:217-224. 1990 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Szmant, A. M., L. M. Ferrer, and L. M. FitzGerald. 1990. Nitrogen excretion and O:N ratios in reef corals: Evidence for conservation of nitrogen. Marine Biology 104:119-127. 1990 Bahamas Index or Indicator Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Vicente, V. P. 1990. Response of sponges with autotrophic endosymbionts during the coral-bleaching episode in Puerto Rico. Coral Reefs 8:199-202. 1990 South & Central America; Puerto Rico; Caribbean Algae; Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Sponges; Tube, Barrel, & Finger Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Wafar, M., S. Wafar, and J. J. David. 1990. Nitrification in reef corals. Limnology and Oceanography 35:725-730. 1990 Microorganisms; Zooxanthellae
Fang, L.-s., Y.-w.J. Chen, and C.-s. Chen. 1989. Why does the white tip of stony coral grow so fast without zooxanthellae? Marine Biology 103:359-363. 1989 Taiwan Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gladfelter, E. H., G. Michel, and A. Sanfelici. 1989. Metabolic gradients along a branch of the reef coral Acropora palmata. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:1166-1173. 1989 South & Central America; Caribbean Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goenaga, C., V. P. Vicente, and R. A. Armstrong. 1989. Bleaching induced mortalities in reef corals from La Parguera, Puerto Rico: a precursor of change in the community structure of coral reefs? Caribbean Journal of Science 25:59-65. 1989 South & Central America; Puerto Rico; Caribbean Anemones & Zooanthids; Hydrocoral; Octocoral; Sponges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and G. J Smith. 1989. The effect of sudden changes in temperature, light and salinity on the population density and export of zooxanthellae from the reef corals Stylophora pistillata Esper and Seriatopora hystrix Dana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 129:279-303. 1989 Australia Lab Study Light; Salinity; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, and G. Jason Smith. 1989. Influence of the population density of zooxanthellae and supply of ammonium on the biomass and metabolic characteristics of. Marine Ecology Progress Series 57:173-86. 1989 Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, and G. Jason Smith. 1989. The effect of sudden temperature, light and salinity on the population density and export of zooxanthellae from the reef co. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 129:279-303. 1989 Salinity; Zooxanthellae
Jackson, A. E., D. J. Miller, and D. Yellowlees. 1989. Phosphorus metabolism in the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis: Characterization and possible roles of two acid phosphatases in the algal symbiont Symbiodinium sp. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 238:193-202. 1989 Cuba Algae; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Kleppel, G. S., R. E. Dodge, and C. J. Reese. 1989. Changes in pigmentation associated with the bleaching of stony corals. Limnology and Oceanography 34:1331-1335. 1989 Florida Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lesser, M. P. and J. M. Shick. 1989. Effects of irradiance and ultraviolet radiation on photoadaptation in the zooxanthellae of Aiptasia pallida: primary production, photoinhibition, and enzymic defenses against oxygen toxicity. Marine Biology 102:243-255. 1989 Bermuda Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L., J. W. Porter, and I. R. Kaplan. 1989. Resource partitioning by reef corals as determined from stable isotope composition - I. δ13C of zooxanthellae and animal tissue vs depth. Marine Biology 100:185-193. 1989 Jamaica Algae; CO2; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L., J.W. Porter and I.R. Kaplan. 1989. Resource partitioning by reef corals as determined from stable isotope composition 13C of zooxanthellae and animal tissue v. Marine Biology 100:185-93. 1989 Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L., P. G. Falkowski, Z. Dubinsky, P. A. Cook, and L. R. McCloskey. 1989. The effect of external nutrient resources on the population dynamics of zooxanthellae in a reef coral. Pages 311-324 in Proceedings - Royal Society of London, B. 1989 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Porter, J. W., W. K. Fitt, H. J. Spero, C. S. Rogers, and M. W. White. 1989. Bleaching in reef corals: physiological and stable isotopic responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86:9342-9346. 1989 Global; South & Central America; Caribbean Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Weis, V. M., G. J. Smith, and L. Muscatine. 1989. A \CO2 supply\" mechanism in zooxanthellate cnidarians: role of carbonic anhydrase". Marine Biology 100:195-202. 1989 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; CO2; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Corredor, J. E., C. R. Wilkinson, V. P. Vicente, J. M. Morell, and E. Otero. 1988. Nitrate release by Caribbean reef sponges. Limnology and Oceanography 33:114-120. 1988 South & Central America; Puerto Rico; Caribbean Cyanobacteria; Microorganisms; Sponges; Tube, Barrel, & Finger Sponges; Zooxanthellae
