CATALOG DOCUMENTATION EMAP SURFACE WATERS PROGRAM LEVEL DATABASE Region 10 Oregon Cascades (R0CE) Benthic Macroinvertebrate Metrics TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DATA SET IDENTIFICATION 2. INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION 3. DATA SET ABSTRACT 4. OBJECTIVES AND INTRODUCTION 5. DATA ACQUISTITION AND PROCESSING METHODS 6. DATA MANIPULATIONS 7. DATA DESCRIPTION 8. GEOGRAPHIC AND SPATIAL INFORMATION 9. QUALITY CONTROL / QUALITY ASSURANCE 10. DATA ACCESS 11. REFERENCES 12. TABLE OF ACRONYMS 13. PERSONNEL INFORMATION 1. DATA SET IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Title of Catalog Document EMAP SURFACE WATERS DATABASE Region 10 Oregon Cascades (R0CE) Benthic Macroinvertebrate Metrics 1.2 Authors of the Catalog Entry U.S. EPA NHEERL Western Ecology Division Corvallis, OR 1.3 Catalog Revision Date June 14, 2004 1.4 Data Set Name bentmet_oridas 1.5 Task Group Surface Waters 1.6 Data Set Identification Code 16 1.7 Version 001 1.8 Requested Acknowledgment These data were produced as part of the U.S. EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). If you publish these data or use them for analyses in publication, EPA requires a standard statement for work it has supported: 'Although the data described in this article have been funded wholly or in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its EMAP Surface Waters Program, it has not been subjected to Agency review, and therefore does not necessarily reflect the view of the Agency and no official endorsement of the conclusions should be inferred.' 2. INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION 2.1 Principal Investigator Spencer Peterson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 2.2 Investigation Participant- Sample Collection State of Oregon State of Washington U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 3. DATA SET ABSTRACT 3.1 Abstract of the Data Set This data set contains a list of metrics derived from the species composition within the stream at the time of sampling. The metrics summarize the species relative abundance information by collapsing it into a series of metrics representing trophic guilds, habitat preferences, tolerance capacities and measures of biodiversity. 3.2 Keywords for the Data Set Benthos assemblage, benthos community, benthic species identification 4. OBJECTIVES AND INTRODUCTION 4.1 Program Objectives The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) was designed to periodically estimate the status and trends of the Nation's ecological resources on a regional basis. EMAP provides a strategy to identify and bound the extent, magnitude and location of environmental degradation and improvement on a regional scale based on a probability-based statistical survey design. 4.2 Data Set Objective This data set is part of a demonstration project to evaluate approaches to monitoring streams in EMAP. The data set contains the calculated metrics of multi-habitat sampling to summarize benthos assemblage data. 4.3 Data Set Background Discussion The benthos assemblage metrics summarize the species relative abundance information by collapsing it into a series of metrics representing trophic guilds, habitat preferences, tolerance capacities and measures of biodiversity. 4.4 Summary of Data Set Parameters The benthos assemblage metrics include summarized counts and percentages of the sample for certain families of taxa, trophic function groups, and pollution tolerant and intolerant taxa. In addition, for each sample the Modified Hilsenhoff Biotic Index and the Shannon-Weaver diversity index are reported. IDAS is the Invertebrate Data Analysis System written by Tom Cuffney of USGS, and was used to create the metrics file based upon the bentcnt_oridas file. 5. DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING METHODS 5.1 Data Acquisition 5.1.1 Sampling Objective To obtain a sample of the benthos assemblage within a stream during a during a sampling window from July through September. 