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EPA to hold a Press Availability Session regarding the M.J. Daly site in Ludlow, Kenton County, Kentucky

Release Date: 9/07/2005
Contact Information:

(Atlanta, GA September 7, 2005)  A press availability session will be held on Friday, September 9, 2005, regarding a removal planned for the M.J. Daly Site.  The session will begin at 10:00 a.m. at the abandoned warehouse located at the eastern end of Oak Street in Ludlow, Kentucky.  A removal is a short-term cleanup intended to stabilize or clean up a site that poses an imminent and substantial threat to human health or the environment. The removal will take place under the authority and direction of the Agency's Emergency Response and Removal Branch (ERRB).  EPA officials will provide information, answer questions, and address concerns about the site.

The removal will include:

    • Characterization, removal, and proper disposal of wastes (drums, tanks, piping) and associated debris located at the site;
    • Decontamination and removal in the 10,000 square foot site building and tanks;
    • Characterization of the extent of soil contamination, removal of subsurface piping and highly contaminated soil at the site;
    • Installation of  a recovery trench to recover pooled liquid waste along the building foundation;
    • Backfilling and grading excavated areas with clean fill material.
The site is the former location of a specialty chemical manufacturing business operated by the M.J. Daly Company.  In July 2005, EPA conducted a removal site evaluation. Business activities involved the mixing and packaging of organic chemicals which included: aromatic solvents, acetates, alcohols, and ketones.

Persons interested in obtaining additional information are encouraged to contact Art Smith, EPA On-Scene Coordinator at (502) 582-5161or Angela Miller, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at (800)241-1754.

CONTACT: Dawn Harris-Young, EPA Media Relations, 404-562-8421