CATALOG DOCUMENTATION EMAP SURFACE WATERS PROGRAM LEVEL DATABASE Region 10 Oregon Deschutes Basin (R0ORDES) Physical Habitat Best Metrics TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DATA SET IDENTIFICATION 2. INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION 3. DATA SET ABSTRACT 4. OBJECTIVES AND INTRODUCTION 5. DATA ACQUISTITION AND PROCESSING METHODS 6. DATA MANIPULATIONS 7. DATA DESCRIPTION 8. GEOGRAPHIC AND SPATIAL INFORMATION 9. QUALITY CONTROL / QUALITY ASSURANCE 10. DATA ACCESS 11. REFERENCES 12. TABLE OF ACRONYMS 13. PERSONNEL INFORMATION 1. DATA SET IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Title of Catalog Document EMAP SURFACE WATERS DATABASE Region 10 Oregon Deschutes Basin (R0ORDES) Physical Habitat Best Metrics 1.2 Authors of the Catalog Entry U.S. EPA NHEERL Western Ecology Division Corvallis, OR 1.3 Catalog Revision Date June 14, 2004 1.4 Data Set Name phabbest 1.5 Task Group Surface Waters 1.6 Data Set Identification Code 25 1.7 Version 001 1.8 Requested Acknowledgment These data were produced as part of the U.S. EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). If you publish these data or use them for analyses in publication, EPA requires a standard statement for work it has supported: 'Although the data described in this article have been funded wholly or in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its EMAP Surface Waters Program, it has not been subjected to Agency review, and therefore does not necessarily reflect the view of the Agency and no official endorsement of the conclusions should be inferred.' 2. INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION 2.1 Principal Investigator Spencer Peterson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 2.2 Investigation Participant- Sample Collection U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, Region 10 3. DATA SET ABSTRACT 3.1 Abstract of the Data Set The primary function of the stream habitat data set is to describe the physical habitat quality within the stream and near-shore riparian zone. This information is used to help establish the 'expectations' of the biological quality of the stream and to evaluate the extent to which human activity has disturbed habitat and thus impacted stream biota. 3.2 Keywords for the Data Set Habitat, cover, large woody debris, pools, riffles, residual pools, instream cover, riparian habitat, riparian zone 4. OBJECTIVES AND INTRODUCTION 4.1 Program Objectives The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) was designed to periodically estimate the status and trends of the Nation's ecological resources on a regional basis. EMAP provides a strategy to identify and bound the extent, magnitude and location of environmental degradation and improvement on a regional scale based on a probability-based statistical survey design. 4.2 Data Set Objective This data set is part of a demonstration project to evaluate approaches to monitoring streams in EMAP. The data set contains the results of analysis of the instream and riparian habitat sampled during spring low flow. 4.3 Data Set Background Discussion Habitat in streams is analyzed for two purposes. First, to understand the physical habitat within which biota must exist so that we can understand the biological potential of the system and second, to evaluate the physical habitat quality of the stream for the purpose of determining the potential stresses to which the biota are exposed. 