5.1.2 Sample Collection Methods Summary The assemblage was sampled using modified kicknet with 595 micron mesh distributed in multiple habitats throughout the stream. 5.1.3 Sampling Start Date July 6, 1999 5.1.4 Sampling End Date September 7, 2000 5.1.5 Platform NA 5.1.6 Sampling Gear Modified kicknet with 595 micron mesh, buckets, 500 um sieve, forceps, funnel, sample jars, ethanol, pocket knife, rubber gloves, sieve-bottomed bucket. 5.1.7 Manufacturer of Instruments Wildco #425-C50 - modified kicknet. 5.1.8 Key Variables NA 5.1.9 Sampling Method Calibration NA 5.1.10 Sample Collection Quality Control See Lazorchak, et al. 1998. 5.1.11 Sample Collection Method Reference Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program- Surface Waters: Field Operations and Methods for Measuring the Ecological Condition of Wadeable Streams. EPA/620/R-94/004F. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Integrated Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Surface Waters Resource Group, 1994 Activities. EPA 600/X-91/080, Rev. 2.00. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, Nevada. 5.1.12 Sample Collection Method Deviations NA 5.2 DATA PREPARATION AND SAMPLE PROCESSING 5.2.1 Sample Processing Objective See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.2 Sample Processing Methods Summary See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.3 Sample Processing Method Calibration See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.4 Sample Processing Quality Control See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 5.2.5 Sample Processing Method Reference See Lazorchak, J.M., Klemm, D.J., and Peck D.V. (editors). 1998 and Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 6. DATA MANIPULATIONS 6.1 Name of New or Modified Values None 6.2 Data Manipulation Description Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. 7. DATA DESCRIPTION 7.1 Description of Parameters Parameter Data Parameter # Name Type Len Format Label --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ABUND Num 8 Total number of organisms in the sample 93 ABUNDTOL Num 8 Abundance-weighted EPA tolerance value for sample 94 ABUND_TOL_CLASS Num 8 % of abundance that could be assigned a tolerance value 30 AMPHI Num 8 Abundance of Amiphipoda 63 AMPHIP Num 8 % of total abundance compsed of Amiphipoda 88 AMPHIR Num 8 Richness composed of Amiphipoda 116 AMPHIRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Amiphipoda 28 BIVAL Num 8 Abundance of Bivalvia 61 BIVALP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Bivalvia 86 BIVALR Num 8 Richness composed of Bivalvia 114 BIVALRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Bivalvia 38 BRILLDIV Num 8 Brillouin's diversity index 40 BRILLEVEN Num 8 Brillouin Eveness 18 CH Num 8 Abundance of midges 51 CHP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of midges 76 CHR Num 8 Richness composed of midges 104 CHRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of midges 16 COLEOP Num 8 Abundance of Coleoptera 49 COLEOPP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Coleoptera 74 COLEOPR Num 8 Richness composed of Coleoptera 102 COLEOPRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Coleoptera 29 CORBIC Num 8 Abundance of Corbicuba 62 CORBICP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Corbicuba 87 CORBICR Num 8 Richness composed of Corbicuba 115 CORBICRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Corbicuba 4 DATE_COL Num 8 MMDDYY Date of collection 17 DIP Num 8 Abundance of Diptera 50 DIPP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Diptera 75 