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EPA supports environmental education projects in CO

Release Date: 6/25/2002
Contact Information:
800 227-8917 x6605,

Release Date: 6/25/2002
Contact Information:
800 227-8917 x6613,

Release Date: 6/25/2002
Contact Information:
800 227-8917 x7814

      Denver -- Continuing its commitment to increase understanding of the importance of protecting the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded seven environmental education (EE) projects in Colorado this year.

      "These grants help students and teachers develop their capacity to make informed decisions that affect environmental quality," Regional Administrator Robbie Roberts said, "These kinds of hands-on projects involve students of all ages and promote the understanding that we are inextricably connected to and dependent on the environment."

      Since 1992, EPA has awarded 2,500 grants totalling $30 million. For more information on the EPA Region 8 grant program, visit

      The recipients for 2002 are:

      Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education - $24,625
Mike Way, 15260 Golden Road, Golden, CO 80401

Develop Leadership Model in Colorado’s Environmental Education Community

This project will establish a statewide model that provides continuity and clarity for EE evaluation through a set of minimum guidelines within reach of all programs. CAEE will gather a representative cross-section team of EE leaders, drawn from its networks of state and national contacts. This project will test, and hopefully establish, EE program evaluation and assessment as a valid state EE capacity-building mechanism.

Colorado Energy Science Center - $5,000
Patrick Keegan, 1746 Cole Boulevard, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401

Environmental Education Tools for Home Energy Use

CESC will expand a small energy efficiency education pilot project, educate as many as 2,000 students and encourage them to help improve the energy efficiency of their homes. CESC will continue its successful collaboration with Colorado Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA), which provides access to 120 schools throughout the state. The project will result in more educated students, economic benefits for homeowners and the community, and reduced air pollution.

Friends at Ridgeway State Park - $5,000
John Young, PO Box 149, Ridgeway, CO 81432

Interactive Education: Ecosystem Outdoor Classroom

Ridgeway State Park provides a landmark outdoor classroom with fully handicapped accessible facilities. Thousands of rural stude willan experience nature first-hand. A two-person EE Team will coordinate programs while extending the environmental education season by two months in both the spring and fall. This will allow larger, more diverse audiences to participate in age-appropriate activities that challenge students to observe and investigate ecosystems, apply critical thinking, and reflect on stewardship of the park’s natural resources. The goal is to build knowledge, improve academic achievement and promote lifelong learning.

Front Range Earth Force - $9,975
Lisa Bardwell, 2120 West 33rd Avenue, Denver, CO 80211

Service-Learning Training on the Front Range

Through Community Action & Problem Solving (CAPS), middle-school aged youth and their adult leaders identify local environmental issues and create sustainable solutions to those issues. The program is aligned to state and national standards and incorporates best practices of service-learning, environmental and civic education. The success of CAPS stems from the intensive training and local support provided for educators who implement the program in school-based or community-based settings.

National Audubon Society, Inc. - $5,000
Susan Kirkpatrick, 3107B 28th Street, Boulder, CO 80301

Enviro-Stewards for At-Risk Youth for Birds

This community effort will involve at-risk youth in hands-on habitat stewardship at Fossil Creek Reservoir. The National Audubon Society will introduce ecological concepts and broaden understanding of the role people play in caring for wildlife and habitat. Fossil Creek Reservoir is an Audubon-designated Important Bird Area – reflecting the site’s significance to birds as vital breeding, migrating and wintering habitat.

Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers - $4,000
J. David Hamilton, Basalt, Eagle County, CO 81612

Nature Field Trips, Trail Hikes and Fish Hatchery for Schools

This project will provide additional staffing for EE field trips for various school groups in the Roaring Fork/Colorado River Valley. It will also improve the condition of the Riparian Nature Trail through limited rerouting and additional signage.

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - $4,600
Gretchen Van De Carr, 2464 Downhill Drive, PO Box 775504, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

Expansion of Environmental Education Programs

This program seeks to increase the number of youth participants served by existing and successful EE Programs. RMYC will serve an additional 40 Conservation Corps members by expanding to the local Community Youth Corps program. In addition, 50 sixth graders and 10 high school students in the Yampa Valley Science School program will be served in the two new school districts, Moffat County and South Routed.