4.4 Summary of Data Set Parameters The physical habitat parameters include percentages and total counts of various in-channel and riparian features, such as substrate size, water flow types, fish cover, channel sinuosity, riparian vegetation types, canopy density, and proximity of human influence features. 5. DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING METHODS 5.1 Data Acquisition 5.1.1 Sampling Objective To obtain a quantitative description of stream physical habitat during a sampling window from July through September. 5.1.2 Sample Collection Methods Summary Quantitative habitat information was collected at eleven transects along the sampling reach according to the protocols identified in Lazorchak et al. (1998). 5.1.3 Sampling Start Date July 7, 1997 5.1.4 Sampling End Date September 24, 1998 5.1.5 Platform NA 5.1.6 Sampling Gear Fisherman's vest, 50 m tape measure, clinometer, tripod, .5 inch diameter pvc pipe (2-3 m), canopy densiometer, compass, meter stick. 5.1.7 Manufacturer of Instruments NA 5.1.8 Key Variables NA 5.1.9 Sampling Method Calibration NA 5.1.10 Sample Collection Quality Control See Lazorchak, et al. 1998. 5.1.11 Sample Collection Method Reference Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program- Surface Waters: Field Operations and Methods for Measuring the Ecological Condition of Wadeable Streams. EPA/620/R-94/004F. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Integrated Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Surface Waters Resource Group, 1994 Activities. EPA 600/X-91/080, Rev. 2.00. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Nevada. 5.1.12 Sample Collection Method Deviations NA 5.2 DATA PREPARATION AND SAMPLE PROCESSING 5.2.1 Sample Processing Objective See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.2 Sample Processing Methods Summary See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.3 Sample Processing Method Calibration See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.4 Sample Processing Quality Control See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.5 Sample Processing Method Reference See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 6. DATA MANIPULATIONS 6.1 Name of New or Modified Values None 6.2 Data Manipulation Description Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 7. DATA DESCRIPTION 7.1 Description of Parameters Parameter Data Parameter # Name Type Len Format Label -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 LDMB_BW5 Num 8 Log10[Erodible Substr Dia.(mm)]-Est. 2 42 LRBS_BW5 Num 8 Log10[Relative Bed Stability] - Est. 2 40 LRBS_TST Num 8 Log10[Relative Bed Stability] - Fast est 51 LSUBD_SD Num 8 Substrate-StDev LOG10(Diam Class mm) 38 LSUB_DMM Num 8 Substrate-Mean Log10(Diam Class mm) 39 LTEST Num 8 Log10[Erodible Substr Dia.(mm)]-Fast est 18 PCAN_C Num 8 Riparian Canopy Coniferous (Fract reach) 59 PCT_BDRK Num 8 Substrate Bedrock (%) 58 PCT_BIGR Num 8 Substrate >= Coarse Gravel (>16 mm) (%) 75 PCT_DRS Num 8 Dry Channel or Subsurf Flow (%) 71 PCT_FA Num 8 Falls (% of reach) 72 PCT_FAST Num 8 Fast Wtr Hab (% riffle & faster) 52 PCT_FN Num 8 Substrate Fines -- Silt/Clay/Muck (%) 54 PCT_HP Num 8 Substrate Hardpan -- (%) 60 PCT_ORG Num 8 Substrate Wood or Detritus -- (%) 74 PCT_POOL Num 8 Pools -- All Types (% of reach) 55 PCT_RC Num 8 Substrate Concrete (%) 53 PCT_SA Num 8 Substrate Sand -- .06-2 mm (%) 56 PCT_SAFN Num 8 