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Ashuelot River Dye Study to Begin October 3

Release Date: 10/01/2007
Contact Information: Tim Bridges, (617) 918-8603

(Keene, NH – October 1, 2007) - Scientists and engineers from EPA’s New England Regional Laboratory, together with staff from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), will conduct a dye tracing study on the Ashuelot River, in the vicinity of Keene, from October 3rd to October 6th. The purpose of this study is to track the rate of flow and dispersion of water. The study areas will encompass the Ashuelot River downstream of Slurry Mountain Dam through Keene Center and to Winchester. NHDES will use dye study data to measure the flow of the Ashuelot River.

Rhodamine WT dye will be released the morning of October 3rd downstream of the Slurry Mountain Dam. As a result of the dye release, portions of the Ashuelot River may turn reddish in color for a brief time through the communities in Keene and Swanzey; however, the dye is not harmful to people or the ecosystem.

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