awc|STATSGO weighted-average soil available water capacity expressed in inches of water per inch of soil
bd|STATSGO weighted-average soil bulk density expressed in megagrams per cubic meter of the <2-mm soil fraction
bldr|STATSGO weighted-average soil boulders fraction (> 250-mm and < 4000-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
caco3|STATSGO weighted-average soil calcium carbonate equivalent expressed as percent by weight of the <2-mm soil fraction
cbbl|STATSGO weighted-average soil cobbles fraction (> 75-mm and < 250-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
cgrvl|STATSGO weighted-average soil coarse gravel fraction (> 5-mm and < 75-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
clay|STATSGO weighted-average USDA soil clay fraction (< 0.002-mm diameter) expressed as percent by weight of the <2-mm soil fraction
fgrvl|STATSGO weighted-average soil fine gravel fraction (> 2-mm and < 5-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
fns|STATSGO weighted-average soil fines fraction (< 0.075-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
gypsum|STATSGO weighted-average soil gypsum content expressed as percent by weight of the <20-mm soil fraction
moisture|SEDMOD weighted-average topographic soil moisture index
om|STATSGO weighted-average soil organic matter content expressed as percent by weight of the <2-mm soil fraction
perm|STATSGO weighted-average soil permeability rate expressed as inches per hour
plancurve|SEDMOD weighted-average 6*std range of slope planform curvature (perpendicular to slope) expressed in centimeters
profcurve|SEDMOD weighted-average 6*std range of slope profile curvature (parallel to slope) expressed in centimeters
rough|SEDMOD weighted-average Mannings' n surface roughness coefficient
rsp|STATSGO weighted-average range site production expressed in pounds per acre per year
rusle_a_khy|RUSLE weighted-average gross soil erosion (A value) computed on a cell-by-cell area basis, expressed as kilograms/hectare/year
rusle_c|RUSLE weighted-average effect of soil surface cover characteristics (C factor), computed from NRI data on a cell-by-cell area basis
rusle_k|RUSLE weighted-average effect of inherent soil surface erodibility (K factor), from STATSGO, computed on a cell-by-cell area basis
rusle_ls|RUSLE weighted-average effect of slope length and steepness (LS factor) computed iteratively from DEM data on a cell-by-cell area basis
rusle_p|RUSLE weighted-average effect of soil conservation practices (P factor) computed from NRI data on a cell-by-cell area basis
rusle_r|RUSLE weighted-average rainfall-derived erosivity (R factor), from PRISM 2-km grid, computed on a cell-by-cell area basis
salin|STATSGO weighted-average soil salinity expressed as millimhos per centimeter of electrical conductivity within the <2-mm soil fraction
sand|STATSGO weighted-average USDA soil sand fraction (0.05-mm to 2-mm diameter) expressed as percent by weight of the <2-mm soil fraction
sar|STATSGO weighted-average soil sodium absorption ratio of the <2-mm soil fraction
sedmod_khy|SEDMOD weighted-average net sediment delivery computed iteratively on a cell-by-cell area basis, expressed as kilograms/hectare/year
sils|Susceptibility/incidence of landslides from lithologic maps expressed as a weighted-average, normalized scale 1.0 to 3.0 (low to high)
smorph|Susceptibility for mass wasting based on slope morphology expressed as a weighted average, normalized scale 1.0 to 3.0 (low to high)
snd|STATSGO weighted-average soil sand fraction (> 0.075-mm and <2-mm diameter) using approximate EMAP physical habitat substrate criteria, expressed as percent by weight
sthk|STATSGO weighted-average soil thickness expressed in inches, i.e., depth to the shallower of a hardpan, rock layer, or 60 inches
strmprox|SEDMOD weighted-average distance proximity to stream riparian zone, expressed in meters; zero or null values represent sites where no stream was identified
surfclay|STATSGO weighted-average soil surface horizon USDA clay fraction expressed as percent by weight of the <2-mm soil fraction
tpis|Topographic position index for watershed stream zone; null values represent sites where no stream was identified
tpiw|Topographic position index for whole watershed
wei1|STATSGO weighted-average soil surface wind erodibility index expressed in tons per acre per year
wtdep|STATSGO weighted-average soil drainage expressed as depth to water table in feet
hydgrp|STATSGO weighted-average soil hydrologic group, from A through D with modifiers