D'Elia, C. F. and C. B. Cook. 1988. Methylamine uptake by zooxanthellae-invertebrate symbioses: insights into host ammonium environment and nutrition. Limnology and Oceanography 33:1153-1165. 1988 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Gattuso, J.-P. and J. Jaubert. 1988. Computation of metabolic quotients in plant-animal symbiotic units. Journal of Theoretical Biology 130:205-212. 1988 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gunnersen, J., D. Yellowlees, and D. J. Miller. 1988. The ammonium/methylammonium uptake system of Symbiodinium microadriaticum. Marine Biology 97:593-596. 1988 Nutrients; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Jaap, W.C. 1988. The 1987 zooxanthellae expulsion event at Florida Reefs. Pages 24-29 in Ogden, J., and R. Wicklund, editors. Mass Bleaching of Coral Reefs in the Caribbean: A research strategy. NOAA. 1988 South & Central America; Florida; Caribbean Zooxanthellae
Wilkerson, F. P., D. Kobayashi, and L. Muscatine. 1988. Mitotic index and size of symbiotic algae in Caribbean Reef corals. Coral Reefs 7:29-36. 1988 South & Central America; Jamaica; Caribbean Index or Indicator Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Anderson, S. L. and J. E. Burris. 1987. Role of glutamine synthetase in ammonia assimilation by symbiotic marine dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae). Marine Biology 94:451-458. 1987 Nutrients; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Blank, R. J. 1987. Cell architecture of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium sp. inhabiting the Hawaiian stony coral Montipora verrucosa. Marine Biology 94:143-155. 1987 US Pacific & Hawaii Model Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Coates, A. G. and J. B. C. Jackson. 1987. Clonal growth, algal symbiosis, and reef formation by corals. Paleobiology 13:363-378. 1987 Zooxanthellae
Cook, Clayton B., and Christopher F. D'Elia. 1987. Are natural populations of zooxanthellae ever nutrient-limited? Symbiosis 4:199-212. 1987 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Farrant, P. A., M. A. Borowitzka, R. Hinde, and R. J. King. 1987. Nutrition of the temperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis - I. Photosynthesis and carbon fixation. Marine Biology 95:565-574. 1987 Australia Field Study & Monitoring Octocoral; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Farrant, P. A., M. A. Borowitzka, R. Hinde, and R. J. King. 1987. Nutrition of the temperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis - II. The role of zooxanthellae and feeding. Marine Biology 95:575-581. 1987 Australia Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Octocoral; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Hoegh-Guldberg, O., L. R. McCloskey, and L. Muscatine. 1987. Expulsion of zooxanthellae by symbiotic cnidarians from the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 5:201-204. 1987 Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Algae; Hydrocoral; Octocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Muller-Parker, G. 1987. Seasonal variation in light-shade adaptation of natural populations of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella (Carlgren, 1943) in Hawaii. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 112:165-183. 1987 US Pacific & Hawaii Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Mangroves; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Risk, M. J., S. E. Pagani, and R. J. Elias. 1987. Another internal clock: preliminary estimates of growth rates based on cycles of algal boring activity. Palaios 2:323-331. 1987 Australia Algae; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Steen, R. G., and Muscatine, L. 1987. Low temperature evokes rapid exocytosis of symbiotic algae by a sea anemone. Biological Bulletin 172:246-263. 1987 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Tomascik, T. and F. Sander. 1987. Effects of eutrophication on reef-building corals - III. Reproduction of the reef-building coral Porites porites. Marine Biology 94:77-94. 1987 Index or Indicator Light; Nutrients; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wyman, K. D., Z. Dubinsky, J. W. Porter, and P. G. Falkowski. 1987. Light absorption and utilization among hermatypic corals: a study in Jamaica, West Indies. Marine Biology 96:283-292. 1987 Jamaica Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Berner, T., A. Wishkovsky, and Z. Dubinsky. 1986. Endozoic algae in shelled gastropods - a new symbiotic association in coral reefs? - I. Photosynthetically active zooxanthellae in Strombus tricornis. Coral Reefs 5:103-106. 1986 Cuba Algae; Snails & Conch; Zooxanthellae
