Use of Binomial Indices in Evaluating the Environmental Conditions of Florida's Ground-water Quality
Rick Copeland
Florida Geological Survey
903 W. Tennessee Street
Tallahassee, Florida
In 2003, Florida completed the first sampling cycle of its integrated, statewide ground-water and surface-water quality monitoring network. Regarding groundwater, the network is probably the first statewide network to be based on random sampling. Two binomial indices have been used to evaluate the state's ground-water quality. Both the Ground-Water Quality Criteria and the Ground-Water Quality Dynamic Indices are related to the State of Florida drinking water standards and are based on whether or not analyte concentrations exceed their corresponding standards. If at least one analyte exceeds its standard, the water (and the well) cannot fully support its designated use. It is not unusual for the concentrations of some analytes to exceed standards under natural conditions. For this reason, the Dynamic Index was developed to address a restricted set of analytes which are significantly influenced by anthropological processes. Both indices measure of the proportion of wells in which corresponding water does not meets its designated use, along with corresponding confidence intervals. The Criteria Index estimates the condition of all wells, while the Dynamic Index estimates the proportion of wells that have been, both significantly and negatively, influenced by man. The two indices have been used to evaluate Florida's ground-water at a basin-wide, regional, and statewide scale. The indices assist in measuring the effectiveness of Florida's efforts to manage its ground-water quality.
Keywords: indices, binomial, groundwater, wells, effectiveness, monitoring