United States Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5305W) Office of Solid Waste, OSW (renamed Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, ORCR, on January 18, 2009) EPA530-F-97-014 April 1997 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Finalized for Wood Preserving Wastes; Less Paperwork Required under Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) Program Background The widespread practice of disposing of hazardous waste in units located directly on the land has been regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) LDR program for many years. A major part of the LDR program is to adequately protect public health and safety by establishing treatment standards for hazardous wastes before they can be disposed of in land disposal units. These treatment standards either specify that the waste be treated by a specified technology, or that they be treated by any technology as long as the concentration of hazardous constituents is below a certain level. Universal Treatment Standards (UTS) specify the concentration levels for hazardous constituents. Writing flexible regulations for hazardous waste management allows EPA to respond to technological and industrial advances. This rule recognizes such changes, and contains several improvements to the LDR regulatory provision. Action Standards LDR treatment standards for listed hazardous waste from wood preserving operations are set at the Universal Treatment Standard levels. An alternative compliance method for one wood-preserving waste (EPA waste code F032) is provided for those wastes treated in combustion units. To ensure consistency between standards, treatment standards are revised for a similar waste - - EPA waste code F024 -- that was regulated in an earlier rule. LDR treatment standards are removed for a group of hazardous wastes known as the California List. This action greatly simplifies the LDR program. Since the California List wastes were one of the first groups regulated by the LDR program, the treatment standards have been superseded. The definition of solid waste is amended to exclude processed scrap metal and containerized shredded circuit boards from full hazardous waste management, when they are properly recycled. The basis for this exclusion is that these materials are more "commodity-like" than waste-like, and are appropriately managed outside of the hazardous waste system. Paperwork Reduction Approximately 1.6 million hours of LDR record-keeping requirements are eliminated in this action. Specifically, a fundamental requirement to notify each treater/disposer about LDR treatment standards with each shipment of hazardous waste is changed. Instead, the notification is required only for the initial shipment of the waste. The paperwork does not have to be prepared for subsequent shipments until the waste changes or the received facility changes. For More Information The Federal Register notice and this fact sheet are available in electronic format on the Internet through the EPA Public Access Server. The notice is available at http://www.epa.gov/rules, regulations, and legislation. This fact sheet and other documents related to this rule are available under "EPA Offices and Regions." Write to the RCRA Information Center (5305W), US EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460.