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NNEMS Project 2012-101

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The deadline for applying to the 2012 program was January 30, 2012. Program materials are provided for reference purposes only.

Program Announcement
Identifier: EPA-EED-12-01

NNEMS Catalog for 2012
(EPA 171-B-12-001)

[PDF, 2.9 MB, 73 pages]

NNEMS Application Materials
[PDF, 1.8 MB, 17 pages]

For additional information, email the NNEMS Fellowship Program

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To view answers to questions submitted by other applicants or updated information about the projects, click here.

Linkages between Air Quality and Climate

Office of Air and Radiation; Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Health and Environmental Impacts Division; Climate, International and Multimedia Group

The Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards compiles and reviews air pollution data, develops regulations to limit and reduce air pollution, assists states and local agencies with monitoring and controlling air pollution, makes information about air pollution available to the public, and reports to Congress on the status of air pollution and the progress made in reducing pollution.

As states, local agencies and tribes move forward to develop and implement programs to improve air quality and address climate change, it is important to have a good understanding of the interactions among global climate, air quality and regional climate. Tropospheric ozone, black carbon and sulfates are strongly linked to both climate and air quality. Knowledge of the linkages between climate and air quality will help develop effective programs to further improve air quality, while also addressing impacts of these programs on climate change.

The fellow selected for this project will design and implement a research project involving linkages between climate and air quality and related policy issues. Relevant policy questions that may be of interest include: (1) how might air quality management strategies be adapted in a changing climate?; (2) what effect will air quality programs in the United States have on the climate?; (3) what opportunities are there to devise and implement strategies that improve both climate and public health?; (4) how can capacity for integrated climate and air quality assessments be improved (such as air quality, economic, health and ecological), especially in light of differences in temporal and geographic scales between greenhouse gases and traditional air pollution?; (5) what are the health and climate impacts of fine particle emissions from residential cook stoves, brick kilns and other emissions sources in developing countries?; and (6) what are the impacts on Arctic warming from black carbon and ozone precursor emissions in the United States?

The fellow will meet with experts across the EPA (including the Office of Air and Radiation and the Office of Research and Development), government, and in academia to gather relevant peer-reviewed data and literature and to conduct policy-relevant analysis.

The fellow can expect to increase his or her knowledge of air pollution issues in the United States, linkages between climate and air quality (for example, science, economics and policy), and potential policy implications. Research completed under this fellowship could be applied to a Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. When the project is complete, the fellow will have accomplished one or more of the following: (1) improved skills in design and implementation of a research project, (2) identified climate - air quality linkage effects, (3) identified potential activities to provide ecosystem benefits, and (4) identified new approaches to estimate climate co-benefits.

Final Product:
The fellow will write and present a paper or presentation that describes the research conducted about the linkages between climate and air quality.

Desired Level of Education:
Graduate Student to Ph.D. Student

Project Location:
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Project Period:
5/14/2012 to 8/24/2012

Project Officer:
Dennis Shipman

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