DIPR Num 8 Richness composed of Diptera 103 DIPRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Diptera 119 DOM1 Num 8 Percentage of total abundance represented by the most abundant taxon 120 DOM2 Num 8 Percentage of total abundance represented by the two most abundant taxon 121 DOM3 Num 8 Percentage of total abundance represented by the three most abundant taxon 122 DOM4 Num 8 Percentage of total abundance represented by the four most abundant taxon 123 DOM5 Num 8 Percentage of total abundance represented by the five most abundant taxon 11 EPEM Num 8 Abundance of Mayflies 44 EPEMP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Mayflies 69 EPEMR Num 8 Richness composed of Mayflies 97 EPEMRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Mayflies 9 EPT Num 8 Abundance of EPT 42 EPTP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of May, Stone, and Caddisflies 67 EPTR Num 8 Richness composed of May, Stone, and Caddisflies 95 EPTRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of May, Stone, and Caddisflies 10 EPT_CH Num 8 Ratio of EPT to Midge abundance 43 EPT_CHP Num 8 Ratio of EPT and Midge abundance 68 EPT_CHR Num 8 Ratio of EPT to Midge richness 96 EPT_CHRP Num 8 Ratio of EPT % to Midge % richness 27 GASTRO Num 8 Abundance of Gastropodia 60 GASTROP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Gastropodia 85 GASTROR Num 8 Richness composed of Gastropodia 113 GASTRORP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Gastropodia 31 ISOP Num 8 Abundance of Isopoda 64 ISOPP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Isopoda 89 ISOPR Num 8 Richness composed of Isopoda 117 ISOPRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Isopoda 3 LAB_NAME Char 25 $ Name of lab processing samples 33 MARGALEF Num 8 Margalef's diversity index 34 MENHINICK Num 8 Menhinick's diversity index 26 MOLCRU Num 8 Abundance of Mollusca and Crustacea 59 MOLCRUP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Mollusca and Crustacea 84 MOLCRUR Num 8 Richness composed of Mollusca and Crustacea 112 MOLCRURP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Mollusca and Crustacea 23 NCHDIP Num 8 Abundance of non-midge Diptera 56 NCHDIPP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of non-midge Diptera 81 NCHDIPR Num 8 Richness composed of non-midge Diptera 109 NCHDIPRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of non-midge Diptera 24 NONINS Num 8 Abundance of non-insects 57 NONINSP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of non-insects 82 NONINSR Num 8 Richness composed of non-insects 110 NONINSRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of non-insects 25 ODIPNI Num 8 Abundance of non-midge Diptera and non-insects 58 ODIPNIP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of non-midge Diptera and non-insects 83 ODIPNIR Num 8 Richness composed of non-midge Diptera and non-insects 111 ODIPNIRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of non-midge Diptera and non-insects 15 ODONO Num 8 Abundance of Odonata 48 ODONOP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Odonata 73 ODONOR Num 8 Richness composed of Odonata 101 ODONORP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Odonata 32 OLIGO Num 8 Abundance of Oligochaeta 65 OLIGOP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Oligochaeta 90 OLIGOR Num 8 Richness composed of Oligochaeta 118 OLIGORP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Oligochaeta 19 ORTHO Num 8 Abundance of Orthocladinae midges 52 ORTHOP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Orthocladinae midges 77 ORTHOR Num 8 Richness composed of Orthocladinae midges 105 ORTHORP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Orthocladinae midges 20 ORTHO_CH Num 8 Ratio of Orthoclad to midge abundance 53 ORTHO_CHP Num 8 Ratio of % Orthoclad to % midge abundance 78 ORTHO_CHR Num 8 Ratio of Orthoclad to midge richness 106 ORTHO_CHRP Num 8 Ratio of % Orthoclad to % midge richness 12 PLECO Num 8 Abundance of Stoneflies 45 PLECOP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Stoneflies 70 PLECOR Num 8 Richness composed of Stoneflies 98 PLECORP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Stoneflies 13 PTERY Num 8 Abundance of non-midge Pteronarcys 46 PTERYP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Pteronarcys 71 PTERYR Num 8 Richness composed of Pteronarcys 99 PTERYRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Pteronarcys 66 RICH Num 8 Total richness, (number on non-ambiguous taxa) 91 RICHTOL Num 8 Average EPA tolerance values for sample based on richness 92 RICH_TOL_CLASS Num 8 % of richness that could be assigned a tolerance value 5 SAMPLEID Num 8 Sample identifier assigned by IDAS 2 SAMPTYPE Char 25 $ Sample type RIFFLE/POOL 37 SHANDIV Num 8 Shannon's diversity index 41 SHANEVEN Num 8 Shannon Eveness 39 SIMPEVEN Num 8 SimpEven 36 SIMPSONDIV Num 8 Simpson's diversity index 35 SIMPSONDOM Num 8 Simpson Dominance index 1 SITE_ID Char 15 $ Site identification 21 TANY Num 8 Abundance of Tanytarsanii midges 54 TANYP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Tanytarsanii midges 79 TANYR Num 8 Richness composed of Tanytarsanii midges 107 TANYRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Tanytarsanii midges 22 TANY_CH Num 8 Ratio of Tanytarsanii to midge abundance 55 TANY_CHP Num 8 Ratio of % Tanytarsanii to % midge abundance 80 TANY_CHR Num 8 Ratio of Tanytarsanii to midge richness 108 TANY_CHRP Num 8 Ratio of % Tanytarsanii to % midge richness 7 TEAM_ID Num 8 Team identifier 14 TRICH Num 8 Abundance of Caddisflies 47 TRICHP Num 8 % of total abundance composed of Caddisflies 72 TRICHR Num 8 Richness composed of Caddisflies 100 TRICHRP Num 8 % of total richness composed of Caddisflies 124 VISIT_NO Num 8 Within Year Site Visit Number 6 YEAR Num 8 Year of Site Visit 7.1.1 Precision to which values are reported NA 7.1.2 Minimum Value in Data Set Name Min ------------------------------ ABUND 23 ABUNDTOL 1.2440944882 ABUND_TOL_CLASS 63.913043478 AMPHI 0 AMPHIP 0 AMPHIR 0 AMPHIRP 0 BIVAL 0 BIVALP 0 BIVALR 0 BIVALRP 0 BRILLDIV 0.6883760664 BRILLEVEN 0.5598228463 CH 1 CHP 1.6949152542 CHR 1 CHRP 3.5714285714 COLEOP 0 COLEOPP 0 COLEOPR 0 COLEOPRP 0 CORBIC 0 CORBICP 0 CORBICR 0 CORBICRP 0 DATE_COL 07/06/1999 DIP 3 DIPP 5.0156739812 DIPR 2 DIPRP 6.25 DOM1 10.377358491 DOM2 18.867924528 DOM3 25.471698113 DOM4 32.075471698 DOM5 38.050314465 EPEM 0 EPEMP 0 EPEMR 0 EPEMRP 0 EPT 8 EPTP 21.276595745 EPTR 4 EPTRP 44.444444444 EPT_CH 0.3797468354 EPT_CHP 0.3797468354 EPT_CHR 1.3333333333 EPT_CHRP 1.3333333333 GASTRO 0 GASTROP 0 GASTROR 0 GASTRORP 0 ISOP 0 ISOPP 0 ISOPR 0 ISOPRP 0 MARGALEF 5.8748890846 MENHINICK 1.0093898774 MOLCRU 0 MOLCRUP 0 MOLCRUR 0 MOLCRURP 0 NCHDIP 0 NCHDIPP 0 NCHDIPR 0 NCHDIPRP 0 NONINS 0 NONINSP 0 NONINSR 0 NONINSRP 0 ODIPNI 0 ODIPNIP 0 ODIPNIR 0 ODIPNIRP 0 ODONO 0 ODONOP 0 ODONOR 0 ODONORP 0 OLIGO 0 OLIGOP 0 OLIGOR 0 OLIGORP 0 ORTHO 0 ORTHOP 0 ORTHOR 0 ORTHORP 0 ORTHO_CH 0 ORTHO_CHP 0 ORTHO_CHR 0 ORTHO_CHRP 0 PLECO 1 PLECOP 1.3888888889 PLECOR 1 PLECORP 4.5454545455 PTERY 0 PTERYP 0 PTERYR 0 PTERYRP 0 RICH 9 RICHTOL 1.5833333333 RICH_TOL_CLASS 83.333333333 SAMPLEID 1 SHANDIV 0.8165726709 SHANEVEN 0.5642595025 SIMPEVEN 0.776646315 SIMPSONDIV 0.751555268 SIMPSONDOM 0.0484693371 TANY 0 TANYP 0 TANYR 0 TANYRP 0 TANY_CH 0 TANY_CHP 0 TANY_CHR 0 TANY_CHRP 0 TEAM_ID 1 TRICH 1 TRICHP 0.3144654088 TRICHR 1 TRICHRP 5.5555555556 VISIT_NO 1 YEAR 1999 7.1.3 Maximum Value in Data Set Name Max ------------------------------- ABUND 662 ABUNDTOL 4.8282828283 ABUND_TOL_CLASS 100 AMPHI 0 AMPHIP 0 AMPHIR 0 AMPHIRP 0 BIVAL 0 BIVALP 0 BIVALR 0 BIVALRP 0 BRILLDIV 1.3313371379 