Kojis, B. L. 1986. Sexual reproduction in Acropora (Isopora) species (Coelenterata: Scleractinia) - I. A. cuneata and A. palifera on Heron Island reef, Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biology 91:291-309. 1986 Australia Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Peters, E. C., J. C. Halas, and H. B. McCarty. 1986. Calicoblastic neoplasms in Acropora palmata, with a review of reports on anomalies of growth and form in corals. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 76:895-912. 1986 Review Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D., H. W. Fricke, and W. Weber. 1986. Light harvesting by wavelength transformation in a symbiotic coral of the Red Sea twilight zone. Marine Biology 91:403-407. 1986 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Sorokin, Y. I. 1986. Parameters of productivity of some components of coral reef ecosystems. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 33:33-68. 1986 US Pacific & Hawaii; India; Pacific Ocean Plankton; Sediment; Skeletal Coral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Upton, S. J. and E. C. Peters. 1986. A new and unusual species of coccidium (Apicomplexa: Agamococcidiorida) from Caribbean scleractinian corals. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 47:184-193. 1986 South & Central America; Caribbean Index or Indicator Discharges; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Vareschi, E. and H. Fricke. 1986. Light responses of a scleractinian coral (Plerogyra sinuosa). Marine Biology 90:395-402. 1986 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Wilkerson, F. P. and R. K. Trench. 1986. Uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen by the symbiotic clam Tridacna gigas and the coral Acropora sp. Marine Biology 93:237-246. 1986 Micronesia Nutrients; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bil', K.Y. P.V. Kolmakov, and L. Muscatine. 1985. The Ecology of Coral Reefs: Symposia Series for Undersea Research. NOAA. 1985 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jaap, W. C. 1985. An epidemic zooxanthellae expulsion during 1983 in the lower Florida Keys coral reefs: hyperthermic etiology. Page 6 in Proceedings of the fifth international coral reef congress, Tahiti. 1985 Florida Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Knap Anthony, H., C. Wyers Sheila, E. Dodge Richard, D. Sleeter Thomas, R. Frith Harold, S. RO BE RT SO N Smith, and B. Cook Clayton. 1985. Effects Of Chemically And Physically Dispersed Oil On The Brain Coral Diploria Strigosa (Dana) - A Summary Review. Pages 547-551 in [No source information available]. 1985 Review; Field Study & Monitoring; Lab Study Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D., W. Weber, and H. W. Fricke. 1985. A chromatophore system in the hermatypic, deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Marine Biology 89:143-147. 1985 Zooxanthellae
Schuhmacher, H. and H. Zibrowius. 1985. What is hermatypic? - A redefinition of ecological groups in corals and other organisms. Coral Reefs 4:9-Jan. 1985 Review Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Davies, P. S. 1984. The role of zooxanthellae in the nutritional energy requirements of Pocillopora eydouxi. Coral Reefs 2:181-186. 1984 Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Domotor, S. L. and C. F. D'Elia. 1984. Nutrient uptake kinetics and growth of zooxanthellae maintained in laboratory culture. Marine Biology 80:93-101. 1984 Lab Study Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Dubinsky, Z., P. G. Falkowski, and D. Sharf. 1984. Aspects of adaptation of hermatypic corals and their endosymbiotic zooxanthellae to light. Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 24:124-34. 1984 Zooxanthellae
Faure, G., M. Guillaume, C. Payri, B. A. Thomassin, M. Van Praet, and P. Vasseur. 1984. (Massive bleaching and death of corals in the Mayotte reef ecosystem, SW Indian Ocean). [Sur un phenomene remarquable de blanchiment et de mortalite massive des madreporaires dans le complexe recifal de l'ile Mayotte (SW Ocean Indien).]. Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie III 299:637-642. 1984 Indian Ocean; Mayotte; India Anemones & Zooanthids; Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 1984. Widespread coral mortality and the 1982-1983 El Nino warming event. Environmental Conservation 11:133-146. 1984 South & Central America; Florida; US Pacific & Hawaii; US East Coast (NC, SC, GA); Atlantic Ocean; Costa Rica; Pacific Ocean; Caribbean Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, P. L. and R. H. J. York. 1984. Importance of ultraviolet radiation in photoinhibition of microalgal growth. Limnology and Oceanography 29:192-199. 1984 Algae; Light; Zooxanthellae
