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ENERGY STARŪ to Help Homeowners Seal Their Homes and Lower Winter Energy Bills (Mass.)

Release Date: 11/16/2001
Contact Information: Meghan O'Meara, (202) 944-5168 Peyton Fleming, EPA Press Office (617) 918-1008

Steve Thomas, host of America's favorite home improvement television show, Massachusetts Electric Company and Conservation Services Group (CSG) are teaming up to help homeowners across Massachusetts take advantage of the latest ENERGY STAR initiative, Home Sealing. ENERGY STAR Home Sealing is part of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ENERGY STAR program. ENERGY STAR has recently launched a new national public awareness campaign, Change, which calls on Americans to adopt more energy-efficient lifestyles at home and at work. Home Sealing is one way in which consumers can make such a change.

ENERGY STAR Home Sealing is a system approach to tightening the home "envelope" - the outer walls, ceiling, windows and floor. This includes adding insulation, especially to basement walls and to the attic; sealing air leaks to stop drafts and attain full performance from insulation; and choosing ENERGY STAR labeled windows when replacing old windows.

Heating and cooling costs account for nearly half of a homeowner's annual energy bill. Using ENERGY STAR Home Sealing to combine effective air sealing techniques with the correct amount of insulation can cut utility costs by up to 20 percent. And, since almost 20 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, a major contributor to global warming, are generated by the energy used in homes, utilizing ENERGY STAR Home Sealing can have a positive impact on the environment.

"All Americans want to use energy efficiently this winter and ENERGY STAR can help," said EPA Administrator Christie Whitman. "ENERGY STAR Home Sealing will allow American families to use energy more efficiently, save money, and be more comfortable in their homes every day."

As an incentive for Massachusetts homeowners to utilize ENERGY STAR Home Sealing, CSG offers comprehensive home energy audits at no cost through Massachusetts Electric and other area utility programs. Rebates and financing are available to families who choose to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

"We are pleased to join ENERGY STAR in calling attention to the Home Sealing effort," said Laura McNaughton, manager of Residential Services for Massachusetts Electric. "Massachusetts Electric has a long and continuing commitment to energy efficiency and we encourage our customers to participate in this worthwhile program that will help lower the cost of running homes while increasing comfort and safety."

During the coldest months of the year, ENERGY STAR Home Sealing is one of the most effective ways for homeowners to increase their homes' energy efficiency, reduce their monthly energy bills and help protect the environment - all while maintaining a warm, comfortable home.

Steve Thomas, together with ENERGY STAR and its partners, is demonstrating Home Sealing on a home in Salem, MA, on Friday, November 16. Thomas and a group of CSG professionals will use the latest diagnostic tools to show homeowners how to properly seal air leaks and insulate their homes.

ENERGY STAR is America's symbol for energy efficiency, managed by EPA with support from the U.S. Department of Energy. ENERGY STAR is empowering consumers and businesses to protect the environment through energy efficiency. For more information about ENERGY STAR, visit or call 1-888-STAR-YES.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Meghan O'Meara, 202 944-5168