Making Cars More Fuel–Efficient

The screen shows a side view of a car with four clickable parts.

  1. If you click the front of the car, there is a popup that reveals: “Engine. Keep your engine tuned up, change your oil, and replace your air filter regularly.”
  2. If you click the back of the car, there is a popup that reveals: “Trunk. Lighten the load; don't carry extra stuff you don't need.”
  3. If you click one of the wheels, there is a popup that reveals: “Tires. Keep your wheels aligned and your tires properly inflated.”
  4. If you click the window with an outline of a driver inside, there is a popup that reveals: “Driver. Avoid quick stops and starts, don't speed on the highway (it uses more gas!), and turn off your engine when your car is parked.”
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