Kinzie III, R. A., P. L. Jokiel, and R. York. 1984. Effects of light of altered spectral composition on coral zooxanthellae associations and on zooxanthellae in vitro. Marine Biology 78:239-248. 1984 US Pacific & Hawaii Field Study & Monitoring Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kokke, W. C., S. Epstein, S. A. Look, G. H. Rau, W. Fenical, and C. Djerassi. 1984. On the origin of terpenes in symbiotic associations between marine invertebrates and algae (zooxanthellae). Culture studies and an application of 13C/12C isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Journal of Biological Chemistry 259:8168-8173. 1984 Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Lasker, H. R., E. C. Peters, and M. A. Coffroth. 1984. Bleaching of reef coelenterates in the San Blas Islands, Panama. Coral Reefs 3:183-190. 1984 Panama Anemones & Zooanthids; Hydrocoral; Octocoral; Salinity; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
McCloskey, L. R. and L. Muscatine. 1984. Production and respiration in the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata as a function of depth. Pages 215-230 in Proceedings - Royal Society of London, Series B. 1984 Light; Zooxanthellae
Oliver, James K. 1984. Intra-colony variation in the growth of Acropora formosa: extension rates and skeletal structure of white (zooxanthellae- f. Coral Reefs 3:139-47c. 1984 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Parker, Gisele Muller. 1984. Dispersal of zooxanthellae on coral reefs by predators on cnidarians. Biological Bulletin 167:159-67. 1984 Zooxanthellae
Schlichter, D., B. P. Kremer, and A. Svoboda. 1984. Zooxanthellae providing assimilatory power for the incorporation of exogenous acetate in Heteroxenia fuscescens (Cnidaria: Alcyonaria). Marine Biology 83:277-286. 1984 Cuba Algae; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Schumacher, H. 1984. Reef-building properties of Tubastraea micranthus (Scleractinia, Dendrophyliidae), a coral without zooxanthellae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 20:93-9. 1984 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Skjenstad, T., F. T. Haxo, and S. Liaaen-Jensen. 1984. Carotenoids of clam, coral and nudibranch zooxanthellae in aposymbiotic culture. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 12:149-153. 1984 Molluscs; Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Szmant-Froelich, A. and M. E. Q. Pilson. 1984. Effects of feeding frequency and symbiosis with zooxanthellae on nitrogen metabolism and respiration of the coral Astrangia danae. Marine Biology 81:153-162. 1984 Nutrients; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Szmant-Froelich, A., and M.E.Q. Pilson. 1984. Effects of feeding frequency and symbiosis with zooxanthellae on nitrogen metabolism and respiration of the coral Astrangia. Marine Biology 81:153-62. 1984 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Wilkens, L. A. 1984. Ultraviolet sensitivity in hyperpolarizing photoreceptors of the giant clam Tridacna. Nature 309:446-448. 1984 US Pacific & Hawaii Light; Molluscs; Zooxanthellae
Black, C. C. and J. E. Burris. 1983. Diurnal carbon-14 partitioning between zooxanthellae and the coral animal tissue of intact Seriatopora hystrix colonies. Marine Biology 75:117-120. 1983 Zooxanthellae
Burris, R. H. 1983. Uptake and assimilation of 15NH4+ by a variety of corals. Marine Biology 75:151-155. 1983 Australia Nutrients; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
D'Elia, C. F., S. L. Domotor, and K. L. Webb. 1983. Nutrient uptake kinetics of freshly isolated zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 75:157-167. 1983 South & Central America; US Pacific & Hawaii; Cuba; Pacific Ocean; Caribbean Algae; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Entsch, B., R. G. Sim, and B. G. Hatcher. 1983. Indications from photosynthetic components that iron is a limiting nutrient in primary producers on coral reefs. Marine Biology 73:17-30. 1983 Australia Lab Study Algae; Nutrients; Octocoral; Primary Production; Sediment; Zooxanthellae
Glynn, P. W. 1983. Extensive 'bleaching' and death of reef corals on the Pacific coast of Panama. Environmental Conservation 10:149-154. 1983 US Pacific & Hawaii; Costa Rica; Panama; Pacific Ocean Dam Construction & Maintenance; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Zooxanthellae