BRILLEVEN 0.9074252861 CH 304 CHP 63.125 CHR 5 CHRP 33.333333333 COLEOP 56 COLEOPP 18.965517241 COLEOPR 5 COLEOPRP 17.391304348 CORBIC 0 CORBICP 0 CORBICR 0 CORBICRP 0 DATE_COL 09/07/2000 DIP 318 DIPP 69.268292683 DIPR 12 DIPRP 55.555555556 DOM1 41.197183099 DOM2 68.661971831 DOM3 79.225352113 DOM4 84.154929577 DOM5 86.267605634 EPEM 375 EPEMP 69.014084507 EPEMR 12 EPEMRP 37.5 EPT 555 EPTP 93.220338983 EPTR 33 EPTRP 85.714285714 EPT_CH 55 EPT_CHP 55 EPT_CHR 20 EPT_CHRP 20 GASTRO 10 GASTROP 3.7313432836 GASTROR 1 GASTRORP 4.347826087 ISOP 0 ISOPP 0 ISOPR 0 ISOPRP 0 MARGALEF 18.118122475 MENHINICK 2.7490258015 MOLCRU 10 MOLCRUP 3.7313432836 MOLCRUR 1 MOLCRURP 4.347826087 NCHDIP 157 NCHDIPP 42.857142857 NCHDIPR 9 NCHDIPRP 22.222222222 NONINS 73 NONINSP 22.463768116 NONINSR 5 NONINSRP 12.5 ODIPNI 165 ODIPNIP 43.214285714 ODIPNIR 13 ODIPNIRP 28.888888889 ODONO 0 ODONOP 0 ODONOR 0 ODONORP 0 OLIGO 54 OLIGOP 19.565217391 OLIGOR 1 OLIGORP 6.25 ORTHO 0 ORTHOP 0 ORTHOR 0 ORTHORP 0 ORTHO_CH 0 ORTHO_CHP 0 ORTHO_CHR 0 ORTHO_CHRP 0 PLECO 148 PLECOP 43.573667712 PLECOR 11 PLECORP 34.782608696 PTERY 0 PTERYP 0 PTERYR 0 PTERYRP 0 RICH 51 RICHTOL 3.5185185185 RICH_TOL_CLASS 100 SAMPLEID 74 SHANDIV 1.403187232 SHANEVEN 0.9002483326 SIMPEVEN 0.9705974613 SIMPSONDIV 0.9515306629 SIMPSONDOM 0.248444732 TANY 135 TANYP 40.540540541 TANYR 1 TANYRP 11.111111111 TANY_CH 0.9130434783 TANY_CHP 0.9130434783 TANY_CHR 0.5 TANY_CHRP 0.5 TEAM_ID 1 TRICH 319 TRICHP 61.428571429 TRICHR 14 TRICHRP 39.285714286 VISIT_NO 2 YEAR 2000 7.2 Data Record Example 7.2.1 Column Names for Example Records "ABUND", "ABUNDTOL", "ABUND_TOL_CLASS", "AMPHI", "AMPHIP", "AMPHIR", "AMPHIRP", "BIVAL", "BIVALP", "BIVALR", "BIVALRP", "BRILLDIV", "BRILLEVEN", "CH", "CHP", "CHR", "CHRP", "COLEOP", "COLEOPP", "COLEOPR", "COLEOPRP", "CORBIC", "CORBICP", "CORBICR", "CORBICRP", "DATE_COL", "DIP", "DIPP", "DIPR", "DIPRP", "DOM1", "DOM2", "DOM3", "DOM4", "DOM5", "EPEM", "EPEMP", "EPEMR", "EPEMRP", "EPT", "EPTP", "EPTR", "EPTRP", "EPT_CH", "EPT_CHP", "EPT_CHR", "EPT_CHRP", "GASTRO", "GASTROP", "GASTROR", "GASTRORP", "ISOP", "ISOPP", "ISOPR", "ISOPRP", "LAB_NAME", "MARGALEF", "MENHINICK", "MOLCRU", "MOLCRUP", "MOLCRUR", "MOLCRURP", "NCHDIP", "NCHDIPP", "NCHDIPR", "NCHDIPRP", "NONINS", "NONINSP", "NONINSR", "NONINSRP", "ODIPNI", "ODIPNIP", "ODIPNIR", "ODIPNIRP", "ODONO", "ODONOP", "ODONOR", "ODONORP", "OLIGO", "OLIGOP", "OLIGOR", "OLIGORP", "ORTHO", "ORTHOP", "ORTHOR", "ORTHORP", "ORTHO_CH", "ORTHO_CHP", "ORTHO_CHR", "ORTHO_CHRP", "PLECO", "PLECOP", "PLECOR", "PLECORP", "PTERY", "PTERYP", "PTERYR", "PTERYRP", "RICH", "RICHTOL", "RICH_TOL_CLASS", "SAMPLEID", "SAMPTYPE", "SHANDIV", "SHANEVEN", "SIMPEVEN", "SIMPSONDIV", "SIMPSONDOM", "SITE_ID", "TANY", "TANYP", "TANYR", "TANYRP", "TANY_CH", "TANY_CHP", "TANY_CHR", "TANY_CHRP", "TEAM_ID", "TRICH", "TRICHP", "TRICHR", "TRICHRP", "VISIT_NO", "YEAR" 7.2.2 Example Data Records 23, 3.8260869565, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6883760664, 0.9074252861, 11, 47.826086957, 3, 33.333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 08/05/1999, 15, 65.217391304, 5, 55.555555556, 30.434782609, 47.826086957, 60.869565217, 69.565217391, 78.260869565, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 34.782608696, 4, 44.444444444, 0.7272727273, 0.7272727273, 1.3333333333, 1.3333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OR", 5.8748890846, 1.8766297265, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 17.391304348, 2, 22.222222222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 17.391304348, 2, 22.222222222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 26.086956522, 2, 22.222222222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 3.1111111111, 100, 1, "POOL", 0.859055228, 0.9002483326, 0.9357277883, 0.8695652174, 0.1304347826, "R0CE98-RF135", 