Substrate Sand & Fines -- <2 mm (%) 57 PCT_SFGF Num 8 Substrate <= Fine Gravel (<=16 mm) (%) 76 PCT_SIDE Num 8 Side channel presence (% of reach) 73 PCT_SLOW Num 8 Slow Wtr Hab (% Glide & Pool) 43 REACHLEN Num 8 Length of sample reach (m) 50 RP100 Num 8 Mean Residual Depth (cm or m2/100m) 47 RPGT100 Num 8 Resid Pools >100cm deep (number/reach) 46 RPGT75 Num 8 Resid Pools >75cm deep (number/reach) 48 RPMXDEP Num 8 Maximum residual depth in reach (cm) 49 RPXAREA Num 8 Mean vert. profile area of RPs (m2/pool) 4 SAMPLED Char 30 Sample status (PHab) 66 SDDEPTH Num 8 Std Dev of Thalweg Depth (cm) 70 SDWXD Num 8 Std Dev of Width*Depth Product (m2) 65 SINU Num 8 Channel Sinuosity (m/m) 1 SITE_ID Char 15 Site ID 63 V1TM100 Num 8 LWD Vol in/abv Bf chan(#/100m-all sizes) 61 V1W_MSQ Num 8 LWD Vol in Bkf chnl (m3/m2-all sizes) 64 V4TM100 Num 8 LWD Vol in/abv Bf chan (#/100m-L,X) 62 V4W_MSQ Num 8 LWD Vol in Bkf chnl (m3/m2-L,X) 3 VISIT_NO Num 8 Number identifying which visit this is 37 W1H_PIPE Num 8 Rip Dist--Pipes infl/effl (ProxWt Pres) 36 W1H_WALL Num 8 Rip Dist--Wall/Bank Revet. (ProxWt Pres) 35 W1_HAG Num 8 Rip Dist--Sum Agric Types (ProxWt Pres) 33 W1_HALL Num 8 Rip Dist--Sum All Types (ProxWt Pres) 34 W1_HNOAG Num 8 Rip Dist--Sum NonAg Types (ProxWt Pres) 5 XBKA Num 8 Bank Angle--mean (degrees) 8 XBKF_H Num 8 Bankfull Height-Mean (m) 7 XBKF_W Num 8 Bankfull Width--Mean (m) 14 XC Num 8 Riparian Veg Canopy Cover 19 XCDENBK Num 8 Mean Bank Canopy Density (%) 20 XCDENMID Num 8 Mean Mid-channel Canopy Density (%) 12 XCL Num 8 Riparian Canopy > 0.3m DBH (Cover) 17 XCMGW Num 8 Rip Veg Canopy+Mid+Ground Woody Cover 16 XCMW Num 8 Rip Veg Canopy+Mid Layer Woody Cover 45 XDEPTH Num 8 Thalweg Mean Depth (cm) 21 XEMBED Num 8 Mean Embeddedness--Channel+Margin (%) 22 XFC_ALG Num 8 Fish Cvr-Filamentous Algae (Areal Prop) 30 XFC_ALL Num 8 Fish Cvr-All Types (Sum Areal Prop) 23 XFC_AQM Num 8 Fish Cvr-Aq. Macrophytes (Areal Prop) 32 XFC_BIG Num 8 Fish Cvr-LWD,RCK,UCBorHUM(Sum Area Prop) 25 XFC_BRS Num 8 Fish Cvr-Brush&Small Debris (Areal Prop) 29 XFC_HUM Num 8 Fish Cvr-Artif. Structs. (Areal Prop) 24 XFC_LWD Num 8 Fish Cvr-Large Woody Debris (Areal Prop) 31 XFC_NAT Num 8 Fish Cvr-Natural Types (Sum Areal Prop) 26 XFC_OHV Num 8 Fish Cvr-Overhang Veg (Areal Prop) 28 XFC_RCK Num 8 Fish Cvr-Boulders (Areal Prop) 27 XFC_UCB Num 8 Fish Cvr-Undercut Banks (Areal Prop) 15 XG Num 8 Riparian Veg Ground Layer Cover 13 XGB Num 8 Rip Ground Layer Barren (Cover) 9 XINC_H Num 8 Channel Incision Ht.-Mean (m) 10 XPCM Num 8 Rip Can & MidLayer Present (Frac. reach) 11 XPCMG Num 8 Riparian 3-Layers Present (Fract. reach) 44 XSLOPE Num 8 Channel Slope -- reach mean (%) 6 XUN Num 8 Undercut Distance--Mean (m) 69 XWD_RAT Num 8 Mean Width/Depth Ratio (m/m) 67 XWIDTH Num 8 Wetted Width -- Mean (m) 68 XWXD Num 8 Mean Width*Depth Product (m2) 2 YEAR Num 8 Year of visit 7.1.1 Precision to which values are reported NA 7.1.2 Minimum Value in Data Set Name Min ------------------------------ LDMB_BW5 1.6926271633 LRBS_BW5 -2.922429541 LRBS_TST -2.980582426 LSUBD_SD 0 LSUB_DMM -2.110922507 LTEST -0.461878892 PCAN_C 0 PCT_BDRK 0 PCT_BIGR 0 PCT_DRS 0 PCT_FA 0 PCT_FAST 0 PCT_FN 0 PCT_HP 0 PCT_ORG 0 PCT_POOL 0 PCT_RC 0 PCT_SA 0 PCT_SAFN 3.3333333333 PCT_SFGF 6.6666666667 PCT_SIDE 0 PCT_SLOW 0 REACHLEN 134 RP100 3.2403355705 RPGT100 0 RPGT75 0 RPMXDEP 27.06 RPXAREA 0.1304891892 SDDEPTH 0 SDWXD 0 SINU 1.0183573548 V1TM100 0 V1W_MSQ 0 V4TM100 0 V4W_MSQ 0 