Jacques, T. G., N. Marshall, and M. E. Q. Pilson. 1983. Experimental ecology of the temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia danae - II. Effect of temperature, light intensity and symbiosis with zooxanthellae on metabolic rate and calcification. Marine Biology 76:135-148. 1983 Cuba Algae; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Light; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kellogg, R. B. and J. S. Patton. 1983. Lipid droplets, medium of energy exchange in the symbiotic anemone Condylactis gigantea: a model coral polyp. Marine Biology 75:137-149. 1983 Cuba Model Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kendall Jr, J. J., E. N. Powell, S. J. Connor, and T. J. Bright. 1983. The effects of drilling fluids (muds) and turbidity on the growth and metabolic state of the coral Acropora cervicornis, with comments on methods of normalization for coral data. Bulletin of Marine Science 33:336-352. 1983 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Krupp, D. A. 1983. Sexual reproduction and early development of the solitary coral Fungia scutaria (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Coral Reefs 2:159-164. 1983 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Oliver, J. K., B. E. Chalker, and W. C. Dunlap. 1983. Bathymetric adaptations of reef-building corals at davies reef, great barrier reef, Australia. I. Long-term growth responses of Acropora formosa (Dana 1846). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 73:Nov-35. 1983 Australia Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Tytler, E. M., and P. S. Davies. 1983. A method of isolating clean and viable zooxanthellae by density gradient centrifugation. Limnology and Oceanography 28:1266-1268. 1983 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Clayton Jr., W. S. and H. R. Lasker. 1982. Effects of light and dark treatments on feeding by the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 63:269-279. 1982 Plankton; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cummings, C. E. and H. B. McCarty. 1982. Stable carbon isotope ratios in Astrangia danae: evidence for algal modification of carbon pools used in calcification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46:1125-1129. 1982 Model Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dallmeyer, D. G., J. W. Porter, and G. J. Smith. 1982. Effects of particulate peat on the behavior and physiology of the Jamaican reef-building coral Montastrea annularis. Marine Biology 68:229-233. 1982 Jamaica Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Dustan, P. 1982. Depth-dependent photoadaption by zooxanthellae of the reef coral Montastrea annularis. Marine Biology 68:253-264. 1982 South & Central America; Jamaica; Caribbean Algae; Zooxanthellae
Flugel, E. 1982. Evolution of Triassic reefs: Current concepts and problems. Facies 6:297-327. 1982 Europe Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Jokiel, P. L. and R. H. York, Jr. 1982. Solar ultraviolet photobiology of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis and symbiotic zooxanthellae. Bulletin of Marine Science 32:301-315. 1982 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Light; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Larson, K. S. and R. J. Larson. 1982. On the ecology of Isaurus duchassaingi (Andres) ( Cnidaria: Zoanthidea) from South Water Cay, Belize. The Atlantic barrier reef ecosystem at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, I: structure and communities 475-488. 1982 South & Central America; Belize Anemones & Zooanthids; Skeletal Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Bohlin, L., W. C. M. C. Kokke, W. Fenical, and C. Djerassi. 1981. 4α-methyl-24S-ethyl-5α-cholestan-3β-ol and 4α-methyl-24S-ethyl-5α-cholest-8(14)-en-3β-ol, two new sterols from a cultured marine di. Phytochemistry 20:2397-2401. 1981 South & Central America; Caribbean Octocoral; Plankton; Zooxanthellae
Falkowski, P. G. and Z. Dubinsky. 1981. Light-shade adaptation of Stylophora pistillata, a hermatypic coral from the Gulf of Eilat. Nature 289:172-174. 1981 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Fankboner, P. V. and R. G. B. Reid. 1981. Mass expulsion of zooxanthellae by heat-stressed reef corals: a source of food for giant clams? Experientia 37:251-252. 1981 Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Gil-Turnes, S. and J. Corredor. 1981. Studies of photosynthetic pigments of zooxanthellae in Caribbean hermatypic corals. Pages 51-54 in 4th International Coral Reef Symposium. Manila, Philippines. 1981 South & Central America; Caribbean Zooxanthellae