1, 4.347826087, 1, 11.111111111, 0.0909090909, 0.0909090909, 0.3333333333, 0.3333333333, 1, 2, 8.6956521739, 2, 22.222222222, 1, 1999 280, 3.0114503817, 93.571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.2644470522, 0.8349988019, 75, 26.785714286, 4, 9.3023255814, 3, 1.0714285714, 1, 2.3255813953, 0, 0, 0, 0, 08/05/1999, 87, 31.071428571, 11, 25.581395349, 20.357142857, 26.785714286, 32.857142857, 38.928571429, 45, 54, 19.285714286, 11, 25.581395349, 170, 60.714285714, 28, 65.11627907, 2.2666666667, 2.2666666667, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OR", 17.162765732, 2.5697415101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 4.2857142857, 7, 16.279069767, 11, 3.9285714286, 2, 4.6511627907, 23, 8.2142857143, 9, 20.930232558, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 2.8571428571, 1, 2.3255813953, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 27.857142857, 8, 18.604651163, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 2.7380952381, 97.674418605, 2, "RIFFLE", 1.3612198331, 0.8333309581, 0.9506541545, 0.9318740399, 0.0681259601, "R0CE98-RF135", 12, 4.2857142857, 1, 2.3255813953, 0.16, 0.16, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 38, 13.571428571, 9, 20.930232558, 1, 1999 578, 1.2440944882, 87.889273356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.1617443571, 0.734401832, 43, 7.4394463668, 4, 8.8888888889, 12, 2.0761245675, 3, 6.6666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 08/30/2000, 68, 11.764705882, 11, 24.444444444, 17.820069204, 31.660899654, 45.155709343, 57.093425606, 64.705882353, 280, 48.442906574, 9, 20, 497, 85.98615917, 30, 66.666666667, 11.558139535, 11.558139535, 7.5, 7.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OR", 15.930901375, 1.8717532443, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 4.3252595156, 7, 15.555555556, 1, 0.1730103806, 1, 2.2222222222, 26, 4.4982698962, 8, 17.777777778, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 11.937716263, 7, 15.555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 2.3720930233, 95.555555556, 3, "RIFFLE", 1.2142200911, 0.7344609849, 0.9243803409, 0.9054050002, 0.0945949998, "R0CE99-004", 25, 4.3252595156, 1, 2.2222222222, 0.5813953488, 0.5813953488, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 148, 25.605536332, 14, 31.111111111, 1, 2000 306, 3.1074380165, 79.08496732, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0485513728, 0.7400049474, 82, 26.797385621, 4, 12.5, 15, 4.9019607843, 3, 9.375, 0, 0, 0, 0, 07/22/1999, 88, 28.758169935, 7, 21.875, 22.875816993, 40.849673203, 55.555555556, 63.39869281, 68.62745098, 121, 39.54248366, 8, 25, 202, 66.013071895, 21, 65.625, 2.4634146341, 2.4634146341, 5.25, 5.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OR", 12.471228541, 1.8293182415, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1.9607843137, 3, 9.375, 1, 0.3267973856, 1, 3.125, 7, 2.2875816993, 4, 12.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 5.5555555556, 4, 12.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 2.3571428571, 87.5, 4, "RIFFLE", 1.114770004, 0.7406371592, 0.9064062761, 0.8809600343, 0.1190399657, "R0CE99-009", 7, 2.2875816993, 1, 3.125, 0.0853658537, 0.0853658537, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 64, 20.91503268, 9, 28.125, 1, 1999 8. GEOGRAPHIC AND SPATIAL INFORMATION 8.1 Minimum Longitude -122 Degrees 41 Minutes 28 Seconds West (-122.691154 Decimal Degrees) 8.2 Maximum Longitude -121 Degrees 46 Minutes 52 Seconds West (-121.781187 Decimal Degrees) 8.3 Minimum Latitude 43 Degrees 26 Minutes 15 Seconds North (43.437593 Decimal Degrees) 8.4 Maximum Latitude 45 Degrees 28 Minutes 53 Seconds North (45.481510 Decimal Degrees) 8.5 Name of Area or Region EPA Region 10 - The sampling area included the Coast Range Ecoregion and the Yakima River Basin (Columbia Basin Ecoregion). 