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News Releases from Region 05

U.S. EPA Reaches Agreement with SIGECO to Reduce Air Pollution from Southern Indiana Power Plants

Contact Information: 
Joshua Singer (singer.joshua@epa.gov)

For Immediate Release No. 15-OPA172

(CHICAGO-December 16, 2015) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced an agreement with the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company that will reduce air pollution from the company's F.B. Culley and A.B. Brown coal-fired electric generating plants in southern Indiana, near Evansville.

"The pollution control equipment that SIGECO will install as a result of this agreement will improve air quality and protect the health of southern Indiana residents," EPA Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman said.

The pollution control equipment that SIGECO will install pursuant to the agreement will reduce sulfuric acid emissions from the Culley and Brown power plants by approximately 1,400 tons each year. SIGECO also will make other equipment upgrades that will reduce sulfur dioxide and particulate emissions from the Culley plant. The new and upgraded equipment is expected to cost approximately $30 million.

Sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide emissions can impact human health and the environment - and contribute to the formation of acid rain. Particulate emissions can penetrate deeply into sensitive parts of the lungs and can cause or worsen respiratory disease.

The agreement announced today modifies a 2003 federal Consent Decree and resolves a 2011 Notice of Violation of the Clean Air Act. The agreement is subject to Court approval following a public notice and comment period.

For more information: http://www.epa.gov/enforcement/air-enforcement