Leletkin, V. A., and V. I. Zvalinsky. 1981. Photosynthesis of coral zooxanthellae from different depths. Pages 33-7 in Proceedings of the 4th Int Coral Reef Sym. 1981 Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Peters, E. C., P. A. Meyers, P. P. Yevich, and N. J. Blake. 1981. Bioaccumulation and histopathological effects of oil on a stony coral. Marine Pollution Bulletin 12:333-339. 1981 South & Central America; Caribbean Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Propp, M. V. 1981. Release and uptake of ammonium, nitrate, and orthophosphate by some corals. Soviet Journal of Marine Biology 7:198-204. 1981 Octocoral; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Rudman, W. B. 1981. Further studies on the anatomy and ecology of opisthobranch molluscs feeding on the scleractinian coral Porites. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 71:373-412. 1981 US Pacific & Hawaii; Australia; Tanzania Molluscs; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Schuhmacher, H. and M. Plewka. 1981. Mechanical resistance of reefbuilders through time. Oecologia 49:279-282. 1981 Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Szmant-Froelich, A. 1981. Coral nutrition: Comparison of the fate of 14C from ingested labeled brine shrimp and from the uptake of NaH14CO3 by its zooxanthellae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 55:133-144. 1981 Cuba Algae; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Bishop, D. G. and J. R. Kenrick. 1980. Fatty acid composition of symbiotic zooxanthellae in relation to their hosts. Lipids 15:799-804. 1980 Zooxanthellae
Crossland, C. J., D. J. Barnes, and M. A. Borowitzka. 1980. Diurnal lipid and mucus production in the staghorn coral Acropora acuminata. Marine Biology 60:81-90. 1980 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jacques, T. G. and M. E. Q. Pilson. 1980. Experimental ecology of the temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia danae I. Partition of respiration, photosynthesis and calcification between host and symbionts. Marine Biology 60:167-178. 1980 Cuba Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kashman, Y., Y. Loya, M. Bodner, A. Groweiss, Y. Benayahu, and N. Naveh. 1980. Gas-liquid chromatograms of sesquiterpenes as finger prints for soft-coral identification. Marine Biology 55:255-259. 1980 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L. 1980. Productivity of zooxanthellae. Pages 381-402 in Falkowski, P.G., editor. Primary productivity in the sea. Plenum Press, New York. 1980 Zooxanthellae
Streamer, M. 1980. Urea and arginine metabolism in the hard coral, Acropora acuminata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 65:669-674. 1980 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Szmant-Froelich, A. and M. E. Q. Pilson. 1980. The effects of feeding frequency and symbiosis with zooxanthellae on the biochemical composition of Astrangia Danae Milne Edwards & Haime 1849. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 48:85-97. 1980 Lab Study Algae; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Zooxanthellae
Dustan, Phillip. 1979. Distribution of zooxanthellae and photosynthetic chloroplast pigments of the reefbuilding coral Montastrea annularis (Ellis. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:79-95. 1979 Zooxanthellae
Hallenstvet, M. and S. Liaaen-Jensen. 1979. Carotenoids from soft corals. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 7:171-172. 1979 Octocoral; Zooxanthellae
Jaap, W. C. 1979. Observations on zooxanthellae expulsion at middle sambo reef, Florida Keys. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:414-422. 1979 Florida Hydrocoral; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Kevin, K. M. and R. C. L. Hudson. 1979. The role of zooxanthellae in the hermatypic coral Plesiastrea urvillei (Milne Edwards and Haime) From cold waters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 36:157-170. 1979 Light; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Bak, R. P. M. 1978. Lethal and sublethal effects of dredging on reef corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 9:14-16. 1978 Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Emiliani, C., J. Harold Hudson, E. A. Shinn, and R. Y. George. 1978. Oxygen and carbon isotopic growth record in a reef coral from the florida keys and a deep-sea coral from blake plateau. Science 202:627-629. 1978 Florida Zooxanthellae
Mcfarlane, I. D. 1978. Multiple conducting systems and the control of behaviour in the brain coral Meandrina meandrites (L.). Pages 193-216 in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Biological Sciences. 1978 Zooxanthellae
Webb, K. L. and W. J. Wiebe. 1978. The kinetics and possible significance of nitrate uptake by several algal-invertebrate symbioses. Marine Biology 47:21-27. 1978 Australia Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Crossland, C. J. and D. J. Barnes. 1977. Gas-exchange studies with the staghorn coral Acropora acuminata and its zooxanthellae. Marine Biology 40:185-194. 1977 Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Crossland, C. J. and D. J. Barnes. 1977. Nitrate assimilation enzymes from two hard corals, Acropora acuminata and Goniastrea australensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 57:151-157. 1977 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Land, L. S., J. C. Lang, and D. J. Barnes. 1977. On the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of some shallow water, ahermatypic, scleractinian coral skeletons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 41:169-172. 1977 Jamaica Model Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lasker, Howard R. 1977. Patterns of zooxanthellae distribution and polyp expansion in the reef coral Montastrea cavernosa. Pages 607-13 in Proceedings of the 3rd Int Coral Reef Sym. 1977 Zooxanthellae
