MEMORANDUM TO THE RECORD FROM: Sue Slotnick, Workgroup Chair Phase IV LDR Rule DATE: April 4, 1997 On this date, James Berlow, Director of the EPA Hazardous Waste Minimization and Management Division, provided a copy (by fax) of the draft table of treatment standards for metal constitutents in hazardous wastes to the first person on the list below. I provided copies to the three other persons on the list. EPA intends to propose the treatment standards in the Phase IV "Second Supplemental Proposed Rule" in the Federal Register on April 15, 1997. Recipients Mr. Tom Ovendon The Technical Group 1300 Eye Street N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, D.C. 20005 Mr. David Case Environmental Technology Council Washington, D.C. Phone (202) 783-0870 Mr. Neil King Wilmer, Cutler, and Pickering Washington, D.C. Phone: (202) 663-6061 Mr. Michael Fusco Rollins Environmental Services One Rollins Plaza P.O. Box 2349 Wilmington, DE 19899 Mr. Tony Krendler Inside EPA Washington, D.C. Phone: (703) 416-8536