VISIT_NO 1 W1H_PIPE 0 W1H_WALL 0 W1_HAG 0 W1_HALL 0 W1_HNOAG 0 XBKA 6.6111111111 XBKF_H 0.2727272727 XBKF_W 3.4909090909 XC 0 XCDENBK 0 XCDENMID 0 XCL 0 XCMGW 0 XCMW 0 XDEPTH 0 XEMBED 26 XFC_ALG 0 XFC_ALL 0 XFC_AQM 0 XFC_BIG 0 XFC_BRS 0 XFC_HUM 0 XFC_LWD 0 XFC_NAT 0 XFC_OHV 0 XFC_RCK 0 XFC_UCB 0 XG 0.1090909091 XGB 0 XINC_H 0 XPCM 0 XPCMG 0 XSLOPE 1 XUN 0 XWD_RAT 4.7312125766 XWIDTH 0 XWXD 0 YEAR 1997 7.1.3 Maximum Value in Data Set Name Max ------------------------------- LDMB_BW5 2.4259876464 LRBS_BW5 -0.171317045 LRBS_TST 1.4491591345 LSUBD_SD 2.3568415245 LSUB_DMM 2.2175817441 LTEST 2.0118254508 PCAN_C 1 PCT_BDRK 25.454545455 PCT_BIGR 90 PCT_DRS 100 PCT_FA 0.6849315068 PCT_FAST 100 PCT_FN 70.454545455 PCT_HP 12.727272727 PCT_ORG 16.666666667 PCT_POOL 100 PCT_RC 0 PCT_SA 66.666666667 PCT_SAFN 72.727272727 PCT_SFGF 100 PCT_SIDE 100 PCT_SLOW 100 REACHLEN 673.2 RP100 21.923507602 RPGT100 1 RPGT75 3 RPMXDEP 159.05 RPXAREA 4.649187563 SDDEPTH 42.017499962 SDWXD 8.4843109109 SINU 1.967907555 V1TM100 225.95820896 V1W_MSQ 0.1495038217 V4TM100 129.37164179 V4W_MSQ 0.0900890912 VISIT_NO 2 W1H_PIPE 0.6060909091 W1H_WALL 0.73485 W1_HAG 1.5 W1_HALL 4.4015954545 W1_HNOAG 4.1591636364 XBKA 97.045454545 XBKF_H 1.8181818182 XBKF_W 70.218181818 XC 0.9159090909 XCDENBK 99.690402477 XCDENMID 98.345588235 XCL 0.544047619 XCMGW 2.0071428571 XCMW 1.4476190476 XDEPTH 85.727272727 XEMBED 100 XFC_ALG 0.6613636364 XFC_ALL 1.5765625 XFC_AQM 0.8477272727 XFC_BIG 0.9090909091 XFC_BRS 0.6818181818 XFC_HUM 0.2022727273 XFC_LWD 0.2977272727 XFC_NAT 1.5765625 XFC_OHV 0.6045454545 XFC_RCK 0.6125 XFC_UCB 0.6515625 XG 1.3193181818 XGB 0.8613636364 XINC_H 4.0636363636 XPCM 1 XPCMG 1 XSLOPE 7.67 XUN 0.225 XWD_RAT 47.636735211 XWIDTH 27.838888889 XWXD 18.158588235 YEAR 1998 7.2 Data Record Example 7.2.1 Column Names for Example Records "LDMB_BW5", "LRBS_BW5", "LRBS_TST", "LSUBD_SD", "LSUB_DMM", "LTEST", "PCAN_C", "PCT_BDRK", "PCT_BIGR", "PCT_DRS", "PCT_FA", "PCT_FAST", "PCT_FN", "PCT_HP", "PCT_ORG", "PCT_POOL", "PCT_RC", "PCT_SA", "PCT_SAFN", "PCT_SFGF", "PCT_SIDE", "PCT_SLOW", "REACHLEN", "RP100", "RPGT100", "RPGT75", "RPMXDEP", "RPXAREA", "SAMPLED", "SDDEPTH", "SDWXD", "SINU", "SITE_ID", "V1TM100", "V1W_MSQ", "V4TM100", "V4W_MSQ", "VISIT_NO", "W1H_PIPE", "W1H_WALL", "W1_HAG", "W1_HALL", "W1_HNOAG", "XBKA", "XBKF_H", "XBKF_W", "XC", "XCDENBK", "XCDENMID", "XCL", "XCMGW", "XCMW", "XDEPTH", "XEMBED", "XFC_ALG", "XFC_ALL", "XFC_AQM", "XFC_BIG", "XFC_BRS", "XFC_HUM", "XFC_LWD", "XFC_NAT", "XFC_OHV", "XFC_RCK", "XFC_UCB", "XG", "XGB", "XINC_H", "XPCM", "XPCMG", "XSLOPE", "XUN", "XWD_RAT", "XWIDTH", "XWXD", "YEAR" 7.2.2 Example Data Records ., ., ., 1.024479436, 1.833582895, ., 0.7272727273, 0, 72.727272727, 0, 0, 97, 1.8181818182, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3.6363636364, 5.4545454545, 12.727272727, 0, 3, 158.4, ., ., ., ., ., "YES", 8.0952598676, 0.5824277141, ., "ORDS97-001", 70.233585859, 0.0186549934, 60.609848485, 0.0131897837, 1, 0, 0, 0.7576045455, 1.4243045455, 0.6667, 16.272727273, 0.9727272727, 17.609090909, 0.1090909091, 82.887700535, 52.540106952, 0.0659090909, 0.4715909091, 0.2681818182, 24.61, 51.909090909, 0.05, 0.8590909091, 0, 0.6863636364, 0.05, 0, 0.1409090909, 0.8590909091, 0.1227272727, 0.5454545455, 0, 0.4136363636, 0.0613636364, 0, 0.8636363636, 0.8636363636, ., 0, 26.827046254, 6.03, 1.4236, 1997 ., ., ., 1.8546631353, 0.2208150773, ., 1, 0, 25.454545455, 0, 0, 84.459459459, 