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EPA Celebrates Success of Mass. / N.H. Small Business

Release Date: 11/26/2007
Contact Information: Contact: Sheryl Rosner, (617) 918-1865

(Boston, Mass. – Nov. 26, 2007) - EPA New England celebrated the one year completion success of a small business “Remedial Action Contract” awarded to Nobis Engineering, Inc. of Lawrence, Mass. Nobis completed the first, of its five-year, $48 million dollar contract, a significant milestone for a small business working to fulfill requirements of large federal contracting specifications.

Nobis is currently in process of completing 26 separate task orders comprising most remedial action areas specified under its contract including: remedial action, remedial investigation, feasibility studies, negotiation support, ground water monitoring, analytical services, and oversight of potential responsible party work. The company, based in Lawrence, Mass., also has significant operations in Concord, N.H.

“The entire Nobis team is honored to have been selected by EPA for this important Remedial Action Contract in New England. As an award winning small business, Nobis has had the privilege of serving the New England environmental community with quality and pride since 1988. We appreciate the continued support of our teaming partners, Weston Solutions, Inc., and Avatar Environmental, LLC. on this contract. Nobis appreciates this unique opportunity to assist EPA as it seeks to protect human health and the environment and provide a cleaner, healthier environment for all citizens.”

“EPA New England is continually looking to renew our commitment to nurture and foster positive relationships with small and disadvantaged businesses,” stated Robert W. Varney, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office.

The milestone event was captured in Concord, when Administrator Varney and EPA personnel toured Nobis’ offices last week.

More information: EPA’s Small Business Gateway (

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