Mergner, H. and A. Svoboda. 1977. Productivity and seasonal changes in selected reef areas in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 30:383-399. 1977 Algae; Echinoderms; Molluscs; Octocoral; Primary Production; Sediment; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L. and J. W. Porter. 1977. Reef corals: mutualistic symbiosis adapted to nutrient-poor environments. Bioscience 27:454-460. 1977 Nutrients; Zooxanthellae
Patton, J. S., S. Abraham, and A. A. Benson. 1977. Lipogenesis in the intact coral Pocillopora capitata and its isolated zooxanthellae: Evidence for a light-driven carbon cycle between symbiont and host. Marine Biology 44:235-247. 1977 Cuba Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Scott, B. D. and H. R. Jitts. 1977. Photosynthesis of phytoplankton and zooxanthellae on a coral reef. Marine Biology 41:307-315. 1977 Australia Light; Plankton; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Sebens, K. P. and K. DeRiemer. 1977. Diel cycles of expansion and contraction in coral reef anthozoans. Marine Biology 43:247-256. 1977 South & Central America; Caribbean Anemones & Zooanthids; Nutrients; Primary Production; Zooxanthellae
Steudler, P. A., F. J. Schmitz, and L. S. Ciereszko. 1977. Chemistry of coelenterates. Sterol composition of some predator prey pairs on coral reefs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 56:385-392. 1977 Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Marine Worms; Octocoral; Snails & Conch; Zooxanthellae
Schoenberg, D.A., and R.K. Trench. 1976. Specificity of symbioses between marine cnidarians and zooxanthellae. Pages 423-32 in Mackie, editor. Coelenterate Ecology and Behavior,. University of Victoria, British Columbia. 1976 Zooxanthellae
Wethey, D. S. and J. W. Porter. 1976. Sun and shade differences in productivity of reef corals. Nature 262:281-282. 1976 Lab Study Algae; Energy Policy & Development; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Land, L. S., J. C. Lang, and D. J. Barnes. 1975. Extension rate: A primary control on the isotopic composition of West Indian (Jamaican) scleractinian reef coral skeletons. Marine Biology 33:221-233. 1975 Jamaica; India Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Crossland, C. J. and D. J. Barnes. 1974. The role of metabolic nitrogen in coral calcification. Marine Biology 28:325-332. 1974 Cuba Calcium Carbonate Deposition; CO2; Nutrients; Stony Coral; Substrate; Zooxanthellae
Reiswig, H. M. 1974. Water transport, respiration and energetics of three tropical marine sponges. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 14:231-249. 1974 Jamaica Field Study & Monitoring Marine Worms; Microorganisms; Sponges; Zooxanthellae
Trench, R. K. 1974. Nutritional potentials in Zoanthus sociathus (Coelenterata, Anthozoa). Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 26:174-216. 1974 Algae; Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Wells, J. M., A. H. Wells, and J. G. VanDerwalker. 1973. In situ studies of metabolism in benthic reef communities. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 24:78-81. 1973 Florida Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Young, S. D. 1973. Calcification and synthesis of skeletal organic material in the coral, Pocillopora damicornis (L.) (Astrocoeniidae, scleractinia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 44:669-672. 1973 Cuba Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Marshall, Nelson. 1972. Notes on mucus and zooxanthellae discharged from coral reefs. Pages 59-67 in C Mukundan and CS Gopinadha Pillai, editors. Proceedings of the Sym Corals Coral Reefs. Marine Biological Ass'n of India, Cochin. 1972 Discharges; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L., R. R. Pool, and E. Cernichiari. 1972. Some factors influencing selective release of soluble organic material by zooxanthellae from reef corals. Marine Biology 13:298-308. 1972 Cuba Algae; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Vandermeulen, J. H., N. D. Davis, and L. Muscatine. 1972. The effect of inhibitors of photosynthesis on zooxanthellae in corals and other marine invertebrates. Marine Biology 16:185-191. 1972 Decision Support Frameworks & Tools Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Cook, C. B. 1971. Transfer of 35S-labeled material from food ingested by Aiptasia sp. to its endosymbiotic zooxanthellae. Pages 218-224 Experimental Coelenterate Biology. Univeristy of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI. 1971 Anemones & Zooanthids; Zooxanthellae
