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News Releases from Region 04

EPA to Hold Public Meeting on Campbell Hausfeld Site in Kentucky

Contact Information: 
Jason McDonald (mcdonald.jason@epa.gov)
404-562-9203, 404-562-8400

ATLANTA – Leitchfield, Kentucky residents are invited to attend a joint public meeting about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Campbell Hausfeld site and the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection (KYDEP) Bausch site.

The purpose of this meeting is to EPA seeks to inform the community of the results of recent groundwater and vapor intrusion studies that were conducted under the terms of an Administrative Order issued in 2010. Representatives from Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection (KYDEP) will also be available to answer any questions or address concerns related to the environmental activities at the neighboring Bausch facility.

WHAT: Campbell Hausfeld Site and Bausch Site Public Meeting

WHO:   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
           Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection   

WHEN: Thursday, November 3, 2016
            5:00 pm to 8:00 pm  

WHERE: Wilkey Elementary School Cafeteria 
             130 Wallace Ave,     
             Leitchfield, KY 42754   

EPA is committed to keeping the community informed throughout the environmental investigative process.  Fact sheets and additional information detailing the progress, as well as the results, of the study will be forthcoming.

Written comments and concerns may be e-mailed to Brian Holtzclaw at holtzclaw.brian@epa.gov or mailed to his attention at U.S. EPA Region 4, Superfund Division - 11th Floor, 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA, 30303.