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News Releases from Region 05

EPA to Begin Hazardous Waste Cleanup at the Graveyard Auto site in Clarksville, Ind.

Contact Information: 
Rachel Bassler ( )

For Immediate Release: No. 19-OPA019

CLARKSVILLE, IND. (May 28, 2019) – Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will begin a cleanup of hazardous waste at the Graveyard Auto site, 1320 Emery Crossing, Clarksville, Indiana. From 1983 to 2018 an auto scrapyard operated at the site. Prior to 1983, a mobile home park had been located there.

In July 2018, the town of Clarksville requested EPA’s assistance in removing hazardous waste drums and soil containing arsenic, iron and lead from the site. EPA anticipates the cleanup will be completed this summer.

To learn more about this site, visit:
