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Release Date: 10/05/99
Contact Information:

United States Communications, Education,
Environmental Protection And Media Relations
Agency (1703)

Press Advisory

Following are some Agency developments which may interest you. If you need
more information on any of these subjects, call the appropriate contact.

FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1999


Nine programs have been honored for their creative approach to resolving local transit-related problems. In each case, different levels of local government placed equal emphasis on the environment and the goal of healthy, livable communities while addressing transportation issues. EPA encourages voluntary efforts and transportation options to help improve the environment and public health protection, and to bolster community livability and economic vitality. The honored Way to Go! programs are: the City of Miami Florida’s Electrowave Shuttle electric bus service that carried 1.5 million passengers in the first year, avoiding 900,000 vehicle miles traveled; the Intel Corporation for offering its employees a wide range of transportation alternatives in Arizona, Washington and California that avoided 20 million miles of vehicle travel; the Lloyd District Transportation Management Association of Portland, Oregon which, through the efforts of 35 local businesses, achieved a 26 percent decrease in the number of employees driving alone; the Neighborhood Preservation Transportation Plan in Sacramento, Calif., which has implemented traffic control measures leading safer and quieter streets for midtown residents; the San Mateo County, Calif., Transit District and the Utah Transit Authority for a Youth Pass program encouraging use of public transportation; Suisun City, Calif. for a transit-oriented redevelopment plan that is a model for multi-modal transportation and smart growth; Tri-Met, a program of Portland, Oregon’s regional transit authority which has achieved the needed 120 percent increase in transit service to meet the region’s growth management strategy; the King County Metro and University Village Center in Seattle, Wash. which are providing 1,700 employees of the shopping mall with unlimited bus service; and the State of Missouri for a pilot program that offered 104 state employees a transit subsidy which led to more than 463,000 vehicle miles reduced. EPA presented the awards on Sept. 27 at the Rail-Volution conference on innovations in transportation in Dallas, Tex. More information may be found at:

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