9. QUALITY CONTROL / QUALITY ASSURANCE 9.1 Data Quality Objectives See Chaloud and Peck (1994), Merritt (1994), and Hayslip (1993). 9.2 Quality Assurance Procedures See Chaloud and Peck (1994), Merritt (1994), and Hayslip (1993). 9.3 Unassessed Errors NA 10. DATA ACCESS 10.1 Data Access Procedures Data can be downloaded from the WWW site or contact personnel listed in Section 10.3. 10.2 Data Access Restrictions Data can only be accessed from the WWW server. 10.3 Data Access Contact Persons Gretchen Hayslip Environmental Services Division Region 10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, ES-097 Seattle, WA 98101 Ph 206-553-1685 Fax 206-553-0119 email Marlys Cappaert CSC c/o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4467 Fax 541-754-4716 Email 10.4 Data Set Format Data files are in ASCII comma-delimited format. 10.5 Information Concerning Anonymous FTP Data cannot be accessed via ftp. 10.6 Information Concerning WWW Data can be downloaded from 10.7 EMAP CD-ROM Containing the Data Data are not available on CD-ROM. 11. REFERENCES Chaloud, D.J. and D.V. Peck. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program - Surface Waters: Integrated Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Surface Waters Resource Group. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development. Washington, D.C. Hayslip, G. A. (editor). 1993. EPA Region 10 In-stream Biological Monitoring Handbook (for wadeable streams in the Pacific Northwest). U. S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 10, Environmental Services Division, Seattle, WA 98101. EPA-910/9-92-013. Hayslip, G., D.J. Klemm, J.M. Lazorchak. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Surface Waters and Region 10 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: 1994 Pilot Field Operations and Methods Manual for Streams on the Coast Range Ecoregion of Oregon and Washington and the Yakima River Basin. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Merritt, G.D. 1994. Biological Assessment of wadeable Streams in the Coast Range Ecoregion and the Yakima River Basin: Final Quality Assurance Project Plan. Washington State Department of Ecology, Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services, Olympia, WA, 15 pp. Plafkin, J.L., M.T. Barbour, K.D. Porter, S.K. Gross, and R.M Hughes. 1989. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish. EPA 440/4-89/001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, D.C. 12. TABLE OF ACRONYMS EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program EPA U.S.Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory CSC Computer Sciences Corporation R-EMAP Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program R0CE Region 10 Oregon Cascades (R0CE) 13. PERSONNEL INFORMATION Project Manager Gretchen Hayslip Environmental Services Division Region 10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, ES-097 Seattle, WA 98101 Ph 206-553-1685 Fax 206-553-0119 email R-EMAP Project Leader for Washington State Glenn Merritt Washington State Department of Ecology Watershed Assessments Section 300 Desmond Drive, P.O. Box 47710 Olympia, WA 98504-7710 Ph 206-407-6777 Fax 206-407-6884 R-EMAP Project Leader for Oregon Rick Hafele Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 811 SW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97204-1390 Ph 503-229-5983 Fax 503-229-6124 Email Quality Assurance Officer Dave Peck U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4426 Fax 541-754-4716 Email Information Management, EMAP-Surface Waters Marlys Cappaert CSC c/o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NHEERL Western Ecology Division 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph 541-754-4467 Fax 541-754-4716 Email