Eisenstadt, E. 1971. Transfer of photosythetic products from symbiotic algae to animal tissue in Chlorohydra viridissima. Pages 202-208 Experimental Coelenterate Biology. Univeristy of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI. 1971 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, L. 1971. Endosymbiosis of algae and coelenterates. Pages 179-191 Experimental Coelenterate Biology. Univeristy of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI. 1971 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Szmant, A. M. 1971. Patterns of 14CO2 uptake by Chlorohydra viridissima. Pages 192-201 Experimental Coelenterate Biology. Univeristy of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI. 1971 CO2; Zooxanthellae
Young, S. D., J. D. O'Connor, and L. Muscatine. 1971. Organic material from scleractinian coral skeletons-II. Incorporation of 14C into protein, chitin and lipid. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 40:945-958. 1971 Cuba Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Thompson, G. and H. D. Livingston. 1970. Strontium and uranium concentrations in aragonite precipitated by some modern corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 8:439-442. 1970 Lab Study Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Primary Production; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Gotto, R. V. 1969. Marine Animals. American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc, New York. 1969 Zooxanthellae
Muscatine, Leonard, and Elsa Cernichiari. 1969. Assimilation of photosynthetic products of zooxanthellae by a reef coral. Biological Bulletin 137:506-23. 1969 Zooxanthellae
Robert Dodd, J. 1969. Effect of light on rate of growth of bivalves [39]. Nature 224:617-618. 1969 Algae; Zooxanthellae
Wells, J. W. 1967. Corals as bathometers. Marine Geology 5:349-365. 1967 Model Zooxanthellae
Goreau, T. F. 1964. Mass expulsion of zooxanthellae from Jamaican reef communities after hurricane flora. Science 145:383-386. 1964 Jamaica Anemones & Zooanthids; Hydrocoral; Sediment; Stony Coral; Storms & Hurricanes; Zooxanthellae
Roushdy, H. M. and V. KR . Hansen. 1961. Filtration of phytoplankton by the octocoral alcyonium digitatum L. Nature 190:649-650. 1961 Algae; Octocoral; Plankton; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Goreau, T. F. and N. I. Goreau. 1960. Distribution of labeled carbon in reef-building corals with and without zooxanthellae. Science 131:668-669. 1960 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Lipschultz, F. 381. Assimilation of NH4 by host and zooxanthellae of Pocillopora damicornis. in Proceedings of the 7th Int Coral Reef Sym. 381 Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae
Jeffrey, S.W., and F.T. Haxo. Photosynthetic pigments of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) from corals and clams. 149-65. Zooxanthellae
Meibom, A., J.-P. Cuif, F. Houlbreque, S. Mostefaoui, Y. Dauphin, K. L. Meibom, and R. Dunbar. Compositional variations at ultra-structure length scales in coral skeleton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Stony Coral; Zooxanthellae

Management Options

Management Option Description Sources Database Topics
Restoration: Removal of Invasive Algae Benthic organisms on reefs maintain a delicate balance competing for space. In many areas, the competition between coral and algae has fallen out of balance due to confounding factors. Factors such as decreased herbivorous fish and invertebrates, and invasive algae species have allowed faster growing algae to take over many reefs, often growing into smothering mats that cover and kill coral. In Hawaii, there has been some success physically removing invasive algae such as Kappaphycus using underwater vacuums extended down from barges or volunteer events in shallower areas. The Nature Conservancy. 2010.Two Million Pounds of Invasive Algae Removed From Maunalua Bay.

(not cited)

Algae; Aquaculture; Biological Addition; Biological Harvest; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Calcareous Macroalgae; Collaboration & Partnering; Coral; Coralline Algae; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Escape & Release of Non-natives; Fishing & Harvesting Management; Fishing Sector; Fleshy Macroalgae; Hydrocoral; Invasive Species; Large Herbivorous Fish; Octocoral; Reef Habitat; Skeletal Coral; Small Herbivorous Fish; Stony Coral; Turf Algae; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Zooxanthellae


Legal Citation Purpose of Law Management Organization Database Topics

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