Dataset: Sediment Analyte QA codes and description File Name: REG2_03_sediment_QAcodes.txt Date Created: 06/12/12 # Variables: 2 # Header Records: 9 # Data Records: 8 Variables: QA CODE QA code QA CODE DESCRIPTION QA code description QA Code,QA Code Description CH-QQ,Analyte concentration found in blank at a concentration < 5 x the level found in the procedural blank. CH-RR,Estimate; result is greater than the highest concentration level in the calibration. CH-SS,Analyte detected below the sample-specific reporting limit. CH-TT,QC value outside accuracy or precision DQO. CH-UU,Analyte not detected at 3:1 signal: noise ratio. The sample-specific method detection limit (MDL) reported. CH-VV,Dilution Run. Initial run outside linear range of instrument. CH-WW,Indicates that there is greater than 25% difference for detected pesticide/Arochlor results between the two GC columns. CH-XX,Duplicate analysis not within control limits.