25.454545455, 5.4545454545, 0, 7.4324324324, 0, 9.0909090909, 34.545454545, 50.909090909, 0, 15.540540541, 149, ., ., ., ., ., "YES", 5.4170209831, 0.0402184496, ., "ORDS97-003", 7.5959731544, 0.0140639269, 1.9536912752, 0.0049065306, 1, 0, 0, 1.5, 2.3636363636, 0.8636363636, 30.772727273, 1.1454545455, 3.9818181818, 0.1090909091, 29.144385027, 19.919786096, 0.0590909091, 0.1659090909, 0.1590909091, 12.353333333, 86, 0.045, 0.1318181818, 0.0318181818, 0.05, 0.05, 0, 0.0136363636, 0.1318181818, 0.0318181818, 0, 0.0363636364, 0.3625, 0.1977272727, 1.8090909091, 1, 1, ., 0, 8.9795200414, 0.985, 0.11905, 1997 ., ., ., 1.8765505885, 0.0117973654, ., 0.7272727273, 0, 12.727272727, 0, 0, 72.666666667, 30.909090909, 9.0909090909, 1.8181818182, 2, 0, 23.636363636, 54.545454545, 76.363636364, 100, 27.333333333, 149, ., ., ., ., ., "YES", 4.3408264247, 0.0674382874, ., "ORDS97-003", 9.2295302013, 0.0155474475, 5.8610738255, 0.0098731718, 2, 0, 0, 1.5, 1.9285809524, 0.4285809524, 29.136363636, 1.2909090909, 5.9363636364, 0.0886363636, 32.887700535, 24.86631016, 0.0272727273, 0.3068181818, 0.2477272727, 11.053333333, 90.472727273, 0, 0.1977272727, 0.0840909091, 0.1113636364, 0.0590909091, 0, 0.0795454545, 0.1977272727, 0.0272727273, 0, 0.0318181818, 0.4761363636, 0.3352272727, 1.9818181818, 0.7272727273, 0.7272727273, ., 0.0036363636, 9.3176120619, 0.904, 0.104055, 1997 ., ., ., 1.3541218159, -1.577297042, ., 0, 0, 7.2727272727, 92, 0, 0, 50.909090909, 0, 0, 8, 0, 1.8181818182, 52.727272727, 52.727272727, 0, 8, 149, ., ., ., ., ., "YES", 2.9023172105, 0, ., "ORDS97-009", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6060909091, 0, 1.5, 2.7727909091, 1.2727909091, 35, 0.8636363636, 9.3363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6266666667, 97.454545455, 0, 0.0045454545, 0, 0.0045454545, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045454545, 0, 0.0045454545, 0, 0.7659090909, 0.1363636364, 0.1545454545, 0, 0, ., 0, ., 0, 0, 1997 ., ., ., 1.3719375243, -0.069788073, ., 1, 0, 27.272727273, 4, 0, 53.333333333, 18.181818182, 0, 0, 19.333333333, 0, 40, 58.181818182, 65.454545455, 0, 42.666666667, 149, ., ., ., ., ., "YES", 8.8268174862, 0.2653596368, ., "ORDS97-010", 17.658389262, 0.0253580002, 10.551006711, 0.0151515762, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1.77275, 0.77275, 32.727272727, 0.8454545455, 6.9636363636, 0.1613636364, 81.28342246, 82.219251337, 0.0477272727, 0.2613636364, 0.2113636364, 10.006666667, 85.545454545, 0.05, 0.2036363636, 0, 0.0954545455, 0.0681818182, 0, 0.0227272727, 0.2036363636, 0.04, 0.0181818182, 0.0545454545, 0.1181818182, 0.2068181818, 1.4727272727, 1, 1, ., 0.0636363636, 19.967763158, 1.445, 0.2145, 1997 8. GEOGRAPHIC AND SPATIAL INFORMATION 8.1 Minimum Longitude -121 Degrees 56 Minutes 44 Seconds West (-121.945818 Decimal Degrees) 8.2 Maximum Longitude -119 Degrees 55 Minutes 38 Seconds West (-119.927334 Decimal Degrees) 8.3 Minimum Latitude 43 Degrees 20 Minutes 36 Seconds North (43.343393 Decimal Degrees) 8.4 Maximum Latitude 44 Degrees 35 Minutes 11 Seconds North (44.586607 Decimal Degrees) 8.5 Name of Area or Region EPA Region 10 - The sampling area included the Coast Range Ecoregion and the Yakima River Basin (Columbia Basin Ecoregion). 9. QUALITY CONTROL / QUALITY ASSURANCE 9.1 Data Quality Objectives See Chaloud and Peck (1994), Merritt (1994), and Hayslip (1993). 9.2 Quality Assurance Procedures See Chaloud and Peck (1994), Merritt (1994), and Hayslip (1993). 