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Medford, Mass. General Contractor Faces Fine for Failing to Disclose Lead Paint Hazards Prior to Renovation Work

Release Date: 05/08/2008
Contact Information: Paula Ballentine (617) 918-1027

(Boston, Mass. – May 8, 2008) – A general contracting company based in Medford, Mass. which specializes in residential construction and renovation faces an EPA fine for allegedly violating the “Pre-Renovation” requirements for disclosure of lead paint hazards.

In an administrative complaint, EPA alleges that M.F. Reynolds, Inc. failed to provide EPA’s lead hazard information pamphlets to 121 owners and adult occupants of a residential property 60 days prior to beginning renovations at the property. The lead Pre- Renovation Rule is a requirement of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act. EPA’s complaint seeks up to the statutory maximum penalty of $32,500 for each violation of the Pre-Renovation Rule.

Federal law requires renovators, remodelers, contractors, and landlords to provide the EPA lead hazard pamphlet to owners and occupants of pre-1978 housing before the remodeling or renovation work is performed.

“EPA’s lead hazard information pamphlet provides information on the potential hazards of lead paint and outlines measures that homeowners and tenants can take to protect their families from those hazards,” said Robert Varney, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office. “Exposure to lead is a health concern for many New England families – especially families with young children – because so much of our housing stock was built before 1978.”

As a result of an EPA inspection, Reynolds produced documents showing that, from June 2005 to June 2007, the company performed renovations for compensation in 121 pre-1978 dwelling units that disturbed more than 2 square feet of painted surface.
More information:

EPA Lead Paint Pre-Renovation Disclosure requirements (

lead paint enforcement in New England (

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