Climate and Energy Resources for State, Local and Tribal Governments

Download COBRA

Note: The installer file is large, and may take some time to download, depending on connection speed.

To install COBRA:

  1. Click on the “COBRA setup” link above to download the installer. When prompted, choose “Save” and save the file to your computer.
  2. Locate the file “COBRA 2.7” on your computer and uncompress. Locate “COBRA_setup_v2dot7.exe” and double-click to run the installer.
  3. Follow all on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  4. To run COBRA, look for the “COBRA” entry in your “Start” menu.

For detailed installation and usage instructions, reference the revised COBRA User Manual (PDF) – revised June 2015

Recent Updates

Versions of COBRA prior to 2.614 contained unmodified source code under the MPL 1.1. This source code is available upon request or at Exit

For More Information

For more information, contact Denise Mulholland ( at 202-343-9274.