9.3 Unassessed Errors NA 10. DATA ACCESS 10.1 Data Access Procedures Data can be downloaded from the WWW site or contact personnel listed in Section 10.3. 10.2 Data Access Restrictions Data can only be accessed from the WWW server. 10.3 Data Access Contact Persons Gretchen Hayslip Environmental Services Division Region 10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, ES-097 Seattle, WA 98101 Ph 206-553-1685 Fax 206-553-0119 email Marlys Cappaert CSC c/o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4467 Fax 541-754-4716 Email 10.4 Data Set Format Data files are in ASCII comma-delimited format. 10.5 Information Concerning Anonymous FTP Data cannot be accessed via ftp. 10.6 Information Concerning WWW Data can be downloaded from 10.7 EMAP CD-ROM Containing the Data Data are not available on CD-ROM. 11. REFERENCES Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program - Surface Waters: Integrated Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Surface Waters Resource Group. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development. Washington, D.C. Hayslip, G. A. (editor). 1993. EPA Region 10 In-stream Biological Monitoring Handbook (for wadeable streams in the Pacific Northwest). U. S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 10, Environmental Services Division, Seattle, WA 98101. EPA-910/9-92-013. Hayslip, G., D.J. Klemm, J.M. Lazorchak. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Surface Waters and Region 10 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: 1994 Pilot Field Operations and Methods Manual for Streams on the Coast Range Ecoregion of Oregon and Washington and the Yakima River Basin. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Merritt, G.D. 1994. Biological Assessment of wadeable Streams in the Coast Range Ecoregion and the Yakima River Basin: Final Quality Assurance Project Plan. Washington State Department of Ecology, Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services, Olympia, WA, 15 pp. Plafkin, J.L., M.T. Barbour, K.D. Porter, S.K. Gross, and R.M Hughes. 1989. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish. EPA 440/4-89/001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, D.C. 12. TABLE OF ACRONYMS EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program EPA U.S.Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory CSC Computer Sciences Corporation R-EMAP Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program R0ORDES Region 10 Oregon Deschutes Basin (R0ORDES) 13. PERSONNEL INFORMATION Project Manager Gretchen Hayslip Environmental Services Division Region 10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, ES-097 Seattle, WA 98101 Ph 206-553-1685 Fax 206-553-0119 email R-EMAP Project Leader for Washington State Glenn Merritt Washington State Department of Ecology Watershed Assessments Section 300 Desmond Drive, P.O. Box 47710 Olympia, WA 98504-7710 Ph 206-407-6777 Fax 206-407-6884 R-EMAP Project Leader for Oregon Rick Hafele Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 811 SW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97204-1390 Ph 503-229-5983 Fax 503-229-6124 Email Quality Assurance Officer Dave Peck U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4426 Fax 541-754-4716 Email Information Management, EMAP-Surface Waters Marlys Cappaert CSC c/o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4467 Fax 541-754-4716 Email